Janice,Michael's Protective Role

Two plates of sweet and sour pork and white rice are placed on a stone table.

"Chinese food?" Janice asked.

"Ask knowingly." Michael complained.

"Delicious, but a bit sweet."

"You haven't eaten it, have you?"

There was a silence.

"I see, I hit the mark." Michael continued to eat.

"Shut up." Janice didn't want to admit it.

"Listen, if you really want to live here, you're not allowed to touch anything in my house except the TV, the fan, and the air conditioner."


Michael began to consider whether to sign her a contract to prevent her from violating the rules.

After eating, Michael slept on the bed, and Janice slept on the sofa. By the way, I took two towels, one as a quilt and the other folded as a pillow.

the next day...

"Well, it's delicious." Janice ate McDoNALD's muscle burger with a look of emotion.

"Have you never eaten fast food?" Michael questioned.

"Never had it so far."

Damn, I actually felt a little sympathetic towards the kid. Michael sighed.

"By the way, how old are you?" Michael asked.


"Then it's time for school."

"Yes, but I don't want to go today."


"Don't think I still have feelings for him; I still kind of hate him."

"That's right." Michael can imagine how helpless this child was when he saw the boy he liked kill his parents at the age of 7. "Speaking of which, how do you live after you lose your parents?"

"I joined an organisation." Janice's words made Michael a little confused.

"What organisation?"

"I remember it being called "SHADOW."


Killer Organisation?!

"By the way, I also have abilities, but they implanted them into my body." Janice said it surprisingly well.

"Ability can still be implanted." Michael is a natural ability user, and he didn't know that ability could still be implanted.

"Yes, but I don't know the process; I only know that I was injected with anaesthesia and that I was on the bed after waking up."

"..." Michael took a sip of his Coke; he had to digest the information.

"By the way, uncle, how old are you?"


"Oh, and..."


"I'm going to answer the phone." Michael got up and walked outside, and then dialled the phone: "Hello? What wrong? Please quickly."

"Are you in a hurry?" Hudson asked.

"It's winter now, and I'm outside. I'm going to freeze to death at any moment, and I have a little girl to take care of."

"Then you are so miserable, you are going to be a father?"

"Okay, what's the matter?"

"Is that girl named Janice?"

"Oh, did you call her here?"

"Yes, because she is being hunted now."


"She failed in her mission. In order to prevent her from revealing the truth, "TOWER" executives and "SHADOW" sent killers and mercenaries to kill her.


"...Understood." Michael finished and hung up the phone.

Alas, this father is really hard to be.