City M...

She ask everyone to get ready so they can leave this place luckily both of them has bring their own bikes so it's easy to take them away from here.

The little boy is actually son of second miss who has died in a car accident along with her husband leaving the boy alone he used to live in ye family villa with old master but he's not alive anymore.

She don't know how to comfort the little boy so she just let him cry how much he want soon they reach song mansion when they enter everyone were shock mother song quickly check on her.

After making sure that three of them are okay they lay them down on the bed the little boy name is Ye Xin-Xin he is only seven year old.

But according to her knowledge kids above six has gotten their powers she don't know if he has gotten his power or not.

She hold his hand and bend down to his level "hello Xin-Xin my name is jianzi" the little boy look at her then at his uncle before whispering to her.

"Are you the girl who has reject uncle countless time" her lips twitch she curse him in her heart "who told you about this little Xin"

"Third uncle told me that forth uncle is being rejected by a girl name jianzi" she nodded her head while cursing janghon.

Meanwhile janghon who was working hard to escort people in safe zone sneeze he rub his nose thinking that he has catch cold not knowing someone is talking about him.

"Let's forget about that little Xin I will show you magic" his eyes lit up he look at her with sparkling eyes she gather her qi in her hand soon a fire appear in her hand the flame has hint of purple in it cause of leigong divine flame.

"Wow it's so cool sister Jian how did you do it" she chuckle at his reaction she pinch his cheeks only to realise that they are extremely soft making her heart melt.

While Xin-Xin suddenly shiver she thought she is feeling cold "are you cold little Xin" she give him a hug as she spoke but Xin immediately back off knowing someone is glaring at him and he know verywell who is glaring at him.

"Sister Jian why did you show me the magic" she quickly serious at his question "cause I want to see if you got magic like us" his eyes widen "I can have magic too" she nodded her head.

"You need to just follow my step okay" he nodded his head excitedly Jian make him seat in Lotus position and ask him close his eyes after few hours later he didn't felt any fluctuation of qi.

"Sister Jian does this mean I can't use magic" she shook her head and ask him do another things but he also don't have any ability when she thought he is only normal person her eyebrow jumped.

"Little Xin sister is going to draw tiny drop of your blood be a good boy" he lowered his head in disappointment he don't care what she do now.

But the blood art also didn't work making her more confuse when she was at her last straw leizi appear and told her something.

"When we enter the room and the door was almost broken by them Xin-Xin got angry and he shout very loudly at that time I almost faint away by his shout some of the room window also got cracked by his shout"

She gasp "could it be... little Xin can you shout for me" he nodded his head he take a deep breath and shout at his top of the lungs his shout shock everyone their mansion window almost broked.

Other was shock and came out of their rooms in surprise she clap her hand as she asked him to stop "little Xin you has ability of siren call" everyone look at her in confusion.

"Siren call means he can use his voice to mess with anyone brain he can hypnotize anyone with his voice as long as they are listening to him they will not able to escape from him"

"That a really good an ability little Xin" father song pat his head he shyly lower his head and bury his face in his palm.

"Thank you grandpa" in the term of seniority father song is his grandpa after being called grandpa father song was really happy his kids has yet to get married and have kids.

"Little Xin siren call is really awesome" ming calp his hand as he look at him excitedly little Xin got so shy that he burry himself in father song legs.

Making everyone laugh for few sec they forget about the danger around them they delay their departure since she got some material in the garage and it only took her few minutes to make a bike she got herself busy in the work.

After three hours she manage to make three more bikes she is planning to make two more bikes so everyone can have their own bikes mother song don't know how to ribe bike so she didn't make one for her and leizi is pregnant while Xin-Xin is just a kid who can't drive.

After two hours she was done with two more bike after thinking that shanghai brother Ziku is also here she decide make another one.

In the early morning she was woken up by other's she grumble unhappily since she has work for five hours in night she is really tired.

She was surprise to know that ziku has woken up two hours ago since everyone are up they didn't waste their time and got in their bike chen is the most excited one for his bike.

While they were heading toward city M she notice a weird phenomenon all the dark qi beast start running toward the inner circle of the forest but they don't care about it since they are not attacking them it's fine.