are you sure...

currently everyone are gather inside the living room the doctor has just went upstairs to treat the girl wound father song has gone with him to show the room while other are gather in the living hall the girl name minmin spoke with dissatisfaction.

"aunty we should has bring a stranger inside our house" although they don't like her much but what she is saying is right they can't just bring anyone inside their house "I know minmin but... nevermind it's very late chen drop your cousin at her home her parents must be worried"

chen the youngest son of the family grumble but didn't refuse his mother word as he know his mother don't want her to be here and moreover there seem to be much more things then it look on the surface when she was sure that minmin is gone she quickly seat on the coach.

her action attract everyone as they also put their focus on her "well in the forest we didn't saw her face but at the road side we saw her face and find out that her face is 90% similar to your grandma so.... her speech was cutted by her forth son "so you have doubt that she must be lost sister I'm I right" she nodded her head.

"are you serious mom just cause her age match with our sister and her face is similar you directly came into this conclusion" her third son start complaining he is usually quite and don't speak much but now he is showing dissatisfaction.

"I'm not saying that it's her we only have a doubt currently she unconscious we will secretly do parenteral test and know if my guess is right or not we don't need to inform her about it but if the test is positive then we need to tell her everything" she seem to be excited the girl who was silent from start spoke.

"mother even if she came out to be sister is she going to accept us what if she hate us for making her a killer if we has not lost her then she must has grown up as a princess not a killer" their was silence even the dissatisfied third brother silent after all if they think carefully which person want to be killer if they has lovely family.

mother song face fall she start feeling terribly sorry for her daughter even though she act strong infront of children only her husband know how many nights she has cried to sleep how much sorry and guilty she is "no matter what if she is my daughter then I will try my best to make up for her" she was determined to do everything for her daughter happiness.

the girl who has spoke is the adopted daughter of song family she is little pampered princess when she heard that the real princess is coming she felt weird and sad soon father song also can't down as he look at everyone dejected face he know his wife has drop the bomb on the children's.

"kid's I want you all to behave till we get the result we can't have our hope high but that doesn't mean you will behave rudely specially you" father song point at forth brother nose and scold him "if you dare to do any prank then I will do a prank on you understand" he glare at him forth brother stuck his tongue at him and hide behind his mother.

"and also don't let minmin know about it or else she cause a drama at home mother and father will surely won't let us bring her back" everyone mood sulk more when they heard about their grandparents they only know about profit even look at family only for profit no one here like them but still those people has give birth to their father this is the only reason why they are still tolerating them.

"and I also has another announcement when leizi will turn eighteen we will announce her engagement with Shang now I think we all should rest everyone go to your room and sleep we will talk about it in the morning" with that they all head to their room to rest.

everyone are tired from all today events they don't want to talk anymore or they all head to their room and drop on their bed to sleep but that night few people was not able to fall asleep faw away from the song mansion someone was turning and tossing in the bed.

he was none other then young master ye he is the youngest son and the CEO of ye enterprises the most famous company he has lot of businesses under his name but still he don't like this type of life since the childhood he has insomnia cause of this he has terrible problem in falling asleep usually he take sleeping pills but continue consume of them is dangerous.

so he has no choice but to approach doctor for help but even after consulting lot of best doctor he can only sleep for two or three hours after that he will continue turning and tossing around this has become a habit for him know when he can't sleep anymore he open his laptop and start working.

suddenly his phone ring picking up the phone he notice a message from his elder brother he raise his eyebrow at the content of the message he didn't believe his brother nonsense but cause of continued messages he gas no other option but to reply him.

him: "???"

elder brother: "you are not believing what i told you now but trust me I'm not lying I saw a black smoke eating all the things in his way it was really scray"

him: "so"

elder brother: "...."

looking at the word 'so' on his phone screen third master ye curse at his not so obedient younger brother he wabt to beat that brat but he know he can't win a fight against him all the brother of ye family has choose different occupation third master has choose to join military and has achieve alot.