A girl seating on her couch with a expensive wine glass in her hand look outside of her room window the whole world has turn upside down cause of her new weapon every weapon she create another uproar came into the world along with the news of her new creation.

news of new beast appearing in planet N also spread everyone want the high tec weapon that she has made so they can easily catch the beast but the girl is not interested in everyone offer the offer they are giving her is very ordinary she don't like them at all.

"Miss Jian why don't you join our guild we will give you best resource to create more weapon moreover when we get the beast under our hand we will give you the beast skin to you" other look at the man with weird look.

everyone here know that she don't like being trapped by any guild or association but this man still try to get her join as accepted Jian raise her eyebrow at the man offer "I don't want to mister now gentleman's I want you all to bring a nice offer till then let's say good-bye"

everyone know she want them to get out from her house they were dejected they all were about to leave her house but suddenly one of them spoke "miss Jian I have something in which maybe you are interested" she raise her eyebrow at him.

she let everyone leave the room now only she and the man is left behind she look at him waiting for him to continue speaking "Miss Jian few days ago we has gone to planet Earth we found out that the toxic gas which cover the whole planet has been vanishing slowly after searching for sometime we realise that those zombies has absorb almost all toxic gas which make them more powerful we manage to kill one of zombie king I like to offer the core of zombie king along with that we found a jade pendant which is almost million of thousand year old"

she is not intersted in the core of zombie king but the new information make her very interested thousands years ago when their ancestors used to live on earth a war broke out the toxic gases releasing from the highly dangerous nuclear weapons spread in the air.

the toxic air make the human mind go crazy they become thirsty for blood resulting in apocalypse breaking out people were forced to fight against those monsters even after hundred year of fight humans were not able to clear those zombies they has no option but to leave their planet and find other places to live now the news that the toxic gases has been disappearing only has one meaning that human life is again going to live on earth.

the earth also known as planet of treasure now cause lot of rare treasure found there but no one dare to go there but now people will start going there again "show me the jade pendant" the man pass her the box in which the pendant is when she open the box a beautiful dark purple jade lay inside the box the pendant don't have many complicated pattern it's a simple flower but on careful look the flower is actually a woman covered in flower dress.

"I like this pendant I will give you the weapon" with the snap of her finger a 10 cm long double edge sword appear in her hand the sword blade is made out of pure flame stone this stone is found inside deep volcano and the beast trade about the blade is that the blade is covered in flame this flame has power to burn and melt anything coming in 10 meter distance one need to be high rank cultivater to handle this sword.

she give the sword to the man and hold the jade in her hand she found the jade beautiful the man is about to leave but suddenly aura of powerful being spread in the whole area she narrow her beautiful eyebrows and frown getting up from her couch she order "darling who is outside" a high tec 3D virtual of tiny little girl came and start reporting.

"miss lot of 12 th rank people are coming here they seem to be planning to attack us" she nodded her head and look at the man "you leave least you will fit here" the man quickly leave from there she roll her eyes "coward" she coldly sneer.

"darling prepare the defence attack" the virtual girl named darling immediately activate the defence attack if these people attack then the attack will bounce back at them "miss those people has white fox with them the fox seem to be nine tailed" her lips twitch fox are expert in breaking this type of barrier so this defence is useless she never thought her defence will not protect her.

she has no other option but to fight against those people she quickly take out her most favourite and dangerous sword double edge demon slayer this sword is made up of both flame and ice stone she take out all of her weapon to fight against those people.

she is a lazy cultivater so she never focus on getting stronger but that doesn't mean she has no skill her weapons help her to stay continue fighting for week after a week all of her strength has been exhausted she has no strength to continue fighting those people were also not in good condition some of them had died.

"quickly she has no strength left inside her right now after her death all of her weapon will belong to us" these people were greedy for her weapons in the end she died after being forced into corner but before her death she jump into the dislocated space portal along with her weapons which will transport her god know where.

but she has no strength and she has bleed alot so when she jump into space portal she closed her eyes forever but before her soul can disappear completely her blood touch the purple jade which she has put on her neck a bright purple light shone in the portal as her body completely transfrom into wisp of puple smoke and enter another portal.