32 1st Fighting Tournament Part 04

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And then came the finals.  

That person──the person with the [Condemnation] occupation conducts a final check of the equipment in the waiting room.

His opponent, the "Imitator", was the one who defeated the Raid Boss ─ ─ he was the one who revealed the details of the "Space Wall Layer Wall", so he understood it well.

"... but there are still many uncertainties."

For those who convicted, it was astonishing that there were parts that could not be seen in the appraisal results.

"It was the first time since I started AFO, and there was nothing I couldn't see through until now."

Since that incident, the condemned person has acquired many new powers through repeated training.

Even so, he struggled with a clear image of victory.

"I have a mission.

After this, the convicted muttered as if possessed by something.

──It was all for the sake of conviction.

≪Well, the finals are finally here! The battle you've all been waiting for is here now--the two Imitators who have imitated their abilities in every battle they've fought against the [Condemner] who has the first hit, and who will win? Is that!? By the way, this time it looks like a magic warrior≫

The convict and the imitator face each other on the stage.

The convict fixed his eyes on the invisible face of the cloaked imitator.

I just stared intently without looking away to see if there was something worth looking at.

(Eh, what? Is it that kind of skill? Rather, it should be!)

"It's not like there's a lot of people being seen."

I can't even put my cloak on now, and I'm just waiting for the moment when the match starts.

...While praying vehemently that the other person saw that he was a man and didn't look at his buttocks with hot eyes.

(You have a sword on your waist, are you a swordsman type? But I think you said that you also use magic...I don't know who said it)

On the contrary, the hypocrite also secretly confirmed the condemned person from inside the cloak.

A black-haired androgynous boy, I feel a little jealous of his good looks, but I calmly proceed with the analysis.

≪Final match of destiny──The game begins!!≫

"Ah, you saved me."

The imitator, who had finished investigating the condemned to some extent and had nothing to do, thought so when he heard the start declaration.

"The beginning of the match was very quiet."

The condemned person slowly approached the range where he could hear his voice without raising his voice.

It was a very friendly voice even from the point of view of the imitator, and the atmosphere was unbelievable before the fight.

"Um... would you like to talk a little?"

"At this timing? Well, it doesn't matter."

The convict asks in a high androgynous voice.

"Then let's get started—how many unique skills do you have?"

"Suddenly, this is a silly question!  The number is five. The original magic, the copied skill, and the copied skill."

Even while making retorts, he answered the questions with a smile on his face.

If the other person behaves in a friendly manner, then I will face him that way ─ because I had decided to do so.

Even though the convict was dismayed by the imitator's quick answer to the question, he continued to ask the question.

"Then next - how do you copy your skills?"

"Do I have to answer that? Look, if the match is over, it's fine--"

"If you can, I'd like you to answer me."

Emphasize the words and tell him with power in his eyes.

"Well, I don't mind. There is a very low probability of imitation judgment by visual recognition. If you succeed, the skill will be displayed on the skill list. Since it's a skill that doesn't have aptitude, it will take an abnormal amount of SP, but... this I was hoarding it for the day, so somehow it worked out."


(The [Convict]...has no response!? Stupid, can't see through such a seemingly obvious lie!? Impossible, it can't be!

As a side effect of a certain power, the Convict's ability can see through the lies of those who meet the conditions.

Originally, he was a condemned person who wanted to know the truth with this power--but in reality, he didn't know anything.

No, I could only understand that the conditions were not met.

"Is that so... Does the [Convict] have that kind of effect? It seems like he's watching his behavior badly, so maybe he can see through his words and actions....But with that face, it seems like he's not doing anything wrong. I think. You look good."

"... What are you talking about? It's a sin to take someone else's things without permission. You know that much, right? You do what you should be judged for, you have no choice. Because of your too strong power, no one will judge you. If you say no, then I will judge you."

Her blazing black eyes concealed a darkness that seemed to swallow the light at the same time.

The hypocrite responds with a laugh even to the remarks of the dangerous convict.

"Well, it all boils down to you being a kid. Anyone who doesn't understand is a sin, and it seems like you've violated your privacy a little too much. To—"

"You don't need to make assumptions like that. I win and you lose. Victory comes to the right condemnation!"

After that exchange, the condemned person's friendly attitude completely disappeared.

Instead, she showed eyes that thwarted evil ── eyes that were filled with brilliance born of overwhelming confidence and a sense of justice.

"...■──"Sun Bullet Sun Bullet"!"

The convict pulls out the sword attached to his waist and runs towards the imitator.

Along the way, he chanted while moving, activating another unique skill he had hidden ── the sunlight magic "Sunshine Bullet".

"Good job!!"

The imitators nullify it by exercising the ability they used in the second round.

Since the activation was declared by thought chant, the condemned person would not be able to tell what was used.

(The phenomenon that was shown in the second round earlier...did you use it in [Thought Chant]?  Since the chant includes the activation part, did you expand the interpretation that it can also be used to exercise the skill?)

"It looks like it's going to do a little... but how about this - necromancy magic 'Lower Necromancer Create Lesser Ghost'"

This magic, which is activated at the cost of skill experience points, can create dead souls of a level that matches the amount paid without the need for corpses.

A magic circle is drawn on the ground, and a large number of spirits begin to drift.

The number exceeds 100, and spirits begin to dance all over the stage.

"That's not all—"Netherworld Manifestation Meikaikengen"!"

"Is this... night?"

The stage lost its light, and the area was enveloped in darkness.

Only the faint light of the spirit bodies swayed within it, manifesting a mysterious and mysterious fantasy world in this place.

The manifestation of the Netherworld ─ it was one of the environment modification magics that combined all kinds of magic, created by the imitators only with glue.

"Now, in this field, absolute blessings are given to those who belong to death. As long as there is darkness, they will become stronger, and as long as the core of their existence is not crushed, they will fight over and over again. Now, you are yourself. If you say I'm the one who condemns you, then judge me for blaspheming death!"

"Are you going to put yourself down that far? Yes, that's fine. Let's admit that I looked down on you a little too. I'll win without giving my all to someone like you... that kind of thing. I was thinking of

A condemned person who spills arrogance.

It was a will that was different from his own justice, and he seemed to admit that and repent.

However, the imitator affirms it.

"It's fine, then. It's really [Arrogant] but it's human. If it ends well, it's all good. In other words, the process doesn't matter as long as you change your mind at the end."

"That's an outrageous argument, but... but I'm seriously going to defeat you!"

The stagnation hidden in her eyes faded, and a dazzling light began to emerge.

This phenomenon occurred without the audience, the imitator, or the person himself noticing.

What did that bring to the condemned person? No one knows yet.

(...that said. Is this situation a little unsatisfactory? Judging from the name, it's probably a dark attribute magic or skill──then I'll look into it!)

A change will also occur in the thoughts of the condemned.

I began to think about reaching out to possibilities instead of just accepting the facts.

In order to overcome the situation even just a little, I used magic power in my eyes and activated a certain skill once more.

"──"Judgment Eye""

[Convict]'s ability "judgment eye".

This skill, which can detect lies, is more effective when used in conjunction with the Appraisal skill.

In other words, if they were concealed or camouflaged, it would be easier to see through.

-------------------------------------------------- -------

Mei ■■ Current ■■ Person: ■■ N


Usage power: 0

■■ degree: ■■■ 0 / ■■■ 0

Strengthen Darkness■■■■■■■■■■...

-------------------------------------------------- -------

(I can't see it at all! What a high level of concealment skill!!)

However, the displayed information is full of holes, and there is very little to understand.

This is not a difference in concealment, but a phenomenon that occurred due to the overwhelming difference in race level.

Rather, I should have been proud of the fact that I could see at least part of it.

──The reason is that the appraisal has been successful so far on an opponent with a difference of 70 or more.

(However, it is enough if you know that it is a dark attribute!)

Even if he knew that he was given it, the convict would stop and chant.

"It doesn't matter what the imitator wants from me, I just act to win."

Even among the sunshine magic, I kept chanting that magic that took a long time to cast... and it was activated.

"...■■■■■──"Evil Halo Purge Oleol"!"

A new light appears in the space covered in darkness.

The light emitted from the condemned's back tormented the illuminated spirits and extinguished them.

The world of the night, where the ghosts make noise, comes to an end with the sun, and the bright sun shines in the morning.

"Evil Halo" ─ ─ it was a wide area purification magic that could purify the lower undead without question.

"As expected of a magic that manipulates sunlight, if it were normal, wouldn't it be at the level of burning eyes?"

"So you've already imitated it. By saying that nickname isn't dated."


"Imitators have no impatience."

The mana that was consumed was recovered at high speed, and the tank was already full.

Nothing can stop the imitators, and one word can rewrite the world.

"... Then next ── 'Sanctuary Manifestation Seiiki Kengen'"

The ground was illuminated divinely, just like the halo of the condemned.

Even the dead spirits that managed to escape the light of the condemned were completely extinguished without being able to resist the light shining on the entire stage.

"In contrast to the previous one, it's a light-attribute enhanced field.

"...What do you mean..."

"That's why, didn't I tell you earlier? Show me your seriousness...then tell me when you're ready. You're feeling better now, right? It's the final match, so let's use our best and have fun."

(I wonder what this person is doing, something like sending salt to the enemy... ugh, that's weird)

The hard tension loosened, and the extra strength was gone.

Her tense mouth naturally smiled as she stretched out her hand towards the sword.

"Then let me use the sword as well."

"If you do that, I will too."

Both of them removed their swords from their scabbards and strengthened their strength with magic power.

At the same time, the condemned person uses the sunlight magic "Lighting Photon" to speed up, [Condemned person] activates the "Cut Condem" and attacks.

"──Anytime is fine."

"Me too. The signal is... this is fine. Let's move at the same time when this falls to the ground."

Saying so, the imitator swings the horn of something in his hand.

I acknowledged those words with my neck, raising my awareness until the very last moment.

"Let's go!"

A single pierced horn dances in the sky while rotating in a circular motion.

Losing to gravity, they eventually gain speed and fall to the ground──they start moving at the same time.

""Condemnation Execution Execution"!!"

""Slash Slash""

A blow that crossed each other.

The swords overlapped and pierced with sharp points.

──However, there is a clear difference between the two.

"Haha... It looks like I'm losing..."

"I'm sorry. Gravity magic was added with 'Magic Knowledge'. The sword is broken."

"... Was it a magic warrior skill?"

The imitator's sword reaches to the heart, but the convict's sword breaks in the middle and does not pierce.

With a sharp sound, the tip of the sword flew into the air and pierced the ground.

"The winner was clear to anyone."

"In the first place, there is a reason why we absolutely cannot win. You already know, don't you?

The condemned man took a deep breath and calmed his heartbeat before answering.

"Guilty ─ ─ Karma is 0, isn't it? I don't know the reason."

"Correct, it seems that the effect of my skill fixed it at 0. It seems that another skill can be involved in limited matters that occur in both good and evil, so it doesn't matter which one."

A system that can only be understood by special abilities such as the guilt system and [Convict].

A special parameter hidden in all creatures in the world of AFO - Karma.

If you do good deeds, the numbers will be positive, and if you do bad deeds, the numbers will be negative.

If it exceeds a certain number, it will be judged as a good or bad person, and if it does not, it will be judged as a neutral existence.

"So, [Condemned] is a villain special attack. Even if it is neutral, if you tilt it to the negative, the attack will be corrected. A player who continues to kill monsters for selfish purposes is usually negative."

"That's why I thought it was strange at first. High-level players are usually negative, but it's different."

"... the atmosphere has changed. The tone is completely different from the beginning."

"Is that so? It's true that he's lost his mind a little, but I don't think he's changed."

"It's actually changing, but the convict doesn't notice it."

Strong stereotypes are blown away by the imitators, leaving only clear thinking in the condemned.

"Then...it must be your fault."

"...Huh? My fault!?"

"Yeah. So, if we meet somewhere, then... you'll take responsibility, right?"

"I feel like it's terribly unreasonable... well, that's fine."

The HP bar was slowly depleting.

The time that had been secretly extended by space-time magic was canceled at the same time as the conversation ended.

The condemned, whose vitality has run out, turned into particles of light, looking forward to seeing them again.

(If we ever meet again, then... let me know.)

≪The game is over! "The winner of the first tournament is an imitator..." and ran away! "It backfired on me that I hadn't taken measures against long-distance teleportation yet!" "Well, participants, the rewards will be sent by email at a later date, so please wait!" ≫

The imitator vanished at the same time as the condemned person completely left.

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"We'll talk about it later."

"Exhausted, I immediately returned to Lean."

I logged out, took a good rest, and fell asleep as if I was exhausted that day.

...Because my brain is tired.

And now he logged back in and explained to Ryoku what had happened so far.

"--I can't go through the trouble of greeting a big boss. That's why I was stupid."

"My master, are you okay?"

"If it really doesn't work, I will send you an email.

"Oh! Congratulations!"

His skill ── sunlight magic.

The sunlight it produces has almost the same properties as the real sun...if you use it, you can say goodbye to the artificial sun created by the photosphere.

"Because of that kind of courtesy, I listened carefully to his last words."

"Even so, [Condemned], don't worry a little about getting a job.

It's an ability that inflicts damage on the opponent depending on the work value, but I don't know how useful it is other than seeing through lies.

"I don't have the idea that I won't save people because they are evil, and even good people have to be judged."

"Well, since I have to change jobs that have maxed out, I'm going to change jobs."

"Have a nice day"

I used space-time magic to teleport and headed for the temple.