It Is Cassian?

Nick grabbed the man's collar and dragged him out of the forest. With force, he threw him onto Mary's feet.

The man winced as he felt like he was raised high in the air and thrown to the ground like a potato sack. This was as if he weighed nothing.

But when he saw her mocking look, he felt more humiliation than pain.

If only he had killed him instead. But survival was more critical.

He gulped his anger and twisted his head to see Nick who was standing behind him.

"Your majesty, I apologize for what happened. We were paid to kill both of you. We have no animosity against you. As long as you let me go, I will confess all my crimes." he offered but looking at the dark face of Nick that was full of thirst for blood, he gulped his saliva.

"No! There is no need to let me go. You can arrest me. I will give a testament against my master in the royal court. We can set a trial against him." He begged but Nick did not react.