Twin Ice Flame Sword...

after being cut by the sword the tree started burning into ashes the flame are different it has hint of purple colour in it which is quite surprising thunderous applause sounded in the surrounding she look at the faces of her family everyone has different reaction some are in shock, some are in awe, some are excited but some are also not very happy with it.

"you all are too shock just by the trailer what reaction you all going to have when you saw the whole move" everyone pause as they look at her waiting for her to bring more surprises to them which she clearly did she put the sword back in it cover and out the other sword as soon as the sword was uncovered the whole surrounding temperature fall down rapidly thin layer of ice appear on the already burnt ground causing wave of shock.

everyone eye were widen they stare at the second sword in her hand with shock, excitement and awe she was preparing to use her second sword with swish sound another tree was cutted with just one strike of her sword in next sec the tree turn into frozen piece of ice everyone look at her with surprise in there eyes mother song and father song had a prideful look on there face when they look at her.

Sheng walk toward her but he froze when he came near only then he realised the true power of the sword she put back her sword and look at him "the show is still going on" he raise his head and give her smile while retreating back to his place she take out both sword at the same time the temperature suddenly seprate into two giving powerful aura when both sword were taken out together there aura and strength doubled.

they don't know how she did it although both are different element they weirdly get well along not only they are attacking each other but they are settling in their side peacefully with no idea of attacking this is profit of using see her own flame to forge she happily look at everyone shock face infront of there shocked eyes she raise both sword together.


with a click sound both sword hilt were connect making it one sword when she swing the sword it cause more destruction then previously used alone both sword complement each other making everyone more shock today the amount of shock they has receive today is unimaginable they has never thought that the things they see in tv can happen in real life.

she look at everyone shock expression a idea came into her mind infact they all already has seen the black smoke in forest so it's hard for her to explain all these things to them and coincidently everyone are present today it's much better to speak with them now she put her sword back and walk inside the mansion as she listen to excited kai, jang was quite embarrassed to ask her about anything.

when everyone were eating there dinner Jian cough gaining everyone attention "mother, father and everyone I know something that you also need to know" everyone peer up there ear at her words "what we need to know Jian" Shang ask her in his gentle voice which give her some confidence to tell them the truth.

"well guys do you remember the place where we first meet" there was silence for few sec being thd eldest Sheng spoke "so do you know something about it" she nodded her head "actually I can't tell you everything but the only thing I can tell you is that the world is going to be mess animals will turn into crazy beast human will hunt humans to survive" she spoke all these things while eating.

no one can tell that she is speaking about the end of the world by the way she is eating it was like she is discussing about weather making everyone speechless but they can't also ignore her after all they has escape with there life from the forest that day making it not hard to believe it.

"but how you know about it if I remember correctly you has rare blood group could it be your blood help you to sense things" Jian look at leizi like she is looking at an idiot leizi blush in embarrassment but she still manage her composer "i has stay in a research institute for some time they end up messing with some kind of drug which gave birth to the black fog they has not develop one kind of druga but they are alot"

she was speaking the truth it was the institute which create the drug not her she look at leizi with clear conscience she look away in guilt "so what should we do now" father song has turn serious he can see the trouble which is going to happen in the near future.

"We need to stock up food which can last long for some period of time we also need to double the security of the mansion along with that we need weapon too for our protection father you can see about food and security I will take care of weapons" everyone has solemn look on there face they also know about the degree of danger they know she is not lying after all they has seen the black fog and there's no profit of lying in this matter.

"We will listen to you if what you are saying is truth then we need to start stocking up early as for weapons can you make something low key your two sword are too high profile they will cause lot of attention when you will use of" father song don't want to criticise her but her swords are really too high profile

she can't refuse this fact.

"speaking 9f swords does your sword have a name I think this type of swords should be given some powerful name" everyone get agree with Chen words "do you really think I has not think about a name it's 'Twin Ice Flame Sword'