26 Reward Confirmation: Grassland Rebellion

After reconfirming my self-awareness as a mob, I calmly checked my status.

"It's smaller and the multiplier is higher, and the points required to acquire skills are cheaper. Also, the (ninja's knowledge) that I couldn't put in is also firmly included."

"That's right, let me explain about (○○'s rules)."

"This skill has come with all occupations other than [Beginner] and [Experienced]."

Auxiliary abilities related to that occupation are included in skills.

For example, a wizard's (Magic Knowledge).

It contains a certain amount of auxiliary functions for manipulating magic power, as well as super beginner magic for understanding the flow of attribute magic.

For example, Ninja (Knowledge of Ninja).

As you level up, you'll understand how to use magical powers that are different from magic ── how to use ninjutsu.

"Well, to put it simply, it's something like a manual for the jobs you've taken."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have it, but it's better to have it."

In addition, with AFO, the ability to respond can be used as a trial version...that's enough thinking.

"Even so, the evolution conditions for [Experienced] are also difficult. Isn't thirty too many?"

"Let's put it aside for someone like me, a normal person wouldn't be able to do that... Ah, so it's a special unique occupation."

"In reality, I think that only part-timers can get a job that requires so many job changes."

"A person who repeatedly quits and changes jobs at an ordinary company won't be hired..."

"It's impossible to talk quietly

"Now then, it's time to introduce the items."

"I feel like the president of a mail-order program somewhere."

Raise your voice as high as you can and increase your motivation.

"It's boring to do it silently, and above all, it looks like a botch, so let's do it."

that? "It's better to be in high spirits in a place where no one is around..."

"Come on, let's start here!"

This time, I would like to introduce some of the rewards that caught my eye.

-------------------------------------------------- -------

secret medicine

Rank: F-

Description: Recover 200 HP/MP

It also has a 100% chance of recovering from status ailments.

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"Even though it's the lowest quality, this effect! We promise our customers a safe recovery!"

Unlike certain hunting games, it doesn't have the ability to expand the HP gauge, but it boasts recovery performance that far surpasses that of HP potions.

In fact, unlike potions that only recover 100 HP at maximum, secret medicines can recover 400 HP at maximum quality.

"In other words, it's possible for me to satisfy almost anything with just two."

...If it's a certain hunting game, it will fill up in one shot, but let's leave it around.

"Then, next is here—!"

-------------------------------------------------- -------

instant portal

Rank: F-

Durability: 100/100

Description: Breaks once used, but can create an invisible, non-combat space anywhere.

Durability decreases after a certain period of time, or after receiving interference from the outside.

The non-combat space is canceled when the durability runs out.

Almost impossible for anyone other than party members to enter

It is automatically canceled when all the people inside are gone.

*Therefore, be careful when logging in.

-------------------------------------------------- -------

"A substitute for space magic and traveler's knowledge! This is a recommended item for those who can't prepare either!"

I wonder if the sentence after "*" was added for the player.

"It would be easier to write it as a place where you can log out, rather than writing it as a non-combat space."

"The durability will decrease over time, but it will break even if attacked from the outside."

Is there such a possibility even though it is said to be invisible... it seems that it is possible if you use space attribute magic or skills.

There is not a single sentence stating that other sensory organs do not function just because they cannot be seen.

"Log out as soon as you enter, and for those who haven't become a 'Traveler' who hasn't prepared any other countermeasures, this is a must."

"Now, let me introduce you to the third one—!"

-------------------------------------------------- -------

Guild house construction ticket

Description: Granted the right to build a guild house

Collect 5 or more guild members and head to the Adventurer's Guild.

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".......Good luck to those of you who are friends at the party...haa."

I lost the desire to explain just by looking at the description.

"It was a tough system for Bocchi."

"You will have to prepare the land yourself, and it is expected that it will be used much later."

"Regain your mind, this is the end--!"

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Skill awakening ticket

Description: By using it, it encourages the evolution of the skill in the form of understanding the will of the person.

This item can be used even if the evolution destination is not displayed

However, it can only be used for LvMAX or Lv- skills.

-------------------------------------------------- -------

"Yes, it's a super rare item! With this, you might be able to acquire your own one-of-a-kind skill! This is a bargain!"

"What's more, this is a super-excellent one that also supports phantom skills (high voice)!"

"I can't use it because my level isn't high enough, but it might be nice to evolve my {emotions} when I reach MAX someday."

  ◆   □  ◆   □  ◆

"... once you've exceeded the appropriate level, you've become less scary."

"Yes, that's why I came to Sympho Takayama."

As you can see from the fact that he came to collect the potion, there were two detailed reasons ──

1: Leveling

2: Exceeding the area

"Well, the second is more important."

It's possible that the royal capital is beyond this point... No, it's like going through the strongest area from the town of beginnings and the royal capital is beyond, isn't it?

For such ambiguous reasons, I made the decision to climb the mountain this time.

"The number of skills has increased, and the range of choices has increased.

-------------------------------------------------- -------


martial arts

[All Martial Arts Lv10]


[Union Magic Lv13]


(Ability value increase correction Lv15) (abnormal sharp decrease Lv18)

(Meditation Lv42) (Precision Operation Lv73)


(Intermediate collection Lv20) (Parallel action Lv27)

(Advanced Appraisal Lv24) (Advanced Concealment Lv24)


(All martial arts suitable, small Lv1) (All magic suitable, small Lv1)

(Whole Body Appropriate/Small Lv1) (All Skills Appropriate/Small Lv1)

(Thoughtful person Lv30) (Possibility of experienced person Lv-)

(Single Heart Lv-) {Emotion Lv10}

-------------------------------------------------- -------

The lack of numbers is the surplus used to rearrange martial arts skills and magic skills.

"Besides, I'm planning to acquire skills after my (All ○○ Appropriate/Small) level rises..."

"It seems that I have had a terrible idea."

And so on, I muttered a line that would be seen as a disappointing guy if heard from the side ──I headed off to climb the mountain.

For the time being, I came to the top of the mountain.

As usual, the magnificent view spreads out and heals the rough Mob Heart of everyday life.

"Your status is… well, it's a pass."

"I trained my martial arts and magic skills evenly, so I didn't continue hunting monsters."

Skills tend to level up if you perform the corresponding actions correctly ──I heard that somewhere.

"It was a great leveling, so when I put it into practice... well, it's strange."

I wonder if it went surprisingly well, it was easier to raise the level than before.

"Actually, I will make exceptions for magic and special skills, but other skills have a strong feeling of being licensed.

"If I had to use a strange analogy, it would be multiplication."

"Rather than just memorizing and remembering, I understand why it's the answer number."

"If you do that, you'll be able to find the answer faster than someone who memorizes multiplication with more than two digits."

"Well, putting that analogy aside."

In fact, even weapons such as (Great Swordsmanship), which are difficult to handle, were easier to level up if used consciously.

I wonder if it has something to do with how I got used to the way I dealt with skill corrections.

"... well, the guys called the verification team will investigate such details. I just need the fact that my level will increase."

"What you really need to know is what people who are involved with other people usually hear."

This is also why I learned about the leveling technology this time.

"Efficiency doesn't matter, I just do what I want when I want."

"──Well, let's go down the mountain quickly."

After this, I pass through the place where I fought the demi-dragon and perform the present seat.

"I also wanted to level the sub-dragons, but I couldn't."

It seems that a person who has beaten once needs to wait for a month before trying again.

...Is it a countermeasure against overexploitation of rare materials?

Continue to walk and move.

And now, in front of me is a huge gate.

──That's right, this place is just one step away from the royal capital. It was around the outer wall at the entrance.

"But well, there were a lot of things."

In the fields around here, Red Rabbits (higher-order species of Cherry Rabbits) and Demihob Goblins inhabited as a matter of course, and their derived species such as Red Rabbit Fighters and Demihob Goblin Archers appeared.

For the time being, the appraisal would have treated them all as 'lower', but against the current player... at least solo would be difficult.

"My occupation has also been maxed out thanks to those monsters."

If you look at the simple stats that only show your occupation, body, and ability ──

-------------------------------------------------- -------


Name: Merus (Male)

Race: [Tenma] Lv40

Occupation: [Experienced] Lv15


Summoner Lv50, Great Swordsman Lv50, Dagger Lv50, Great Shields Lv50, Small Shields Lv50, Double Shields Lv50, Thrower Lv50

HP: 850 → 900

MP: 850→900

AP: 850→900

ATK: 118 → 133

VIT: 118 → 133

AGI: 118 → 133

DEX: 118 → 133

LUC: 118→133

BP: 0→90→0

-------------------------------------------------- -------

I tried to set MAX so that it could be put together.

"I wouldn't normally do this, but in my case leveling is fast."

"There are many parts that are hard to see."

"Ah, of course, the knowledge skills for the corresponding job have been stored."

"Well, for now, do you want to enter the royal capital? Excuse me. I want to go inside!"

"Yes. Then, please show me something to prove my identity."

"Yes ─ ─ good shot"

"I took out my guild card for the time being."

It's because of the "spatial storage box" that has come in handy recently.

However, the method of taking it out that is often seen in creations--the way it looks like it's taken out of a pocket--is.

"I'll confirm... my name is Mels──and I don't have a criminal record... yes!

"thank you"

Put away the guild card you received in the same way.

After bowing for a while, he muttered.

"Phew... I managed to get in. I'm glad I made a guild card."

"I only know the guild card as an item for players to prove their identity."

──Even though it's a game that celebrates freedom, there are certain rules.

There is a fine line between freedom and restraint, and you can feel a small amount of freedom because you are in the cage of the law.

"If you say you can do whatever you want, you can take it as a game with more restrictions than that."

"On the surface, it seems like a rule for a game… but if you deny that concept, you won't understand why.

All Free Online

"I wonder what the title says."

  ◆   □  ◆   □  ◆

"--What an embarrassing thought."

As soon as I was walking around the royal capital, I found something that looked like an arch at the fountain.

The fountain is purposely arched, and what's more, a mysterious pattern is carved into it.

"Arch...isn't it better to call it a gate?...People are disappearing under the water."

"I didn't do it on purpose, but I'll explain."

People are lined up in front of the gate (provisional), and the first person touches the pillars of the gate (provisional) and mutters words that sound like place names as they pass by.

──Then, the space inside the gate (provisional) is distorted, and the person who entered disappears.

"So-called Lost Technology?

In the end, I wasn't sure what it was, so I asked someone nearby.

"Excuse me. Um, do you know what the gate over there is?"

"Oh? Don't you know that you're a traveler? It's called a teleportation gate, and if you register it, you'll be able to move instantly from a teleportation gate in another location. ... Wait, it costs a fee to use it. Still, if it's just registration, you can do it just by touching it, so come on, Mr. Traveler."

"In other words, it's a paid teleportation device."

"I haven't seen the payment, so it's probably automatically withdrawn... I'm scared."

"Thank you for the information.

"Please be nice to me. My name is 'Marina'."

"Yes, Marina-san. Thank you very much for your kindness."

"It's almost time to remember the names of people you meet."

...Or should I prioritize memorizing the names of the Demon Children?

"Ryoku didn't have a name, so maybe I'll have to come up with one."


And then, as Marina-san told me, I touched the teleportation gate...and then...



Transfer Gate: Neiro Kingdom Royal Capital has been registered

As a result of the player registering for the first time at the teleportation gate, a teleportation gate will be set up in the "starting town"

For details, please refer to the help function.


≪Title: Obtained ``Transfer Gate Liberator: Royal Capital of Kingdom of Neiro''≫

"...Suddenly. Players, are you okay?"

A teleportation gate suddenly appeared, flat... it seems like it's possible, but is it okay?

When I immediately opened the help function, the story I heard earlier was written in more detail.

"If I use the transfer gate... I didn't register the 'Beginning Town'."

"I wonder what it would be like if the person who released it couldn't use it in the first place."

I tried groaning, but when I touched it, the destination was already registered as the "Beginning Town".

...In addition, the amount was also written, but I only wrote that it was an amount that I would immediately give up using.

"The rest is the title… Ah, so there will be an additional skill frame.

Even though the skill slots are already increasing, is it because [Greed] is still desired?

"Since the number of skills has increased, should we incorporate correction skills as well?"

"Then, I asked someone nearby to tell me where the temple was and entered the temple."

There are no major changes in the temple here either, and we quickly arrive at the room with the crystal.

"Now then, let's learn the skills first and then try changing jobs."

If you're a normal player, you'll learn skills as soon as you want power, but... I have skills that reduce the consumption of skill points the higher my level goes.

For the skills that didn't have the minimum SP required for evolution, I didn't learn any of them until I reached level 20 (all ○○ appropriate/small).

After that, he didn't dare to hunt monsters, only trained himself, and continued to raise his skill level in order to acquire certain skills.

I didn't have any particular reason, just because I thought the people of the royal capital would find out if I kept killing them.

"... It's getting a little hard to see. There's a setting item to clean the skill list... Oh, I thought it was there."

"There was a huge number of items, so I decided to organize them."

It was unexpectedly tidy, and I felt refreshed and felt like I had cleaned it.

"──Okay, this is fine. Next job is to change jobs."

"Now that I'm satisfied with my stats, I'll switch occupations that have maxed out."

This is the right job for you this time──

**************************************************** *********

Job change [Narrowing down: suitable job]

Wanderer, Magician, Combatant, Summoner, Demon Warrior, Chunin, Thief, Assassin, Spearman, Archer, Synthesizer, Alchemist, [Hero of Justice], [Demon King of Justice], [? ? ]...

**************************************************** *********

"Behind the '...' are all [unique] occupations..."

"Is this the perfect job for you?"

hole? What would you do if you chose a profession full of things and the work content was really incomprehensible?

"For the time being, what do you need right now and what kind of job do you want to do?

"We politely decline the offer."

The result of choosing a new job from a normal (?) occupation is this...

-------------------------------------------------- -------


Name: Merus (Male)

Race: [Tenma] Lv40

Occupation: [Experienced] Lv20


Summoner Lv1, Chunin Lv1, Wanderer Lv1, Alchemist Lv1, Synthesizer Lv1, Magic Warrior Lv1, Thief Lv1

HP: 900

MP: 900→1350

AP: 900→1000

ATK: 133 → 143

VIT: 133 → 148

AGI: 133 → 138

DEX: 133 → 173

LUC: 133→143

BP: 0

(Job Bonus)

skill list

martial arts

[All Martial Arts Lv17]

\ (Swordsmanship Lv30: 5×4) (Shieldmanship Lv30: 5×2)

(Spearmanship Lv30: 5×2) (Archery Lv30: 5×2)

(Stick Lv30: 5×2) (Fan Lv30: 5×2)

(Ax Lv30: 5 x 2) (Hammer Lv30: 5 x 2)

(Great Swordsmanship Lv50: 5×2) (Daggers Lv50: 5×2)

(Large shield technique Lv50: 5 x 2) (Small shield technique Lv50: 5 x 2)

(Double Shield Lv50: 5×2) (Throwing Lv50: 5×2)

(Fighting Lv50: 5 x 3) (Magic Lv50 x 3)


(Swordsmanship Lv1:5) (Swordsmanship Lv1:5) (Ki-Magic Combat Lv1:5)

(Holy Tool Lv1:5) (Magic Tool Lv1:5)


[Union Magic Lv20]

(Recovery magic Lv40) (Storm magic Lv30) (Sparkling magic Lv35)

(Dark Magic Lv40) (Time Magic Lv35) (Space Magic Lv40)

(Hellfire Magic Lv30) (Give Magic Lv30) (Curse Magic Lv30)

(Blast Magic Lv10) (Mud Magic Lv10) (Wood Magic Lv30)

(Tenma Magic Lv30)


(Spirit Magic Lv1:5) (Dragon Magic Lv1:5) (Fire Magic Lv1:5)

(Ice Magic Lv1:5) (Thunder Magic Lv1:5) (Rock Magic Lv1:5)

(Flood magic Lv1:5) (Fog magic Lv1:5) (Snow magic Lv1:5)

(Soil Magic Lv1:5) (Melting Magic Lv1:5) (Dust Magic Lv1:5)


(Mai Sky Lv30) (Physical Enhancement Lv57) (Magic Control Lv20)

(Ability value improvement correction Lv30) (Precision operation Lv88)

(Abnormal Decrease Lv40) (Evasion Lv25) (Leaving Front Lv53)

(Trunk Lv60) (Tenma Eyes Lv30) (Tenma Wing Generation Lv30)


(Meditation Lv50) → (Super Recovery Lv1:5)


(Intermediate Alchemy Lv1) (Intermediate Synthesis Lv1) (Intermediate Collection Lv30)

(Advanced Appraisal Lv30) (Advanced Concealment Lv30)

(Language Comprehension Lv72) (Parallel Action Lv47)


(Presence detection LvMAX) → (Presence detection Lv1:5)

(Silent chant LvMAX) (Omitted chant LvMAX) → (Silent chant Lv1:5)


(Devil Killer Lv1) (Angel Killer Lv1) {Emotion Lv17}

(Attack Nullity Lv-) (Dragon Killer Lv1) (Big Eater Lv4)

(Thoughtful person Lv40) (Single heart Lv-) (Annihilator Lv-)

(Embodiment of Hell Lv-) (The Devil's Natural Enemy Lv-)

(Rabbit's Natural Enemy Lv-) (Monster's Natural Enemy Lv-) (Ikki Tousen Lv1)

(Forbidden Saint Lv1) (All martial arts suitable/small Lv20)

(All Magic Appropriate/Small Lv20) (Whole Body Appropriate/Small Lv20)

(All Skills Appropriate/Small Lv20) (Experienced Possibility Lv-)


(Summoning Attitude Lv1: Occupation)

(Ninja Attitude Lv1: Occupation)

(Traveler's Attitude Lv1: Occupation)

(Alchemy Attitude Lv1: Occupation)

(Preparation Attitude Lv1: Occupation)

(Knowledge of Demon Lv1: Occupation) (Knowledge of Thief Lv1: Occupation)

SP: 323

-------------------------------------------------- -------

"Finally, it's your chance to get as many skills as you want! The more you get, the more SP you get! However, it seems like it's even unique!"

According to the help function, the unique effect only works on skills with a lower rarity.

In other words, if you want to learn Legendary and Phantom Skills, you'll still need a huge amount of SP.

"If you focus on one point and learn legendary skills, you will be able to defeat me easily."

"The rest are cool skills - yes! Japanese samurai swords, sacred weapons, magical weapons and so on!"

"Do you lack vocabulary?" "Don't you think it's scary for a normal student to suddenly say fluently?"

Well, for the time being, let me explain the two skills that I don't understand ─ (Holy Artifacts) and (Magic Artifacts).

"No, that's all I screamed earlier..."

I think it's a skill that handles sacred items and magical items, so-called holy swords and magic swords.

"It's not about the weapon, but the armor."

"Weapons include armor, so it may be possible to play as a knight with a holy shield."

──I'd like to try a hypocritical knight someday.

"Well, that's all thanks to -sama and -sama's stored skills."

I had a hard time because it was necessary to dedicate eight skills for both primary and secondary skills.

"That's why we discounted the consumption points to an unreasonable extent."

Win-win for each other, no particular problem.

"I had a hard time leveling up... but more than that, I was looking for a reward beyond that."

The skill I mentioned earlier manifested a certain ability at the same time.

── "Sacred Arms Creation Create Holy Arm" and "Magic Arms Creation Create Evil Arm".

It's a cheat-like ability, but I didn't really understand other than how to use it.

I can't use it yet, so I'll leave it alone, but I've acquired the skill to handle it in case I get it someday.

"My turn is far ahead, and I'm going to play with Twin Swords and Japan Swords, but... well, it's all on the line."

"I can't say that I didn't care about myself."

"Except when I'm acting like a hypocrite, I'm acting very quietly like a mob."

  ◆   □  ◆   □  ◆

[Experienced] Explanation of +α skills

-------------------------------------------------- -------

Special: (All ○○ Appropriate/Small Lv1)

Increases the appropriate value for all ○○ skills

As the level rises, the SP required for skill acquisition decreases (it will not fall below the minimum value).

Also, once the level exceeds a certain level, the subsequent correction will change to the level improvement speed.

[Required SP - (Required SP x 0.05 x Level)]

-------------------------------------------------- -------

-------------------------------------------------- -------

Special: (Experienced Possibility Lv-)

(Knowledge of ○○)・(Mindset of ○○) can be stored

The included skill can be used by putting this skill in the main

If all the skills of 30 or more jobs are stored in the state of max level and a certain condition is met, [Beginner] will be [? ? ? has the potential to become

-------------------------------------------------- -------

-------------------------------------------------- -------

Special: (○○ Knowledge Lv1)

Occupation: Skills that assist "○○"

As the level increases, the content of assistance increases.

-------------------------------------------------- -------