Elena's heartbreak

Jackson and Alicia took Brian to a fun place: the police station!

"It's not fun at all," Brian said.

"I lied to you, and I'm so sorry." Jackson told the truth.

After the automatic glass door in front of them opened, they saw a counter run by a robot with big, round eyes and a light blue uniform. If it weren't for the grey colour, Brian It is estimated that when you look at it, you will think that someone is looking at the computer.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" Its voice was feminine but electric.

"I'm here for Hudson Dingle," Jackson said.

"Okay, please wait a moment; before that, please register first." It took out an electronic device the size of a tablet computer, and when it was opened, a fingerprint pattern appeared on the screen. Jackson and the others pressed their thumbs on the pattern one after another, and the fingerprint pattern kept changing colour.

"Okay, please sit in the chair and wait." The robot put the electronic equipment back into the drawer, and its smile makes people forget that its skin colour is grey.

"So, are you going to stand?" Jackson looked at Alicia, leaning against the wall.

"Standing people live longer than sitting people," Alicia replied.

"Sitting is more comfortable than standing."

"Enough, you two little lovers." Brian shook his head.

"Hey!" This time, the two shouted tacitly.

"You guys met earlier than me; who knew you were before that?" Before Brian finished speaking, Alicia kicked him into the wall.

"Let's continue talking; I just thought about it and suddenly found something." Alicia put her foot away and said, "If it was really made by Umbriella, then how would they secretly create artificial humans?" Alicia pointed out the blind spot: "Here, there are so many monitors that there is no exact number, and even if there are places where the monitors cannot see, how can they avoid the inspection of the city government? Not only the city government but also countries will send people here to check the security situation. Oh, look! Alicia pointed at the three men in black who passed by the police station; all of them were wearing walkie-talkies, and there was a piece protruding from the pocket, apparently with a gun stuffed inside.

"This... I don't know." Jackson doesn't want to admit that the city government and all countries have problems here because there may be bugs installed by the government here. To be precise, it is not "here" but "everywhere".

"Oh." Alicia understood what Brian meant.

"Jackson?" Jackson heard a familiar voice.

"Uncle!" Jackson looked at Hudson behind him.

"This is..." Hudson pointed at Brian, who was stroking his temple.

"My name is Brian, Brian Crocker."

"Okay, come here."


Hudson opened a door, and the environment inside can only be described as "clean" and "untidy".

The floor is covered with wood patterns and is spotless; on the walls are Hudson's landscape paintings, and Brian can tell at a glance that he is imitating Van Gogh's style, and he imitates it in a decent way. There are no traces of time on the walls, which shows how much Hudson loves this Cherish office.

Beneath a painting of a port, there were three sofas and a coffee table; beside the sofa was a coffee table, and on the coffee table were three bottles of whisky and five jugs of vodka, one of which was still half full.

There is a computer on the desk, and the transparent case of the host allows Brian to see the flashing red light inside. The display screen is a game display screen, and Hudson said it is 23.5 inches. The files on the desk are neatly arranged, but they are a bit too high. Yes. Take a closer look. Why are there so many files on the table?

"Wait for me." Hudson actually went to the pile of files and then began to rummage. Jackson sighed, Brian did too, and Alicia was snickering. "Ah! Found it! Wait a minute... ah, this!" Hudson said from There he found the page he wanted in a palm-sized file.

"Chris Holder, one of Umbriella's secretaries, has served the company for more than 20 years. He has a daughter, Elena Holder, and his wife, Kelly Holder, lives in the company's dormitory. She hasn't been home for more than 10 years. The current guess is hiding the divorce." Brian and the others simply ignored all unimportant personal information and finally saw the most important words:

Life and death are unknown!

"Any clues?" Alicia asked.

"Not at all, not even his footprints; the surveillance cameras didn't capture him, and there was still a curfew at that time! So we guessed that he disappeared because he wanted to meet the underground organisation, but he was silenced. As for why he went to meet me, I don't know." Hudson concluded with a wave of his hand.

"Did you ask his daughter?"

"Brian, you learned the law for nothing! How can the police approach the students casually?" Jackson tapped his head twice and suddenly understood: "So you want us to ask his daughter, what's so strange about his dad's behaviour?"

"Yes." Hudson nodded.

"Sir, are you stupid?" Jackson shook his head and said, "she has just had an operation; are you going to send him back to the operating room?"

"Then I'll ask." Alicia also shook her head.

"Hey miss! What are you talking about?" Jackson was dumbfounded.

"It won't be long; she may not know it, or she may know it." Alicia turned and walked away. "Did you forget that there are two things in the world: newspapers and news?"

"This is the most inhumane decision I've ever made."

"I agree." Brian followed Jackson.

They left the police station.


"It's so sunny." Lily blocked the sun with her palm.

"So I told you to wear a hat." Gordon pointed to the peaked cap on his head.

"Don't try to make me jealous."

"I do not have."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing; I know your relationship is very good." Elena rushed between them.

It's 1 p.m. now, and they're going to MC Donald to buy the latest fried chicken combo (in fact, only Lily wants to eat it because she's the only one who can stand ten spicy fried chickens).

"Again, do you have the money?"

"Sister, don't always doubt me; I'm not as forgetful as you are."

"Forgetful!? Where am I forgetful?"

"They forgot the house key at home last time, so they had to call me for help."

"You... eh? Elena?" Lily found that Elena had disappeared, hurriedly searched for it in the crowd, and finally found it.

She took out a paper-thin tablet computer from the shelf in front of a bookstore, which was Tower's "newspaper", and she was looking at a photo of her father with a bold word written next to it.


"What does this mean?" Elena pasted her father's photo on Lily's face; there was anger in her eyes besides sadness. "Why did you lie to me?"

"I...you... You just finished the operation; I was worried, so..." Lily couldn't continue; she saw Elena's tears.

Elena put the "newspaper" back in the cabinet; tears rolled down her face. She wanted to walk, but she had no strength, so she could only hug Lily and endure the heart-piercing cry. Gordon didn't dare to speak; he could only caress her head.