variety show...

suddenly sound of car honking beard disturbing everyone soon a women in pair of red high heel came down from the car with a man who seem to be older then her the women is Jiangsu an idol who has debut in girl group this year cause of her beautiful vocals she is quite liked by people's.

behind him is Jiang jin he is the most talented master of Jiang family Jian raise her eyebrow Jiang family is ranked third in

city A following them came li family they are military family their several generations has served in military so they has no interest in variety show or power struggle but cause of the awesome achievement they had receive in battle field they are ranked forth.

song family came after li family their business is also wide spread cause of this all the four family has to give face to song family but she is very surprise to see the top three family on the show this show is going to hidden battlefield for power struggle all the people know the director has done this purposely to create hype and attract traffic.

maybe it seem like normal live broadcasting show this is hidden battlefield one wrong step and you will die here this is what ara has told her but she is never scared from battles infact she love them after the introduction it's was time to choose the rooms everyone gather in living room.

"welcome everyone in 'bond with siblings' you all must be familiar with the show but still I will tell you the rules you all are going to stay here for a week in this week you all will be given different task at the end of the day viewer will vote for their favourite pair of siblings the more vote you has the more chances you have to win this show now let me give you all your room"

"so their are three room so you all can decide with whom you want to share the room with" everyone face fall viewer were overjoyed.

(white rabbit: director really know how to catch people off guard)

(kai wife: I'm really intersted in knowing who is going to share the room with who)

(netizen 1: director is really ruthless he doesn't even let them rest and has already throw them in difficult position)

(manman: am I the only one here who don't understand what's to difficult in choosing room mates can someone explain)

(netizen 3: basically si, sang and Jiang family are competitor they can't stay in same place without doing competition other are not that complicated)

someone was king enough to explain to dumbfounded girl who thanks the netizens in the end Lily, Elise, shuman and shuhua decide to share room then the second group is sang tang, sang jue, Jiangsu and Jiang jin in second room so the last people were left to stay in same room song kai, song Jian, si-xu and

si-xue in the last room.

(drama king: I thought Jian is innocent girl but she not even object in staying with three man although the one of them is her relative but still she is shameless)

his comment really has some effect as they start calling Jian shameless ara must be an idiot if she don't realise that this person is purposely attacking Jian but why she don't know but that doesn't mean she is not going to do anything about it but currently her comment will surely tell that she is commenting in her favour this will have negative effect on her so she has to wait for right time.

song Sheng frown when he saw the mean comments about Jian luckily Jian can't see the comments so there's some time to mend the situation he quickly order his assistant to do something about these comments.

meanwhile in capital city a man seating on sofa with computer on his lap as his assistant tell him about everything happening around Jian he look at the comments which are calling her shameless his eyes darken he has already take her as his women how can he let someone insult her he look at his assistant who know what he need to do.

everyone head to there room to rest inside the room there are four beds infact she really don't mind after all she has came from future where everyone are very open minded moreover the original owner has live in arena underground where fighters where thrown like sacks not caring about gender so she has no resistance toward them.

In the afternoon everyone gather in living room waiting for lunch but suddenly they heard director speaking from speaker fixed in the villa "everyone today you all has to cook for yourself everyone will be separated into three group your room mates are going to be your team mates for next seven days all the ingredients that you needed are prepared in kitchen"

everyone start grumbling everyone present here are pamper by their parents how can they possibly know how to cook

so they were in big trouble Jian get up from the sofa toward kitchen she is the youngest among everyone so seeing her taking first step everyone quickly follow her toward kitchen.

everyone form three different group as they discuss about the food they can made while there team are looking at each other waiting for other party to speak first in the end kai who is the oldest among them spoke "okay do any of you know about cooking" boys shook their head she spoke.

"help me wash the vegetables and cut them make sure to cut vegetables not your hand" boys face turn red in embarrassment.

(netizen2 : hahahaha that was quite good)

(white rabbit: but the director really know how to make show intersting I quite fun to watch some pamper kids cooking)

(kai wife: oh my god how my husband supposed to cook husband call me their I will cook for you)

(drama king: Jian has taken the responsibility of cooking is her cooking not poisonous)

(Queen: maybe her cooking is not poisonous but someone heart is)