basketball match or dual...

the girl who has study wrong subject was laying on the desk with dejected and look like she has no will to live anymore the class monitor who happen to be her deskmate mutter to her "students choi don't worry even if you fail this test you had already revise your math this mean you has study your math in advance in the exam it will be really helpful"

but Gu Ming word only make the girl surname choi to start crying he become panick he has never deal with this situation before "why are you crying is someone dead" the girl was startled by the new student name Jian she look at her who has her eyes half closed probably not waken up.

"I'm sorry student Jian for disturbing your sleep" but she has already waken up so she get up from seat and seat beside the boy who has study anything "then why are you crying like someone is dead" the girl has long brown and hazel blue eyes which is very rare in Asia to born with this type of eye colour.

"no one is dead is just I don't know today is Chinese test and end up preparing for math and my Chinese is not good I has came from foreign place so I'm veey worried about my today test" she nodded her head in understandment that why her eyes colour are different.

"hey who care about test I'm going to see basketball match who is coming with me" students choi raise her hand high both Jian and Gu ming has no interest in the match "hey why don't you join us Jian you are new in this school you don't know but this match is awesome cause sometime both of our school get into actual fight"

she has no interest in watching batch of kids fighting with one or two trick they know but she was dragged by the girl Gu Ming try to escape but was grab by other boy to follow them to the basketball ground she was stunt to see hundred of student in the field to watch the match in the way she get know that the hi with brown hair name is choi Ara the boy with glasses is Gu ming the class monitor and the last boy name is Bao xing.

four of them seat in a corner both xing and ara were excited while she just wanted some peace both Ming and her were seating with not so interested look on their face by the time match started she was already dozzing off when three of them saw her they were speechless.

the match continue for two hour before the end of the match she was woken up by loud noises she felt dizzy cause of noises.

she shout to ara cause of the loud noises they can't hear each other voices "ara I'm going back first" she was too focus on her cheering that she didn't hear her.

she has no choice but to stay seated on the seat she was feeling irritation cause of noises she just want to hit someone cause of noises but she stop her weird thoughts she frown and look at the field she notice that the whole ground is filled with students of both school as they snatch the ball from each other last two mintues are left and the score board is equal.

if any of the team manage to make a goal then they will won but if they didn't manage to do it in time the game will consider as tie between both school currently the boy from our school has ball he didn't let anyone take the ball he jump to put the ball in the basket a student from other student pull his leg which making him to fall down.

another student grab the ball and throw it toward their basket and the goal happen resulting in other school win but it was clear that the boy has done cheating not only he pull him but he also purposely stomp on his feet resulting injury this cause the students to become angry.

Team A angrily start arguing with team B seeing that the argument is being heated and fight is about to brake out she spoke "let's go from here" xing and ara whine but after receiving glare from her they obediently get up from there seat but some students saw them leaving.

its the students from other school he stretch his leg to trip gu ming but he casually avoid his leg those student though he is lucky but Jian very well he is not but xing become unluckily as he didn't look down ending up trip from the student leg but she was fast enough to catch him by this collar and help him to steady himself.

xing was at the age where they are courageous and hot blooded he angry shout at the boy "you did that on purpose" his loud voice attract the attention of the students arguing in the field they stop fighting and walk toward the new commotion.

the boy sneer and spoke "yes I did that on purpose you are just some loser you only know how to shine and complain like girls" ara is like a cat who's tail has been stepped "why are you including girls In your fight huh who give you right" the boy saw the the girl who has step is beautiful the look he give her was disgusting.

ara become disgusted by his look Ming frown and step infront of ara blocking the boy gaze from her "look we are students fighting is not good for us and we should not cause trouble like this we can simple talk about it" the boy was already unhappy when his plan to trip him failed now he is blocking his view he become angry.

"hey nerd go and read your book or complain to teacher like a good student but don't step into my business" other student start laughing ofcourse their school know about him he is the class 7 monitor he has good grade but he always wear glasses and his hair cover his face