baby kitten...

while everyone were busy looking at them forming the contract a group of newborn kitten were laying behind the fruit tree one of the kitten open his eyes for the very first time in his life he look at his surrounding in confusion.

he don't know why he is laying their he look around himself in confusion but his attention was attract by a very tempting fragrance he came out of the hole in which he was born this hole was dig by the female cat who has given birth to the kittens.

he look at the large group of animals he become scared but when the smell again reach his nose he become tempted by it as he climb on the tree but it was proved that his body is very small to climb the tree but he didn't give up on the idea of climbing the tree.

after serval failed attempts he manage to climb on the tree he walk on the branch with some fear but when he saw fruit greed overshadow his fear he slowly but surely reach the fruit and try to pluck it but the fruit was bigger and heavier then him so he give up on this idea.

he look at other animals and saw they are still busy staring at the both human and white mall of meat he seat on the branch and take a big bite of the fruit his eyes widen in amusement he continue eating the fruits as he also join other animals looking at them.

he was like bystanders with a fruits in his paw as he watch and enjoy a good show soon half of the fruit was gone his stomach was full but he stubbornly take another bite but he was not able to eat more so he give up on idea of eating more soon sleep take over his body as he fall asleep.

jian look at the asleep cat and the half eaten fruit with some amusement she walk toward it and pick up the cat she can tell clearly that it's a newborn one as he sleep after eating what other were fighting for when other beasts' came back to their senses only half fruits was left behind.

the python was fast enough to grab the fruit fearing that other will snatch it from him he quickly shallow it when beast saw it they all angrily stomp their feet as they chase the python but the python didn't give them chance to came near him he quickly climb on the tree refusing to came down.

although the python only got half fruit he still got something then others who got nothing but some injuries making them hate the human they all go back as they curse the stupid human in their heart but she has no idea of it she carry the cat in her hand as she roam around the forest.

she can't contract the cat right now since she just has contract one beast she need wait for few days before contracting another one since she has reborn her mental strength is higher then other making it possible for her to contract more them two beasts.

she happily look around the forest and search for Shanghai she wonder if he has gain something he don't even has someone to tell him what is treasure or what is not making her more happy unknown to her someone has found ruin of temple filled with rare treasure infact he is choosing something for her.

but she has no knowledge about it or else she must has been embarrass for not giving him anything she look around the forest but soon found some rare herbs making her heart teemble in excitement these herbs don't needed to be refines as pill they can be used raw.

while walking she saw glimpse of shiny thing on the ground when squat down and remove the leaves from their she saw a corner of box buried in the ground her eyes lip up she equally start digging out the box when the box appear infront of her eyes she was excited.

she look at the box and quickly open but when she saw some worn out books she was taken back but thinking they are some ancient secret skills manuals her heart teemble when she saw the cover of the first book she was surprise and amuse.


she couldnt help but smile while thinking what reaction Shanghai will have when he read the words on the books he must be furious at her then she look at another books and saw flame dragon the third book has no name on it so she open the nook to read it.

as she place the cat on her Lap since he is not contract beast he can't go to contract pocket she can only carry with around with herself she open the book and start reading it only to realise that it only has two page which make surprise.

'Yin Yang physics this physics is the most rare physics if a person has Yin physics and they came into contact of Yang physics they will lost control over their body this physic is only attractive toward Yang physics people of these physic need to find the person of other physic or else they will not live past thirty year

these physic people can cultivate dual cultivation with each other speeding the progress of their advancement' she was quite tempted with it after reading it she has understand that both she and Shanghai have Yin Yang physics.

but her face change expression when she heard leigong telling her what dual cultivation mean her heart skip a beat her cheek turn red she close the book and was about to destroy the book but before that the book was snatch by someone.

she turn around and saw Shanghai reading the book as he read the book the smile on his face start turning to smirk when she saw his expression she angrily turn her head around refusing to look at him "so does zizi want to try dual cultivation"
