
she is walking on the street of city A the whole city filled with forest and natural sceneries even the shops and road are surround by trees this place can be called a tree heaven for her who has seen this much trees it's simply beautiful having a relax walk in this type of street is the most beautiful things.

she was walking while enjoying the scenery but stop when her nose smell sweet and delicious fragrance of cake from the bakery her eyes lip up entering the bakery she order few pieces of diffrent flavours cake when she extend her hand to take the bag the cashier ask her when she saw her hand.

"girl is your hand okay" only then notice that her knuckle has some brushes she couldn't help but curse the man who dodge the punch causing her to hit the wall behind him "no it's okay I actually like boxing so this type of injuries are normal" she smile politely at her and take the bag the cashier is kind enough to tell her about her injury.

now she need to hind her hand from song family if they saw this they will think she has killed someone again like seriously she is not a lunatic to kill without any reason but it's much better to take precautions she can't behave recklessly here it's not city k where death is normal.

she exit the shop and head toward the song mansion meanwhile inside the mansion whole song family is seating in living room with solemn look on their faces as they look at the doctor who has came with the report mother song has called everyone home before hearing the result father song cough and spoke to doctor.

"so what's the result doctor is the result out or not" although he look calm he is very nervous and little bit excited to know the result "yes Mr. Song the result are out" everyone become tense mother song hold father song hand tightly she is nervous and has little hope inside her heart.

"your guess is right according to the result she is the long lost miss not only I has done DNA test with you but I also match her DNA with the real miss that the result is 100% congratulation she is your daughter" mother song burst into tear as father song hug her tightly with a smile on his face boys has weird expression the most reaction is of leizi.

"doctor you said you match the DNA of real miss did you have the DNA of her in your hospital" she ask the question which make her little confuse it sound very reasonable question the doctor nodded his head "yes it's true back then when she was born she has bring shock to the whole hospital cause she was born with very rare blood type and the girl whom you called me to run test on also has same blood type this type of blood is only 1% of world population you can guess how much rare it's

so there are no chance that someone can arrange same blood to forge the result it's true she is the daughter of the song family" how can doctor don't know what she want to say but as experienced man he know how to handle this type of situation not only he mention that it's impossible to arrange same type of blood to forge the result.

"is her blood that rare" she was shock with this information "dear leizi want you to not talk about her blood type at all you don't know but it can be risk for her life now I know why those people want her" mother song warn her she give her obedient smile and nodded.

"thank you doctor and sorry to trouble you to create the result in just a day we actually don't have any excuse to make her stay here" father song thank the doctor he is old friend of him so he is not worried if he will realease this information that why he dare to connect him about the matter.

father song drop the doctor to his car and came back mother song start crying her heart out infront of doctor she has maintain her image and only shed few tears but now their are no outsider so cry her heart out while saying how much injustice her daughter has receive all these years.

"mother calm down now we has find her we will make it up for her stop crying it's a good thing we has found her" mother song nodded her head as she wipe her tear "you are right it's a good news I should not cry and make everyone sad but how we are going to tell her about this" as soon as her word end they heard sound of something falling when they turn around they saw her standing behind them.

she give them unfriendly look totally opposite to her kind and polite smile the look she gave as she is looking at strangers she head toward them "you take my blood sample without my permission" seeing that everyone are silence she take a deep breath before speaking "did you take my blood sample and give it to the doctor"

Song Sheng "we don't want to give you false hope that why we didn't tell you about it and yes we did yesterday when you were unconscious we take your blood sample" she curse under breath and ask "where is the doctor who take my blood" only then they realise on what thing she actually angry about.

"don't worry he will not tell anyone about your blood type" song Shang try to calm her down but it only make her more angry "those people are keeping an eye on me if they get their hand on the blood sample then everything will end we need to get the sample back and destroy it and lells talk later about me being your daughter this matter is much more important"