The Grand Plan

With an excess of origin energy, he didn't know how to spend, Maximus envisioned transforming the Etherium Realm Void Region into the heart of the Aeon Plane.

A culmination of everything—knowledge, power, status, wealth—everything one could imagine.

To achieve such a feat, his first thought was to build, build, and build.

The first step was the creation of artificial void outposts—the defensive security and starry weapons to prepare for the feature.

Not only would they defend against forces in the Aeon Plane, but they would also serve as the last bastion against the impending dark disaster.

From various void weapons, ships, towers, and supporting facilities, the defensive capabilities of the Etherium Realm Void Region would be complete.

Next was the physical manifestation of the Tower of Knowledge.

Having advanced to the Absolute of Law, Maximus began to feel the limitations of the Virtual Realm.