Unfaithful Man

"Is he really going to come or not?" It was already evening but the crown prince was still not there.

When he thought Nicholas was no longer coming, the hooves of the horses finally heard.

Two carriages stopped in front of his entrance and Cassian personally walked out with all the staff to welcome the crown prince.

A benevolent smile spread across Nicholas' face as if he was meeting a long-lost friend for the first time.

"Cassian! How many months has it been since we last met each other? " The man smiled with an open heart as he walked in.

Casian bowed his head, "yes, it has been a long time. I wonder what urgent matter brought you here suddenly, by your grace." 

"You are my brother-in-law. I am not strict like my father to forget about relationships completely." he smiled as if they were in a cordial relationship.