Brian's Dark Past

Dong Dong Dong!

"Please come in." A gentle aunt's voice came from the principal's office.

"Hi principal." Jackson said it respectfully and bowed, while Alicia closed the door.

"What do you want from me?" A blond woman sat on an office chair with only a pen holder on the table.

"I want to ask about this." Jackson put a printed piece of paper on the table.

"Secret research...what's wrong?"

"He was involved in a secret study, and we suspect that someone wants to take revenge on those who participated in the secret study."

"You mean, why is Brian involved?"

"You have been close to the high level of "Tower" anyway; you should have information about this matter."


a moment of silence...

"Well, I knew it was impossible to hide it for a long time. Just now, two men came to me to ask this question." The principal stood up and said so, pouring a glass of warm water to moisten his throat.

"Brian is..." the headmaster paused. "You read in your textbooks..."

murderer... God of Slaughter!

Jackson and Alicia froze, not breathing for a long time.

"The God of Slaughter..." Alicia widened her eyes, remembering a story.


There was a boy who was beaten to death by residents because his parents packed bread.

The boy waited until the residents walked away to reach the dead parents, crying and eating the blood-stained bread.

He hated himself for not having the courage to protect his parents.

He hated himself for not being able to protect his parents.

Cowardly, helpless...

What if these are turned into beliefs?


kill them

kill them

kill them


After a few minutes, it became hell on earth.


The boy laughed and licked the blood on his face. Very sweet! It is too sweet!


Suddenly, a girl wearing a black gold-rimmed jacket and a black military cap appeared in front of his eyes.


The boy took the silver sword and rushed towards the girl, then.


The girl punched her in the face.

On closer inspection, there were blue fires around her eyes, as were the fists that hit her in the face.

"I don't understand what happened to you, but I sympathise with you," the girl said, "because you will be driven to kill everyone's children, either mentally ill or insane."

"I don't need it!" The boy yelled heartbreakingly, "I don't need sympathy! I'm going to kill you!" The boy rushed forward again and ended up with a wave of quick punches. Each punch was full of weight, and the boy His nose was crooked.

The girl grabbed his collar again and slapped him again and again; the weight was heavier than her fist.

"I don't understand why you did this! I don't know who made you this way! I don't know how you got there! So I can't empathise with you! But even if I feel the same, I don't want to know what happened! Because I know! I can't take what's going on with you!"

A girl's words make a boy forget the pain.

Is this to praise him for being strong?

"I'll give you a chance to start over; if you dare to miss this chance, I'll kill you, bastard!"


With this punch, the boy fell to the ground, and his eyes were gradually engulfed by darkness.

It was at that moment that he realised how ironic that compliment was.

Killed everyone just because of the deaths of their parents?

What the hell did he do?


He laughed at himself and was taken away by the military police.


"That boy is Brian?" Jackson couldn't believe it.

The headmaster nodded.

Alicia and Jackson looked shocked.