Moments before the Typhoon

After glancing over at Niko, Yuya resumed his stance and pondered, Why would Genji want to continue from such a position? The boy knows he is in a horrible position. However, to his and most others surprise, He is still standing. Genji kept up his guard, thinking, about a plan or counter to try and get Yuya in bad position. "Come." The Elder spoke, his fist Muscle's contracting, So far, the young one has surprised him. Especially in the Adamantine Kata, Genji must just have a natural affinity for the Muscle control form. Genji being as stubborn as he his, sprinted straight in but eventually came to stop and started to use his Flame Kata footwork. 'Flash Fire', to confuse Yuya and possibly find an opening. However, his opponent was not one to mess around and find out. Yuya smiled, closing his eyes as he left his fighting stance and opted for more neutral and relaxed position, his shoulders dropping from his relaxation. Meanwhile, images, moments rapidly flashing through his mind. They were all the possible attacks Genji could throw but Yuya could seem all coming from a mile away. As the young male watched as his elder changed stance he was confused and absolutely infuriated, was Sarutobi trying to insult Genji?

"Welp, There he goes showing off again. God bless him that it doesn't bite him in the ass later in life." Niko said while sighing as he facepalmed. Genji ran straight towards Yuya from his left hand side, throwing a straight punch aimed for his jaw. Suddenly, for Genji it seemed as if time had slowed down. He was moving slower and so was everything and he could see what was happening. His attack was parried by the older fighters forearm, moving to the outside of Genji's shoulder, simultaneously, taking a step towards the younger fighter. During the moment, The older martial artist loaded his other arm for a strike. Yuya's parry was timed perfectly, his first step out relaxation was placed between Genji's feet. It was a little off center but nonetheless, it was beyond excellent. By this point, The Tokita knew what was next, and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. Yuya violently twisted upper body, to be parallel with the young man, his fist unloading in the form of a straight punch. It was like his knuckles were cutting the air, a hissing sound came from his fist. In most Karate styles, you'd begin a punch with your first near your torso, palm up. After a moment, you would twist your fist violently to deliver a more fierce impact, Yuya himself performed this motion. "Damn." The younger martial artist was fully expecting a punch, closing his eyes to brace for the blow. Though, all he felt was wind pressure hitting his face. Once the pressure had subsided, Genji opened eyes to a closed fist mere centimeters away from his face. After Sarutobi pulled his punch, the man spoke his wisdom. "I have my assessment, That's enough. You have potential, but as of now, your basics are lack luster at best." Genji was sweating a bit, coming to terms with the reality that he could have died right there. Huffing and puffing, the kid stood in place while thinking about the outcome of this spar. He came to the conclusion that death is a guarantee if he ever slips up.

Yuya pulled back his fist, relaxing once again in a normal posture, standing straight up. "When you're old enough to use the secret technique, Come find me and settle the score. now get out of the Hachitaka district." Genji nodded, following his superior, relaxing as well while still pondering this spar. He would simply walk away, The kid knew he was leagues below Yuya but this was a wakeup call to him that the boy needs to improve, and fast. Niko would also turn away from the supreme martial artist, walking back home with his adopted son. They stopped by the market place in the Tokita ward to pick up some groceries. Some miscellaneous education books so Genji could have Atleast some form of education. Math, science, Japanese and other language books so he could learn to speak other languages. Once they got home, it was far later than they had anticipated, roughly ten thirty in the afternoon. "Crap, I at least expected to be back by at least eight thirty. Guess it's too late in the day to train." Genji was upset because wanted to train but unfortunately he had to got to bed. Once he entered the warehouse, Niko sets the bags down and started taking out some of the items. Setting all of the books to his left, and the food to his right. He put away all the food and set the books in boxes in order of what Genji would be studying later. If one were to look at Genji's expression, It be abundantly obvious that he was annoyed. What he was annoyed with was his own weakness, it was infuriating to know how weak he was. The boy was just laying on a twin sized mattress that was stacked on a box spring, Grey sheets, grey pillow case and blanket. Thinking of how to train from this point further, He kept thinking to his physical body and getting further building his muscles so his strikes and grapples would only become that much stronger. A large, exhale exiting the boys lips while he turned over and rested his head on his pillow.

Genji Tokita, On this day he vowed to himself personally that he would never accept defeat again. Through hardwork, Courage and sweat, he would find his way. His eyelids getting heavy due to his extreme amount of energy used when fighting Yuya earlier today. Closing his eyes, the boy decided to simply rest his body and for the days ahead.

When he opened his eyes however, he was already on two feet and had a full set of clothes on. He was in an alleyway, a familiar looking one, then suddenly a street light turned on in front of him and there stood someone. Their face wasn't visible except for their eyes, Dark colored to the point of seeming black, small but fierce. The figure has a masculine shape, Broad shoulders, a V-shaped mid section and long legs. The dark figure pointed at Genji, the boy was confused and had more questions. Who was this person? Why are they pointing at him? Why are they in my dream? The young man felt stuck, None or his muscles would respond to his demand it's like each strand had a mind of it's own and they collectively stayed still. Sweat dripping from his forehead, It was scaring him that he couldn't move. He couldn't control his muscles. Then everything went black, not a speck of light could be seen. After a moment of darkness, he truly woke up, sunlight rays hitting his eye as he turned over onto his side to avoid the sun. The light now hitting the back side of his skull, his dark colored eyes landing on a book sitting next to a cup of matcha tea that had a sticky note on it. 'Im not home right now but I'll be back later, DONT DESTROY THE PLACE. Practice your Kata's while I'm gone kid, I'll be back with a surprise.' Which was on the sticky note. "Well, guess I better get up and get to work." the boy uttered once he sat up from bed, stretching his arms and shoulders. Raising one hand over his head, reaching way high, then going behind his head with the opposite hand and towards the bicep of the raised arm. Giving it a light tug while tilting to the opposite side of the straightened limb. He would repeat this motion on the other side and stretch it as well. Afterwards, moving the blanket off himself and swinging his leg to get a foot on the cold, dirty concrete flooring. Standing once the kid got his sole on the ground, taking a step forward and continuing towards the warm tea cup. Genji watched the steam for moment, the flow of it intrigued him, reminded him of the Redirection Kata. "Considering it's still steaming, it was probably made not that long ago. He can't be far but I guess training is better." As he reached for the glass, his fingers extended and his palm opened and he gripped the cup. Bringing the glass up near his chin and softly Blowing air to help cool off the tea a little quicker, a soft whistle-like sound exiting the lips of Genji. Eventually, The kid brought the cup to his lips and sipped it, it was cool enough to drink so he decided to just start chugging it. Setting down the glass container, The boy squatted and pulled out a box from underneath the table, it had a few books in it and he grabbed one of the Kata books. The one he has a natural affinity for, The Adamantine Kata, it's was the simplist and honestly one of the more fun to use in a fight for Genji at least. "Well, Guess we can start with this." A grin forming on his face as he took the book, standing back up walking over to a heavy bag that was already strung up by a stable wooden post. Setting the book up against the wood post, with it open to the page of 'Indestructible.' Genji dawned a fighting stance, a kick boxing stance as he bounced on the balls of his feet. He was finding his rhythm, throwing out random combinations and punches.