Midnight Showdown

UMBRELLA, 2100pm

There are three people hiding in the men's room next to the boss's office.


UMBRELLA, 0200am

A door in the men's restroom opened, and a boy with silver hair came out first, followed by a boy with glasses, and the last one was a girl with black hair... Something was wrong.

"Why teleport to such a place?" Alicia said helplessly.

"There are more boys here," Jackson said.

"Democracy," Brian added.

"If forcing people about this is considered "democracy", the world must be broken."

"It's already broken."

"Okay, don't make trouble; let's go."

They kicked open the door to the men's room (because it's an automatic door), and Alicia came out and checked the door, shook her head, and said, "It looks like we broke the lock."

"Don't worry about such small things; do big things first." Jackson tiptoed.

Jackson can't use abilities now because there is a device on each floor here that can prevent superpowers from being used.

"I want to ask, how much are these sunglasses?" Brian asked Jackson.


"You said that these sunglasses can detect whether there is anyone behind the wall; you can't afford it, can you?"

"Oh, I 'borrowed' it from the police."

"Fuck,don't drag me into this."

They tiptoed and walked slowly to the door of the office. Brian glanced at Jackson, and Jackson looked at the answer given to him by the glasses: "Nobody."

"Fine, Alicia, put in that fucking card which you presumably 'borrowed'." Brian pointed to the notch in the door lock.

"Black card." Alicia took out a black card that said Hudson Dingle, poor uncle.

She inserted the card into the slot; the card was eaten instantly and then spit out after a few seconds, followed by, "Crack!"

The door opened.

You can throw the black in front of you into the ink, let the ink know what black is, and force Jackson to take off his sunglasses and turn on the flashlight function of the sunglasses, and then he sees a person lying on an office chair with his head down and his limbs limp.


Then the light was on,and many guns

He has a long, unkempt head, a moustache, and is wearing a white jacket and black jeans.

"It doesn't seem like a good day for interviews, little reporter." The man raised his orchid fingers.

"Anyone can see that." Jackson tried to ease his nervousness with the words, but they only brought the muzzle closer to him.

"I don't really want to see you guys."

"So do we." Alicia held up her hands, as did the other two.

"But I still like you guys, especially you little girl, probably from the slums?" He stood up, put away the orchids, and pointed at them with an index finger, saying, "Children in the city don't have this guts."

"Yes." Alicia nodded.

He laughed a few times; this laughter reminded one of a clown, but it was too deep; this smile reminded one of a despicable and shameless person, but his eyes were full of appreciation for them.

"You guys have such guts at such a young age; I like it." The man took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, opened the lid, and threw it against the wall. All the spilled wine went into three glasses, and the bottle stopped perfectly against the wall.

He picked up the wine glass he had just filled and distributed it to Brian and the others. They just froze in place, taking the glass slowly.

"Put it away; you don't need it anymore." The men in black accepted the man's request but still held the trigger with their fingers. "In this world, I only respect two kinds of people: 'God of War' and 'Hero. They are compassionate yet ruthless enough, and you," he pointed at Alicia, "could have been a 'hero', but your desire to fight was too strong, so you could only become a 'God of War'!"

The words were louder than thunder, especially Alicia's, "What do you mean?"

"I can turn everything in the world into data and reorganise it into the data I want," he said, looking at Alicia. "I saw your fighting desire and intelligence; I felt your compassion for anyone; I felt your disgust for evil and your relentless cruelty; you could have become a "hero"! But Your desire to fight is too high, so you can only become the "God of War"!"

Alicia lowered her head, expressionless.

"And you, Brian Crocker," the man said, showing eyes like he was looking at the animal he hates the most, "what the hell did you do?"

Jackson and Alicia didn't understand, but Brian seemed to see his nightmare; his eyes widened, his mouth was slightly parted, his hands were clutching his head, and tears were pooling in the corners of his eyes, but they just wouldn't flow.

Seeing his expression gradually distorted, Jackson and the others wanted to help, but for some reason they were lying on the ground, unable to get up no matter how hard they tried. The man explained calmly: "I increased the value of your being attracted by gravity, so... oh, it's too late." He watched them fall down, layer by layer.

Brian suddenly became expressionless, even looking a little scary. He snatched a pistol from a man in black and aimed the gun at the man's abdomen. Bang!

Blood spattered on Brian's face, and there was only one expression on his face: panic! But the instinctive reaction made him choose to shoot at another man in black who was pointing his gun at him, but the bullet deflected for some reason and hit Brian's chest, and Brian was also pushed by the inexplicable force of the bullet to the wall.

"I adjusted the angle and power of the bullet a little bit, sorry." The man showed a lazy look in his eyes, and there was a bit of hatred. "Hey, you, shoot."

"Me?" The man in black was a little confused.

"Scum like this, don't come with me to shoot the result." The man's words made Brian feel like standing up and hitting him, but he didn't have the strength. "Ask you a question, go to hell, and think about the answer," he said before leaving. "If you think you can forgive your own sins, what about them?"

He left, leaving only Brian at gunpoint.


The man in black was shot in the head.

Seeing this, all the men in black began to check where the bullets came from. After a while, they found the answer. They found a small hole in the window, and then another man in black was shot, the third, the fourth, and the fifth.

"What are you doing? Kill this kid!" A man in black got shot after saying this.

Three men in black were turning to shoot, and they were also shot, but this time from the doorway.

"Damn it! I would have brought a gun if I knew it!" A boy with glasses broke the door lock, opened it, and shot the heads of three people, saying, "Oh, there are two more." The boy with glasses hurried Shots were fired, and the head of a man in black was blown off, and the head of another man in black was also blown off by a man who shot in the opposite building.

"Hey, this guy passed out. Hey, Alicia, wait for me." Jackson said into the headset.

"Oh." Alicia, who was wearing Jackson sunglasses, was the one who shot these black men in the opposite building.