Going out to hunt...

Listening to the broadcast where her voice has been changed using some kind of technology her lips twitch.

These solider were extremely lazy to record another one the way she had describe undead as great disaster making her grumble in annoyance.

Shanghai whisper in her ear "do you want me to hit him" she was startled by his sudden presence.

She take a deep breath to calm down her heart beat and look at him in disdain "do you have to scare me like this"

He chuckle at her "well I don't want to scare you" he rub the back of his head in nervousness.

"Well why don't we go outside for hunt what do you say" Shanghai spoke in gentle voice almost like coaxing her.

She glare at him "why didn't you say this before" her eyes lit up she had been struck into mid rank nascent realm.

And both of her beast is about to came out from there closeed door cultivation and the baby kitten is ready to form contract with her.

After some time they infrom her parents about it her friends want to tag along with her but were shoo away by the Shanghai gaze.

In the end she told them that they need to reach foundation realm before fighting with any beast or zombie.

Only then did they leave them alone both of them borrow a car cause Shanghai want to remain low key.

She don't have any objection infact Shanghai want to remain near with her while both have there own bike.

He can't stay with her that why he suggest to ride a car with her by seating beside her he is very happy about it.

Soon they reach the area of dark qi the speed of dark qi spearding around the area is very fast in just two days.

The dark qi had conquer lot of cities and all almost thirty cities had been conquer by the dark qi which mean lot of demonic beasts.

The undead has formed there base in the deepest part of the city A where they really don't want to go at all.

The last time they had sneak inside there base they has hard time running away from these undead.

Looking at the crowd of ugly and almost unrecognisable zombie roaming in the city with the speed of slow turtle.

"Do you want to kill them one by one or ...." He didn't complete his sentence but she know what he want to say.

"Let's fight one by one I want to raise my strength by fighting not using qi" Shanghai know what she mean.

With that both of them jump into the huge crowd of zombies these zombies saw them coming they all rush toward them.

In the eyes of these zombies they are nothing but there food these zombie don't understand anything.

The only thing they know is that they had to eat human and only eat they had no sense of feeling and emotion they only understand hunger that's all.

This is the reason why human don't want to deal with them they just want to hunt human to eat that's all.

Only high rank zombie can understand human language and can surpass there sense of hunger.

They both start fighing with all there might in just half an hour they had killed more then twenty zombies.

Resting under the shade of tree she look at the core crystal in her hand with a sigh these crystal can only help people in qi refinement.

Only zombie of high rank can produce crystal core with element that can be used by others.

Today main motive of hunt is to find water pearl founded in a sepical type of fish these water pearl can be used in making weapon more beautiful, flexible and agile.

Water pearls are best to make weapons for water element that why she want to find some to make a whip for ara.

Since she had water element she had been cultivating with lot of enthusiasm and want to join her in fights.

These type of fish can be found in city m when return she head toward the forest which now had become holy ground.

Since she had provide very useful information they allowed her to enter this holy ground.

After entering the forest she was searching the artificial pound present there in these pound there are lot of fishes.

But not the fish she is searching for even if she found on or two fish they are too low grade to make fine weapon from it.

In the end she found a 4th rank fish with her sepical flame and method of making weapon she can make mid grade black weapon whip for ara.

The grade of weapon is divided as yellow grade, earth grade, black grade, heaven grade, divine grade and scared grade.

All these six grade are divided into three tire low-tier, mid-tier and high-tier yellow being the lowest grade and scared being the highest one.

She went back to the base since all of family member are still in qi refinement she give them these crystal cores to cultivate.

She also hand over one crystal core to janghon for there research purpose and all since everyone had just Awaken there powers no one dare to take risk and fight these zombie.

Janghon accept the crystal core with a smile knowing that he can't have more right now in this situation.

Returning back to the house that had been given to them everyone had there own room

Shanghai change his room into her blacksmith room.

In return he shamelessly claim her room saying that he had no where to go when he clearly had his brother house.

She try to kick him out but was not able to kick him out so she let him be looking at three beast infront of her.

She had a wide grin on her face leilong had been healed all of her injuries now she is in 4th rank.

The little moon fox also had reach mid 3rd rank while the little kitten is still in beginners 2nd rank.