Wooden Heart

Under the light of a full moon, I was attacked by a pack of white wolves as I left the city of Splicer. Though I fought with all my might, I was severely wounded and unable to move. As I lay there, a passerby heard my feeble cries for help and came to my aid.

It was an old man, who had apparently been watching over me and tending to my wounds. Despite his own pain, he spoke to me about his life under the moon's glow, telling me stories of his son and the hardships they faced together. He spoke of the difficulty of his work and the struggles he endured but then revealed his ultimate dream - to travel to a land in the sky. A place where all questions were answered, all beauty and wealth existed, and where he could be reunited with his son.

He had been searching for clues and information about this place for years, hoping to find the one responsible for his son's death. The old man shared with me some of the leads he had gathered, but as morning approached, he fell asleep, exhausted from his storytelling.

I listened intently to his words, though my mind was foggy with pain and exhaustion. I felt nothing but sadness and despair, knowing that my dreams and aspirations would never come to fruition. For I was a creature of wood, cursed to live with a wooden heart. Old man told me about his son, whose life had been taken by a savage beast, leaving only his burned wooden hand as a reminder of his existence.

But as I lay there, listening to the old man speak, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Perhaps there was a way to heal my wooden heart and regain my lost humanity. Though it seemed impossible, I clung to the hope that one day I too might be able to fulfill my dreams and find peace.

As the old man slept, I made a decision. I would honor his memory and take up his quest, following in his footsteps to seek the truth about this land in the sky. And perhaps along the way, I would find a way to heal my wooden heart and reclaim my humanity.

With a heavy heart, I left the old man to rest and set out on my journey. The path ahead was uncertain, but I walked with a newfound sense of purpose, driven by the hope that one day I might be able to lay down my wooden heart and become human once more.