
They all continue moving in the forest even after searching for an hour they didn't find any animal or living beings she suddenly moving forward making others confuse she look at her left side everyone look at the direction where she is staring soon they heard sound of messy and heavy footsteps.

"hiss this much kin sense of sound this girl is truly amazing" janghon comment while staring at the direction from where the sounds comes from everyone move there torches in direction giving them much clear view some of them grab their guns ready to shoot whatever monster came in there way.

"what the... this is impossible" her sudden shout of cry startled everyone causing everyone to lower their guards at time something attack them making everyone to fall into choas "run run run don't stay here don't let's these take you away with them"

with her shout everyone start their cars engines and start running away only then one of the soldier dare to turn his head to look at the things that's has attack then but what he saw make his head numb a large group of human skeleton are running behind them they greet there jaw together creating irritating sound.

the empty socket of their are eyes are replaced with dim red light making them look more terrifying a soldier was too shock that he don't manage to balance himself and fall down but he grab by janghon who toss him inside the car as he shout "don't look behind you" he very well if they look behind fear will take best of them and if they got scared right now they will be in great disadvantage.

"do you what this thing are" Shanghai shout at her as he shout one of the skeleton but to his surprise as soon as the bones scattered they will connect back and start chasing them making him frown.

"Stop firing it's useless they undead the one who are alive after receiving death they don't die from any weapons only spiritual fire can deal with them currently their are not high do you have any kind of powerful bomb with you" he nodded his head after hearing her words.

"but how did you know about it" janghon was very curious about it but his question make her cough blood in anger "can we deal with them first before talking about this" she angrily shout at him he smile at her in embarrass he was too curious that he forget about the problem in hand.

they deserve to be called best special forces commandos not only there mentally is good but they also adjust with the situation very quickly just after her solution they out some garnade and throw them at the groups of undeads this blast only cause the undead to stop assembling immediately but after few minutes they again start chasing.

"they are 2nd rank undead among them ohh my god we are done for"

"does this rank has something to do with their strength" Shanghai ask her.

"of course yes higher the rank the more hard they are to kill just as you see those 1st rank undead are now dead but 2nd ranks are still chasing us now only pray that we don't encounter 3rd rank undead"

"oh my god this is the last day of my life" one of the soldier let out a sarrowful cry irritating ming "can you stop howling like that these sound created by undead are already giving me headache" ming scolding shut the soldier but he don't mind being scolded by a kid after all Ming is not crying or making fuss like him.

"so are we going to continue running away from them" janghon ask her he didn't realise that he has subconsciously accept her as his leader after all she know about these things more then them.

"no we are not going to do that at first we need to find a safe place to rest we all are catch off guard by this sudden attack of undead we beed to came up with a plan if we wish to escape from here" everyone felt her idea is reasonable but the main problem is that.

"but is there any place to hide in this forest" another soldier chip in the conversation.

"yes there is a research institute is in this forest speaking of this it's all fault of that damn place" she whisper the last part to herself not wishing to let them hear but to her bad luck Shanghai and janghon who seem to be born in year of dog heard her but they don't have time to ask her anything.

after receiving the direction everyone speed up their vehicles luckily their vehicles don't seem to have any problem of travelling in woods only the car is hard to move but on bikes it's easy to dodge the trees now those soldiers are regretting not bring bikes with them but it seems like luck is not with them anymore.

"why does these undead stop chasing us" one of the soldier notice is abnormality this make everyone to cheer in happiness but only her face is darken janghon notice her as he shoyt at her.

"don't tell me theirs something bad about it" now the happy atmosphere has quiten down she start speaking.

"usually undead are the most fearless creature something that can make them stop is not ordinary at all I'm scared that we are in territory of some powerful undead or other crearure"

"..." there was moment of silence when suddenly weird noises start caming from a different direction but why does these noises sound different.

"umm I'm only the one who's think that it's the sound of someone talking" it was unknown which soldier spoke but everyone nodded their subconsciously agreeing with that soldier's.

"everyone grab your weapons if that creature is something dangerous we will fight to death" but to his surprise few figures of humans can be seen from the blurry light of the cars.

"they are humans"