24 The Royal Capital of the Past Part 08


She went silent, but it can't be helped.

She didn't expect to meet the guild master, but it's a rare case that the old man standing next to him was actually the king.

"Or rather, why are you in the guild?"

"Fufu, you seem surprised."

"Umu. It was a little dangerous, but it was the right decision to go all the way."

"Oh, let me explain. This person's name is 'Sieg Wurm Sound', the current king and the wise king."

"It's not like that. Mels and others, Sieg doesn't care about me."

He's saying something, but I can't quite comprehend it with my frozen mediocre spec brain.

"Well, let's understand it at the king's surprise level."

"... I came to report. However, I heard that there was something else.

"Oh, you didn't say that. Actually—"

"I didn't really need it, but I definitely wanted to see it with my own eyes. Isn't this the so-called authority of the king?"

"It's the requester's words, so in a way they're not wrong."

"It wasn't a sudden cancellation, so there's no problem with showing up."

"There's a deeper reason, but... the labyrinth you conquered shouldn't be able to be cleared unless it's at least rank B."

"B...Isn't the order condition supposed to be D+?"

"Yeah, if it's a strategy at a party. But you did it alone... In other words, you're definitely above B rank. Currently, you're the strongest in the capital? Isn't that wonderful?"

"Ha, ha... that, Soudesune"

"What kind of calculation is that?"

I understand that it's not just a simple number, it's a combination of play and so on, but... then I, who has holy and magical weapons and sacred treasures, can't figure out the ability based on just the number of people.

"Therefore—I want Merus to become an S-rank adventurer."

"No, I don't know what that means."

"Umu, is that your true nature? Merus, your acting is not likely to be understood by the guild masters and royals who are always confronted with evil spirits."

"... Well, it's fine. So, I almost don't understand the meaning. Why do you jump to S from talking about the strength of rank B?"

"I wonder what the radish actor is."

I wanted to speak calmly, but he probably knew from the beginning that I was acting from the smile on his face.

"It's because the detailed conditions are troublesome. Your rank is probably stopped, right? From C-, you need an exam."


"But S rank is different. If you have royal certification, it's possible to do it with a simple examination... it's a special treatment."

"And you meet that condition. There is a king here, and if you wish to become an S rank, he will accept it. Now, what are you going to do?"

The two of them looked at each other with anticipation.

It's a story that seems to be beneficial to me, and if you like subcultures, it's a development that could be added to one of your "things you want to do when you go to another world."

"I'm S-rank, and recommended by the royal family."

Given the flow of the story, they will do their best to back it up.

"Then my answer is ──

"No, it's troublesome, so I'll stop."

"It seems that it wasn't that simple."

After being told that the conversation would take place in another place, I reluctantly followed ── and arrived there.

"Um... this place looks like a training ground to me."

"That's right. Even newcomers can use it, so if you want to train your juniors, you can apply anytime and I'll open it up."

"And for some reason, I'm facing Arch-san face-to-face."

"Arch is fine. Same S rank."

For now, ignore the fact that you've been arbitrarily certified as an S rank.

In order to grasp the situation, I gradually corrected my understanding by asking questions out loud.

"Mr. Arch. Do you really have to do it?"

"Yeah, I'm begging you. After all, you agreed to be the last one. That's why I decided to fight you as a judge."

"I am the witness, the referee is—"

"I will do it"

The receptionist who received my completion report, standing by in front of the guild master's office.

I learned this time that she's a receptionist, a profession that doesn't work just by being at the reception.

The king ── Mr. Sieg watched the game while sitting in the VIP seats prepared in the audience.

I think he's just a spectator...

"There's no need for me to win, right?"


"No, because I was curious."

The stats controlled by Lee's (disguised ability) were released in advance.

However, I don't know the weapons yet, so I won't show them directly.

...Yes, there are other ways to attack in this world besides weapons.

"Now then, let's begin the S rank certification exam."

The receptionist calmly announced the start.

She swallows her saliva and looks at Arch-san, who prepares his weapon.

The tip of the sword you're gripping is extremely sharp──Is that a sword called a "rapier"?

"Since it seems to contain magic power, it is highly possible that it is a magic tool."

I've done an appraisal, but I haven't been able to see through the useful information because the level is still low.

I know the basic information (name, race, occupation), but I don't know what information is needed right now, such as skills.

"Are you ready?"

"Ah, anytime."

"Even if you run away, you'll end up being chased."

I let out my small feelings just for this time, and start the engine inside me.

"Both of you, it looks like you're ready--begin!"

And then, the exam finally begins.

Arch-san wanted to know what I was going to do first, so he carefully observed my behavior without moving my body.

"... It's good that they don't attack right away, but you can't wait too long either."

"No, no, there's a way to defeat it, right?  Waiting naturally brings benefits, time is my ally."

"Is that... licking?"

"That's something you should say after letting me put my hand out."

What he dared to provoke was the ``depraved bedding'', the symbol of [lazy].

Crawl into the wonderful futon and have a conversation with just your face.

"... Phew, I feel an outrageous magical power. What the hell is that?"

"Oi oi, it's okay for an adventurer to have a secret, right?  Everyone has a secret or two."

"There is no such level!"

Riding on the wind that blew from somewhere, he tried to stab me with his rapier ─ ─ just before that, a high-pitched metallic sound resounded.

"A barrier!"

"Good answer. If you don't break it, I can buy time slowly."

"How about this—'Penetrate Penetrate'!"

"It's an attack clad in the light of martial arts."

Because he has an absolute sense of security that no attack will come, he is able to maintain a relaxed mindset.

Fumu, according to the memo function of the dialogue in the log, it seems that the handwriting is written as "piercing thrust"... martial arts can also be imitated, but it seems that you can't use it unless you understand such details.

"But it's still sweet."

"...! Is it not enough to specialize in penetrating!"

"I'll tell you one thing. This barrier can be moved, and it's also incredibly fast."

"Is that the secret to the strategy? But it seems that's not all."

Having one piece of information is more likely to cause misunderstandings than having no information at all.

"It's because she's thinking about it on her own, so I don't bother to check my answers."

"It seems to be strong against physical attacks, but what about magic? ... 'Thunder Lance'"

"Are you a speed type?"

A lightning magic that is a derivation of the wind attribute and has both rapid fire and power.

Among them, prepare a "Thunder Spear" with high penetration power and unleash ten spears at once.

"It's a little bright, but please darken it."

"Magic too... if it was just one or the other, it would still be within the scope of my understanding."

"I guess the times are always looking for change. Good luck, before the adversary uses such a barrier."

"Is it about time?"

I somehow managed to escape from the futon with the power of my will and held up the prototype short cane wand.

"Look, the barrier has been removed.

"If you don't give me a little more trouble, I won't be able to prove myself as a guild master—"Wind Bombing Aero Burst"!"

"That's not the case. The stronger you are, the less you can command me (──"Universal Absorption")."

"...! How in the world did you do that?"

Using the familiar thought chant and chantless skills at the same time, activate Gu's equipment skill.

This skill absorbs everything and analyzes it as wisdom... I wanted the magical power of the forest elf, so I used this one instead of the one used in the fighting tournament.

"Please keep this a secret as well… Uh, should it be over soon? Arch-san, please defend yourself desperately."

"... that's right, I'll keep it that way."

Maybe he sensed the danger in my words, so he builds defense magic with wind magic again.

A convenient "Machi no Mahon" that you can learn by looking at it.

Even when analyzing through my field of vision, the information is automatically written down.

"Well then, I'll prepare too."

After telling her verbally, I started preparing attack magic.

A powerful blow that just bundles basic attributes, which is common in creative works... I think I'll try it this time.

It wasn't as easy as the main characters, but I was practicing magic, so I was able to prepare it without taking much time.

Using [Shinra Magic], which can freely bundle basic attributes and their derived attributes, the power of fire, water, wind, earth, light, and dark attributes is arranged and bundled with no attributes. .

"Name it—Chaos Spear Chaos Lance?"


"It's my lack of ability that turned into a sinister Nanika that wasn't rainbow-colored."

"If you're the main character, you'll surely be able to create beautiful rainbow-colored sparkles, but... this is the limit of mobs."

"Well then, let's go!"

It seems that she is manipulating her magic power in a precise manner, so I will release her after a few seconds without asking for an answer.

The intricately intertwined powers of the attributes repulsed each other, and were about to explode at any moment.

I used non-attribute magic to force it in and suppress it, but it disappeared as soon as I touched something.

When I flew the spear, it was blocked by a wind barrier.

Then, the non-attribute magic save was canceled, and the repulsive magic power ran out of control in the immediate vicinity of Arch-san.

"Oops, I have to deploy the barrier."

Arch-san doesn't do it because she has her own things, but I felt bad if I didn't protect the safety of her receptionist and the king.

Therefore, the two were wrapped in barriers to ensure their safety.

And in the next moment, a wave of magical power that was so violent that it would have broken the barrier up until now rampaged all at once.

"Arch-san... yeah, he seems to be fine."

The other two were also blocked by my barrier, so they only had to show their surprised expressions.

"No, no, you're amazing, Mels-kun. If you can do this, you should have been more humble."

"What are you going to do about bragging?  Are you going to imprison me forcibly saying that you want me to use that power for the guild?  Even if I was asked to quit the guild, the answer would be NO.」

A little smoke came out, but it seems that Arch-san who appeared from inside was unscathed and survived.

"Yeah, that's true too... Ah, you passed the exam. Starting today, you can become a rank S adventurer."

"Yes, yes, thank you. Ah, I'll say it first, but I don't work in units of decades. No matter what I'm forced to do with the compulsory request, I will never do anything during that period."

"... It looks like there's something going on. I'm going to postpone this application.

"...Ten years"

Return to the original room and stand by at each position.

I handed the guild card to the receptionist ─ ─ apparently Sherry ─ and had it exchanged while I was killing time.

"This is the end of my requirements. From here, Sieg will speak."

"Yeah. I had a lot of free time because I was silent for a long time."

"Come to think of it, we didn't have a conversation."

"There was a brief explanation, but I didn't hear about the purpose of being here."

"Hmm, it would be nice to hear the reason..."