A boy with Blue Hair

For years I stared out of a black window into the world outside, only hearing voices and lost in my own thoughts. In a dark room with nothing but a candle that turned my black world gray, a black window faced a world that was an endless line of black and gray - nothing and no one existed except for me and these sounds.

What is the truth of this world? What is the reason for my existence?

These questions lingered in my mind until one night when I saw a perfect white circle in the sky. I was in my body, but my hair was darker and I was walking in a colorful world where not only were there no more sounds, but all those meaningless sounds now had an image. Suddenly, all the questions of my life were answered at once and became logical. I saw an attractive and large flower and ran towards it. A strange and pleasant force took over my entire being and I came to myself as a blue dragon flying in the sky, but all of my being was filled with anger and I burned down the entire city of Splicer with flames. It felt good, even though I didn't know why, as if I was taking revenge on someone who had imprisoned you all your life, and peace afterwards was the best feeling of life.

If I were to divide my life into two parts, it would be before and after that incident. However, that fleeting pleasure did not last long, and slowly my eyes closed and I found myself back in the same dark room. But with the difference that there was no dark window to a world where nothing good happened, but rather a colorful world that did not have any good events.

Through the window of my room, or rather my window to the outside world, I saw the life of a boy who was just like me but had black hair instead of blue hair, just like the color of those same violet flowers. He had a hard life, perhaps even made harder by me, but he had every right to do whatever he wanted.

So these were the voices he heard, the world where I had no right to do anything and didn't even have a visual of it, only whispers that I could hear while sitting in the darkness of my gray world. I tried so hard to connect with him, but I couldn't. Allow me to hate him, allow me to wish he didn't exist anymore, allow me to destroy his already destroyed life more than this. Allow me to not want my life to continue anymore.