The Race Against Time

"Today is 2033, and it has been three years since World War III..."

The driver of Potter's family is also a vicissitude-ridden old man with white hair. Watson Valentine hesitated and wrote:

"There is nothing important today."

Putting down the pen, I stared at the window in a daze.

This is his daily life.

"Annie, are you okay?" Watson's cell phone rang, "Hello?"

"Remember me?" The lazy voice was all too familiar.

"God of Slaughter?"

"I already have a successor, so I don't need this title."

"What's up?"

"You should know my condition, Chief Intelligence Officer."

"I've memorised it all. You was the boss of 'UMBRELLA', and then you was arrested and became a police officer's 'secret'. Now you're a girl's father. Do I remember correctly?"


"So you're doing it for the girl?"

"Yeah, she was injured and needed surgery, and it turned out that there was a chip in it, which was installed when she was conducting experiments. If a foreign object enters her body, the chip will hurt her body." Michael's tone Gradually serious.

"Then how long can she last?"

"...1 day." Michael seemed to have made a lot of effort to say this sentence.

"1 day? Even if the chip hurts her body, it won't hurt so badly?"

"She had caused enough damage before that; she had already reduced her ability to load the chip, and the stun gun made her chip malfunction, and my ability has been weakened, and I can only control the external value of the object; unable to control the internal value, the chip will take her life at any time."

"Wait for me, I found it, the subway at CLC1, understand?" Watson found the answer in the files on the bookshelf, but he didn't get a reply from Michael.

He put the phone back, feeling the vitality of this 56-year-old uncle.


Michael was rummaging through a pile of documents in a room, which were all experimental records.

10059, 10060, 10061, 10062...

10063! Although her photo looks young and her hair is longer, her cold eyes prove that she is Janice.

Name, age, gender—nothing about her chip?


"Fuck!" Michael knocked on the table.

By the way, isn't the leader of Shadow, Carey Handwick, here?

...Probably escaped with the data on those chips.

Hmph, dare to hinder the first rescuer; that old man is dead.

Michael was walking in the carriage, full of the corpses of mercenaries. These people had undoubtedly never been on the battlefield, but they still lost to Michael, who had no weapons.

Michael took a machine gun, took some spare bullets with him, threw the lighter on the subway, and walked away.

Only the burning CLC No. 1 subway remains.