test trail...

song Sheng face fall he look at her gloomily "I can help you" with that he roll his sleeves and help her to move the furnace till now he don't understand the use of these things but he still didn't ask her.

"well thanks for helping me you seem to be going somewhere" he look at the file laying in side he realise that it's not like Jian don't like them but she just think that they are extremely busy so she never talk to them.

he pause for a sec before replying "no I don't have any work right now if you don't mind can I stay here" she eye him suspiciously but in the end she said "okay" with that she turn around and put her focus on the things.

first she take out all the raw material then heat them up in differently the temperature in the room is very high he has already remove his coat both of their forehead are covered in sweat Sheng look at her focus eyes.

he has some understanding of this new sister of his she don't like girly things moreover her interest is in blacksmith she is not very difficult person to talk but she don't like being disturb while she is working.

he saw her as she run back and forth sometime heat the metal then hit it with hammer her whole body is covered in sweat he look at the various pieces on the ground till now he don't understand what she is making.

but soon he realise what she doing when the thing start taking firm he saw her as she stand there with a satisfied smile on her face she pick up various tiny chips like things and fix them into a bracelet.

when the thing was done he look at her with surprise on his face "you made a bike" although it look like racier bike all the things she has fix in the bike don't seem to make this bike simple bike.

"want to go on test drive" she throw the bracelet she has made previously toward him he look at her in confusion "this bracelet is the key of the bike without this you can't control the bike"

he nodded his head and wear the bracelet the design of bracelet was quite simple it's in the shape of chain with a skull curved on it the eyes of skull are blue giving spooky feeling.

"okay I had made this bike for xing after the test trail I will ask him give his bike any name right now let's go with system 001 elder brother"

he was quite dissatisfied when he heard that the bike is for a boy but all dissatisfaction vanish when she called him elder brother he calmly nodded his head.

he hop on bike and look at her not knowing how to start the bike "shout system 001 start the bike you had to give me to the controler and bike differently like this darling bring Lucifer here"

Lucifer who is standing quietly in a corner activate with roar and came to her she hop on it and wear the helmet Sheng was surprise to know that the bike is actually automatic he surpass the excitement in his heart.

"system 001 start the bike" the bike roar make him more surprise although he has seen the whole process with his eyes he is still shock by this.

both of them leave the mansion on there bikes the howling sound of wind make Jian cheer loudly the normal speed of the bikes are extremely fast cause of the speed.

traffic police start chasing them Sheng want to stop but she didn't making him to follow her soon they leave police behind them this is the first time Sheng did something like this but he has lot of fun.

when both of them return from there trip sky already has darken after parking there bike in the garage they came up he has rare smile on his face.

when mother song saw this she was overwhelmed by emotion she don't remember when her elder son smile last time but it look like it has been years since she saw his smile she was very happy.

she told everything to father song he also smile at his wife who look like a child reporting exciting incident that happen in her school he is also very happy today.

leizi was very surprise to see Sheng home usually he stay in office in other word he is complete workholic who know nothing but only his work this is the reason why she don't want to be together with him.

normally the five brother are not home so the dinning table is always empty but today not only Sheng is home but even song Kai is home today which is very surprising cause of his busy schedule he don't come normally.

mother song is very happy not only her eldest son has smile he is even mood to chat with her while talking to him she don't forget to put food in Jian plate while doing that.

"mom I want to you about something" mother song look at her forth son who is extremely handsome has wild aura around him he is very straightforward when talking cause of this he get into lot of trouble this make her angry alot.

she also don't like the idea of him entering the entertainment industry but he want to do that and she don't want to destroy her son happiness so even though she was unwilling she let him do whatever he want.

Kai thought he is going to receive another scolding but to his expectations mother song spoke in gentle voice "sure what do you want to talk" he was taken back previously he has thought a way to convince her but now.

"mother a variety show is going to be broadcast and I'm invited" seeing that she has not explored in anger he quickly spoke "i has to take one family member in the show" he close his eyes ready to listen to her scolding.