one step closer to family...

she came out from her hidden place and walk toward them when three of them notice her presence they all smile at her ara immediately throw herself in her arms without any care of the world as she start complaining about how hard the training is but she no intention of letting her off easily.

"if you don't trained then how you are going to protect yourself from any harm" ofcourse ara know about that but it still don't stop her from being crybaby and complain about the training to her she can only listen to her complaints and all after all xing has told her how she fight with people for her so she can only helplessly listen to her.

after the training they all head back to there homes on their newly gifted bike after being influenced by her they all named there bike as Ara choose Luna, ming choose Lara and xing choose Lucy when she heard there names her lips twitch as she take her leave first when she reach the mansion she park her bike in the garage.

when she saw boxes in the garage her eyes lit up opening the box one by one she smile in satisfaction every single thing is of high quality the only thing she lack is flame stone she has issued the mission on dark web now she is waiting for reply from someone who can get the stone for her if no one connect her next three days she will take the matters in her hand.

she grab the paper and start making a design for her sword after she was done with the design she was not satisfied with it she felt like something is missing but she still don't understand what can make this sword more lethal suddenly the garage door opened she didn't even turn around as she spoke.

"I don't have time and mood to entertain you please leave" her voice was cold she don't like it when someone disturb her during her work Ye Shanghai who has just enter pause for a sec before ignoring her glare he seat on the chair opposite to her and look at the paper seeing the design of the sword he was surprise as he look at her.

"you can make swords" she ignore his word even after being ignore he didn't show angry expression but smile at her he take out something from a box when she saw the sword laying in the box she pause this is the original owner sword this sword was won by her in a fight the material used to make this sword is top notch that why she has been searching for this sword if she use the sword material to make another one the result will surely good.

"took you long enough to return my sword" he only glance at her lightly before speaking "I though you don't want this sword anymore after entering the song mansion and will live life of rich lady" she look at him seeing that she is looking at him without any expression he smile at her.

"I had if the world is not about to go into mess" her word make him look at her with frown "what do you mean by the this" she lightly respond "you know very well what I mean" he suddenly remember that he had seen her coming out from that forest she must has seen the black smoke this mean she know something about the smoke.

"can you tell me what you know" she pause before lowering her head hiding the dark light glint in her "I only know that the world is not going to be peaceful any more nothing more or less" with that she went silent he also know that she is not going to tell him anything after all she don't trust him...yet.

his eyes fall on the list of the material she needed when he saw the flame stone on the list an idea appear in his mind "zizi why do you need flame stone hmm" she didn't even look at him making him feeling helpless against her "if you want I can help you to get the stone" as expected she look at him with excitement in her eyes.

when he saw her brighten eyes he felt like teasing her "but you don't like taking someone help so let's forget about it" he saw as her face turn darken as she glare at him he chuckle at her reaction and play with her hair seeing that her eyebrow are frowned he felt pang in his heart "tomorrow someone will deliver the flame stone to your house make sure to leave your room window open"

if someone else has hear these word they must has blush or feel shy but she is not like this she only raise her eyebrows at him "just that" he nodded his head "hmm just that now go to bed and rest it's ready very late" with that she head to her room to sleep in the morning when she was cultivating someone knock on her door.

"come in" a maid enter the room and inform her that someone is here to deliver some things to her she excitedly run downstairs she is still in her nightgown when the morning sunlight fall on her body her body seem like it is glowing brightly when she saw the people carrying a box made up of sepical material she was thrill with excitement.

but she notice that more people are entering with another box at first she don't realise that the second box is also for her when she get to know abouth that she was surprised she ask those people to place the two box in her garage she quickly head upstairs and came down after taking bath.

"mother I'm not going school today I'm going to work in my garage" at first she was hesitating to call her mother but she saw mother song eyes turning red when she call her mother she decide to call her that from now on mother song nodded her head repeatly she was very happy.

"yes you can stay home but you need to eat your breakfast first" she seat down on the dining table meaning that she will eat her breakfast making her more happy.