A Servant

"Wait! I wanted to drink it too." Amber picked up her glass before Ana could take it away.

She took a sip hurriedly.

"There are still so many..." but before Mary could point at the other glasses, they were picked up too. The other ladies took a step, afraid their glasses would be taken away.

They were amazed at the taste. It had a blend of various flavors.

"I never knew tea could be served cold."

"Yes, and we can add gold to it."

"I am going to try it as soon as I get back."

They all looked happy when Mary and Daisy smiled at each other.

"Oh! It is not regular gold leaf. The gold you possess could be poisonous if you eat it." Mary corrected Evelyn softly who gasped with horror.

"Oh, I thought it was just a twenty four carat gold coin shaped like a leaf." She stared at her glass again in confusion.