The Mysterious Man

In a city like "Tower,", superpowers are divided into levels.

Level 1: Requires "conditions", and the ability to display stability.

Level 2: No need for "conditions", but the ability to display is unstable.

Level 3: No "conditions" required; stable performance of abilities

LEVEL 4: No need for "conditions", it will condense the formed body, but the ability to display is unstable.

Level 5: No need for "conditions"; it will condense into a shaped body, and its ability will be stable.


"Is this Level 4 or 5?" Alicia asked while slowly moving her feet back. The soles of her feet lightly touched the ground.

"I don't know, Lily's brother should be called here; he just dealt with a Level 5 guy." Jackson said.

"Level 5 refers to the one with the red sword."

"Yeah." As soon as Jackson finished speaking, he fell into a moment of silence.

The mini-A-10 kept flapping its wings and slowly approached them. It seemed that the signal tower could detect where they were, but how did it detect them?

While Alicia was thinking, she bumped into a pillar, and at that moment, something pierced her left shoulder. She braced herself not to fold on the ground, covered the wound with her right hand, and did not move. Jackson also did not move.

The mini A-10 is the same; it just keeps flapping its wings, stays in mid-air, and the signal tower keeps turning.

It must be detecting something that could reveal their location to their enemies.

Jackson suddenly thought of something; he opened a portal on the ground and set the exit of the portal on the wall of the store next door. The hand stretched out from the exit knocked on the wall, just like the first time. Mini A-10 turned to look at his hand, but there was no bullet that Jackson had expected.

It's vibration!

When they backed up slowly just now, when their feet stepped on the ground, even if they didn't make a sound, there was already a slight vibration, but because it was too slight, even if the enemy suspected it, they were worried that they would let the target run, so they didn't dare to take any action.

However, when Alicia hit the pillar, she let the enemy know that the target was right in front of her eyes, so they fired. Unfortunately, only her left shoulder got shot, and the ensuing silence made the enemy choose to stop attacking.

Jackson let go of his hanging heart and opened a portal under his and Alicia's feet, and they fell from the hospital ceiling.

Alicia lay on a bench while Jackson sprawled on the floor.

"Wouldn't it be better if you did this earlier?" Alicia didn't dare get up because her shoulder hurt.

"Before you know your opponent, you must not easily show your ability." Jackson stood up and wiped his nosebleeds.

"You are very cautious."

"This is my principle."

"Hey, what are you doing?" A security guard came over with a stun gun.

"Oh, I just got hunted down." Jackson held out a yellow badge that read "Disciplinary Committee" and featured a unicorn with wings spread.

"Oh, wait a minute," the security guard said as he put away the stun gun and took out the walkie-talkie. "Is there a doctor?"

"There are a few more here." A man's voice came from inside.

"Okay, get the three over here; a girl from the disciplinary committee is injured."

"Okay." As soon as the voice fell, the walkie-talkie made a "beep".


"They run away." A severely hoarse uncle's voice came from a person's earphones.

"Forget it; let them continue to investigate." The man said

"Boss, then the commission..."

"Pay half first." After speaking, he put the receiver back on.

The man has a long, unkempt head, a moustache, and a goatee. He is wearing a white jacket, white jeans, and a black shirt.

He put his feet back from the table to the ground, shook his head, glanced at the three stacks of documents on the table, sighed, then got up and went into the toilet to wash his face.

To say that he is a business owner, his eyes are too lazy; to say he is an incompetent person, his actions are too decisive.

Who is he?

Nobody knows.