creepy building...

this incident make lot of people to have some impression on her she is straightforward and blunt while sang tang try to use sympathy which make people to have bad impression of her while the person involved in this matter is peacefully sleeping in her shared room.

although some has try to belittle her for staying in room with three man's one of them is her own brother while she is also not very tolerant of people that why the boys in her room were silent as they try to appear proper infront of her after all this whole place is filled with camera there every single move is catch by them.

in the early morning she woke up at 4 am which is her biological clock after getting them she take a bath and did some basic combat practice currently no one is up they are sleeping very peacefully while she was practicing she was suddenly pulled away if it's not for the familiar scent she has directly attack him.

but she is still very irritated with the fact that her body is very comfortable and can recognise him without even looking at him this make her more confuse and annoyed while he was happy to see her not struggling but her dark face is clear to him a smile form on his lips he look at the girl who has unhappy look on her face and suddenly has thought of teasing her.

"so little zi is having good time here" when he smile he look more charming but she was immune to his looks after all from where she has came handsome people can only used as toy to play.

"look like forth master ye has done some research about me which is more detailed then others" that's right no one know her full name only her parents and brother know her full name which is Song Jianzi so there are very less chance of other people knowing about it since they had not announce about her identity she didn't introduce herself with full name.

"little zi is such mood spoiler you are no fun to tease" the smile on his lips remain which make her feel weird feeling in her whole body she grown and push him away her strength is something he can't compare to so it is easy to push him away but eyes darken he don't like this feeling of being pushed away specially when the person doing it is her.

"little zi do you really like to stay here if you wish to leave I can help" she didn't even look at him and walk away ignoring his questions although this place is boring her brother needed to attend this whole broadcast show or else she has never come here walking toward her shared room she realised that other has woken up.

everyone woke up one by one when it's 7 am everyone has woken up and the broadcast has started again the whole comment section is filled with scene of yesterday how everyone were fireced to work for whole day everyone gather in the living room waiting fir director to give them a mission.

seeing that everyone has gather in the living room director glance at the almost silent comment section only one or two comment pop up this is something he want his intention is to catch everyone off guard this will not only make the show more popular but new trending list can be achieved.

"good morning everyone today breakfast is from the production team side after the breakfast we will leave the villa to the forest I will explain you today mission in the forest so everyone please be ready" seeing that dire tor has broad smile on hid face everyone is habing bad promotion about this mission.

but since the breakfast is provided by the production team everyone relax and eat there fill while the director realease a statement in the main comment section of the show which make nitizen to spread the new quickly soon lot of people start coming in the broadcast this make the director smile in glee.

he look at the statement which he has send in the comment section then at the photo which he post on his official social media account in the photo stood a large and creepy looking building which is the venue of the today mission just by looking at building everyone can guess what kind of mission it's going to be everyone is very excited about it this mission.

(oh my god the director surely know how to create theme for the show)

(this is going to lit I'm excited for today show)

(poor people don't even know what is goi g to happen to them)

(commenter upstair you are right I too feel pity for them that why I had already prepare some melon seed and cold drink let me weep for my idol while eating them)


(prepare popcorn and coke)

while everyone are seating in the car after sometime they were told that the car can't continue moving forward they has walk girls stsrt grumbling but they don't dare to make a fuss out of it after all they are being filmed

they can't bare to loss their face infront of camera so they came out from the car and start walking.

after walking for sometime they saw creepy building the whole forest was filled with sound of insects chipping in this kind of place this building look very creepy she was quite surprise with the fact that director manage to find such creepy place actually it's not very surprising cause the while city A is covered with forests and woods lot of building are build inside them after not using them they take form of these creepy building.

everyone came out from the car and look at building with some fear but she is calm and don't care about it she is waiting for the director to tell them about today mission she is having feeling that lot of surprising things are going to happen today and she is looking forward to it.