30 1st Fighting Tournament Part 02

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In the waiting room, the girl was seriously checking the footage of her first match.

The footage shows a battle between heavy warriors and summoners.

A goblin that moved with overwhelming speed cut a heavy warrior in half in an instant.

"Because the winner is... the next opponent."

"After all, that's a Goblin King, an evolved hob species or a mutated species. There's only one way to get it at this early stage--the only way to get it is to catch the one that appears as a raid boss."

In the raid event that the girl participated in, it was revealed on the official website that the boss was the Goblin King (because her race name was posted).

"The conditions for evolving goblins into goblin kings are still unknown."

"In that case, it would be easier to evolve or mutate an individual that was a Goblin King from the beginning."

"It seems that he has space magic, and he cuts off space and attacks from a distance?  That's why he has that goblin king fight... if that's all it is, it's fine, but being followed as a subordinate demon means that's it. There is a power that can be used ─ [Union Magic]."

Information given by one player to other players during the raid boss.

She was one of the girls who also heard it.

She therefore sensed, albeit only slightly, the power her opponent still hid.

...In addition to the powerful magic, you also have to deal with raid boss-level combat power at the same time.

"Judging from the raid event ranking, there is no doubt that he is a multi-job multi-job.

An item that adds one job slot distributed at the raid event.

According to information posted on the bulletin board by a certain martial artist, it turns out that such an item is among the rewards for the second place solo ranking.

For someone like her, who was convinced that the mysterious player "Rhine" had taken first place in both solo parties, it was clear that he possessed it.

"Even so, I can't lose... I will definitely become stronger--"

"I finished watching what I should watch."

"From now on, we will fight against an overwhelming superiority."

With all her might, she put her whole body and soul into the fight--the girl who raised her will headed for the stage.

≪Now then, the second round.

The match card for the first match was ──

A magician who manipulates light and darkness, and a light magician with [Thought Chant]...?

"Oops, what do you mean?" "[Contradiction] It says Chunin!" "What is this!?"

At those words, the entire venue erupted.

You can change the information you registered when you registered, which itself is official.

This is because there once existed people in this world who changed jobs depending on their opponents, such as in tournaments that spanned days.

If you've listened carefully to the receptionist, you'll understand that information, and you'll notice it if you carefully read the contents of the arena using the help function.

However, no one was able to settle down with the change in their [unique] skills.

This event will show a part of their power to those who possess valuable unique skills--that's also the purpose of this event...

[Inherent Unique] is different from (general normal), trying to show that it is a power given to the chosen one.

──As if ridiculing such intentions, the person manifested his second [unique] skill.

(Calm down, I! Think and think through to find the answer!)

A girl listening to the announcement on stage.

Make that person, who remains silent in front of her, confirm the answer she has found.

"I wonder how many faces you have?...Hey, are you listening to people?"


"Ignoring it is good courage. You're the one who defeated the boss in that raid event."

"...Is that so?"

"You have a skill that allows you to use other people's unique skills, right?"


Silence is the best affirmation.

The girl's consideration was almost correct.

(Just as I thought! Maybe, but I can copy other people's unique skills. There was no particular action in the previous match video, so there's no need to make any contact. It may have been done before the match, but... I wonder if it's an ability that can be copied just by using it.)

Even according to her own hypothesis, she is not an opponent that cannot be broken through.

"Skills that steal skills..." Unless it's something like that, you won't surpass yourself during this match.

"Aren't you supposed to fight as a summoner?"

"...I'm a Chunin now."

"Then I can help you. A weak magician can't win against a monster that looks like a strong Goblin King."

"... then, shall we begin?"

It turns out that it is possible to change jobs to ninja-type jobs by raising the fighter and thief to a certain level.

The girl puts her newfound information into her head and goes into the match.

≪Now then, both of you are ready... the game is about to begin! ≫

The girl instantly chanted...however, it wasn't done verbally.

(...■■■■──"Light Spear Light Spear" x 10)

Her skill ── [Thought Chant].

It is a power that makes it possible to process all incantations that should have been verbally expressed in your head and activate magic.

Apart from her skills, she uses the parallel thinking that she has from her own to activate multiple shots.

Her magic flow is the same as if she had moved her mouth, so those who are sensitive to magic would quickly notice her—that weakness she has already taken care of.

She performs precise control so that it cannot be felt until just before it is activated, and seals and releases leaks to the outside as much as possible.


The chunin standing upright without doing anything is pierced by the spear of light, exposing his defenseless appearance.

──And then, a smoke screen was emitted from his body and disappeared.

When the smoke cleared, a single log was placed there.

"A clone!?"

To some extent, I had predicted that the ninja would use transformation techniques.

However, it had a limit on the number of times it could be used, and he was stepping on it as not something that would be used in the first attack.

"──"Ninjitsu/Transformation Technique". I'm sorry, but let's check this."

"Check?  Isn't this a checkmate mistake?"

By the time I noticed the voice behind me, the game was already over.

──Because a single dagger was pointed at the girl's neck.

(It's already... you've lost. If it's too overwhelming, she won't feel any anger or resentment.)

"There is a high wall that cannot be climbed."

It ended without feeling strong emotions that made her respect and reverence... that was supposed to be the case.

"My loss—"

"I hope you don't give boring answers. Let's have more fun."

When the girl tried to raise her hand to surrender, that person—a man from the tone of his voice—blocked it.

The grasped arm cannot resist the strong force and cannot meet the conditions for surrendering.

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"You look displeased. I'm trying to give you a chance to win."

"You're not stupid enough to lose a battle. You're strong, maybe, but your total stats are probably higher than those guys. Even without an appraisal, your actions proved that."

"... This is a game. It's not a life-and-death battle. If it means gaining experience, shouldn't we fight here?"

(That's true, but...it's kind of annoying to hear him say that.)

"My thoughts were dulled."

[Thought Chant] boasts specs that are enough to use her excellent brain.

The more she uses it, the more she abuses it, the more she wears out her brain.

A power worthy of talent that has the potential to make an ordinary person useless.

Still unfamiliar with it, she uses up most of her original computing power with just one use.

It's possible to think like a normal person, but that's why you can only give biased answers.

But now, beyond the girl's perceptive ability, which allows her to skillfully manipulate magical powers, a magic that heals her mind and body is cast.

(... It looks like you're using it too much. I learned the skill and looked it up, but it's completely usable with this guy's specs. I'm glad I evolved it.)

Healing magic ── "Healing Mind and Body Grand Heal".

The man healed the girl with this magic that healed the mind and body at the same time.

With this, she regained her normal thoughts and put out her conditions as her original purpose.

"Okay, but you should use space magic. This is the condition."

"Eh, is that okay?  What's more, there's space-time magic too?"

"I've heard that it's theoretically possible, but...did you accumulate experience points? Or did you achieve it because there was a different acquisition condition?... …"

A girl who puts her healed mind to work and explores her own theories.

The man panicked and activated magic over and over again.

As a result, he calmed down, but his stabilized thoughts still wanted to fight.

"Hey, then change to space-time magic. Show your full power."

"Full power, full power... Well, okay. Then let's get ready."

≪──It seems that they have decided to settle the matter with a single blow. I wonder if the magic-specialized light magician will win, or if the clever chunin will do something interesting...≫

The host woman revealed what was going on inside the barrier.

As soon as they both moved to the edge of the stage, they both relaxed and stood still.

Those actions were for a duel, a ritual for releasing magic that boasted maximum power ── the audience was excited when they learned that.

It's not an easy thing to see.

Even those who can't go up all the time cheer as they are engulfed in the heat of the festival.

"Let's go"

"Yes, anytime."

"And the moment it begins."

Both of them had a strong image of hitting each other with the biggest blows they had accumulated.

The stronger the image of magic, the more intense it will be produced.

Only when those things are clearly set in your mind ── shoot magic at your opponent.

"Go ── 'Space-Time Spear Distortion Lance'"

"... ── 'Light Spear Light Lance' ('Dark Spear Dark Lance x 5')!"

Seven spears appeared on the spot.

The man shot one of them--a rigid, transparent spear that flew with the force that distorted space.

The girl shot the remaining six ─ ─ five black spears flew together with the spear of intense light that she uttered.

And then, the powerful magic that collided with each other, the magical power repelled each other and burst out in the form of thunder.

≪What Chuunin unleashed was... space-time magic? picture? "Why are you already learning!" "Hey, explain." Space-Time Magic──"Space-Time Spear", it is a magic that can also damage spiritual bodies.

On the other hand, the light magician used... the light magic "light spear" and the dark magic "dark spear". Are you planning to use the five dark spears as shields to deliver the light spears and pierce through the Chuunin?

The audience managed to understand the situation through the moderator's explanation.

I was surprised that one and six had the same power, but then another detonator was dropped.

≪──Nana what! "The Spear of Darkness is cracking little by little!" "And destroyed!" "The space-time spear is heading towards the spear of light!" ≫

The existence of space-time magic that most people have never heard of, and the way a single spear destroys all spears attests to its terrifying power.

──At the same time, the audience was fascinated by the end of the battle.

(If the spear shatters, there's nothing to protect. Shouldn't it have been saved without using all the magic power? But it's a duel, so there's a storm of boos.)

The girl, who had consumed all of her MP in this series of magic, had no way of defending against the Space-Time Spear.

She didn't even have time to avoid it, probably because she was holding magic until the last minute.

She thought the girl had given up and the audience would win or lose—but the man didn't think so.

"──"■■■■■■■■■ car"tto"

The man, who went to the girl faster than her spear, gently held her palm towards the spear he had fired.

──Magic is sucked into it, and silence reigns over the area.

≪What do you mean? The Chuunin player who should have decided the victory protected him ─ oops, he blocked the view from here with dark magic! "What the hell are you doing!?"

While the moderator was shouting about the situation, the men disguised themselves so that others could not see them.

He creates walls on all four sides with dark magic so that the surroundings will not know what will happen next.

"It's the girl who's frightened by it."

What will the man do in the midst of the cover-up?

Even though he is trembling in his heart, he asks with enthusiasm and stubbornness.

"What are you doing?"

"My current skill, if you heard it, could you keep it a secret?"


"I didn't want a cute girl to get hurt, so I disabled it, but I accidentally disabled it. If possible, I'd like you to keep it a secret."

(Eh, erm... In other words, you shouldn't say it because it will interfere with the match after this. Besides, you say I'm cute~~!?)

A girl who few people in the real world understand, probably because of the difference in her thinking speed.

There weren't many people my age that I could call friends, and I didn't even have a single male friend.

Perhaps because she is feared, she is a naive girl who has never experienced a confession from a playful boy.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-O-I-O-I-I-I-I'M LOSING, so I'll obey you. Should I hide it until the tournament is over?"

"Hmm? Well, that's right. If possible, I'd like you to keep it hidden, but... that's a lofty request. For the time being, it's enough to have it hidden. Thank you."

The man grabbed the girl's hand and waved it.

The girl, who was suddenly nervous in her early days, begins to feel her irritation as it continues.

"It's been a long time! How long will I have to hold her hand!"

"If possible, I would like to convey my gratitude to you as long as possible."

"...I feel sick."


"Please fix your face a little more and come back.

Saying so, the girl surrenders and exits from the darkened stage.

(T-I just said it. I was able to suppress it halfway through, but... it's a strange feeling. This is anger, isn't it?)

"T-The next time we meet... I'll never lose..."

A girl who decides her feelings on her own and accepts them.

The only thing I can say is that at that time she didn't feel any discomfort towards him.

≪The winner is Chunin! ≫

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"I was about to break my heart. Well, it seems that the tension has been lifted, so it's fine."

If this tournament was the type where victory or defeat was determined not by HP but by mentality, I would definitely have died with my last words.

"(Attack nullification) doesn't matter, it was a one-hit kill."

"But, even so, I got [Thought Chant]... Gufufu. I have to get it by tomorrow."

It seems that the tournament will start in the semi-finals tomorrow, and the program after that will start tomorrow.

Looking at the text of the ability, I was convinced that just having [Thought Chant] would dramatically improve my survivability.

"Well, shall we start now?"

Immediately, he activated the space-time magic "Space-Time Transfer Warp" and headed for training.