Beginning After the End

For centuries, I had wandered alone, searching for a way to make sense of my existence. I had seen many things and met countless beings, but none had ever looked at me with such acceptance and understanding as she did. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, and suddenly, I knew that I wanted to be with he for always.

I longed to share every moment with her, to tell it about the mundane details of my life, to be by his side always, and never let he feel alone. But I could not be selfish. I could not create another eternal being like myself to suffer in this cruel world. I did not want to do that to her, but I could not deny the feelings that were growing within me.

I had tried to silence my emotions before, to lock them away in a corner of my heart and never let them surface. But now, I realized that he had similar feelings, and it gave me hope. Although it was hard for me to turn her into a vampire and take away his emotions, I helped her along the way. But at that moment, when he said that he wanted to spend eternity with me, everything changed.

All the hardships and disappointments of my life were forgotten. All my negative and sad emotions were pushed aside, and I knew that I wanted to spend forever with he. I accepted his offer and took the black violet flower from her hand, the most precious thing I had ever received in my life.

After that moment, snow never fell again, and the black violet flowers that used to be black became purple. But I still had my black violet flower, and to me, it was the most beautiful flower in the world.