Break up of Circuit Breaker....Sorrow of Pablo... Meeting Bella

"Did you hear the Circuit Breaker had been disbanded?" A young girl with a plain look asked her friend.

"Yeah… I heard about it." Her friend responded with a sigh.

"Everyone thought our district had finally had their robot fighting guild… Alas…." She added.

"It's a pity… Do you know why they chose to disband?" The plain girl asked curiously.

"I heard from my friend that two of their group betrayed them and joined another guild while also copying their fighting sequence."

"Really?" she widened her eyes. "Why would they do that?" Her voice raises an octave.

"Who knows?" Her friend shrugged.

Meanwhile, in the distance, Pablo sat alone on a weathered wooden bench in the heart of an old park, a once-vibrant space that had fallen victim to the passage of time.

The surrounding trees, once proud and verdant, now stood as mere remnants of their former glory, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers against the gray sky.

Sparse leaves, brittle and brown, clung desperately to the branches, their colors faded and life drained away.

Dressed in a worn-out jacket that mirrored the park's desolate atmosphere, Pablo exuded an air of melancholy and despair.

His shoulders slumped forward, burdened by the weight of sorrow and the sting of betrayal from his former teammates.

Deep lines etched his face, telling tales of sleepless nights and countless worries that plagued his mind.

His once-bright eyes, now dulled with disappointment, gazed out into the distance, seemingly lost in a world of shattered dreams.

The twinkle that once danced within them, igniting his spirit and fueling his ambitions, had been extinguished.

Additionally, the spark of hope had been replaced by the bitter taste of betrayal, leaving him in a state of perpetual anguish.

As the wind rustled through the park, the dry leaves that carpeted the ground whispered their tales of abandonment and broken promises.

They crunched beneath Pablo's weary feet, their brittle voices joining the symphony of his desolation.

Each step he took seemed to echo through the hollow chamber of his soul, amplifying the emptiness that engulfed him.

He clutched his hands tightly together, the rough calluses on his palms mirroring the scars etched into his heart.

The once-unbreakable bond he had shared with his teammates had fractured, leaving him shattered and adrift.

He felt a sense of isolation, even in the midst of the fading park, as if the world had turned its back on him.

Perhaps, the world had turned its back on him.

Previously, he thought only Kaida betrayed the team, who would have guessed Cedric had also betrayed them.

Moreover, Cedric didn't just betray them. He stole all their remaining money, leaving them penniless.

Left with no choice, he disbanded the team and accepted defeat. Everything was not just not favoring him.

'Now, what should I do with the invitation to the Town's yearly tournament.'

While he was still wallowing in sorrow, he received an invitation to fight in the Nightshade Robot Fighting yearly tournament.

This was the peak fighting tournament in this backward town.

A platform to show the world he was no longer a loser, that he could follow after his father's legacy.

And perhaps, surpass it.

But now, everything has gone down the drain.

As Pablo sat in the desolate park, his thoughts swirled in a tempest of despair, questioning how his life had spiraled into such misery.

The weight of disappointment and betrayal bore down on his shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit.

How did it come to this? He pondered, his mind replaying the moments of shattered dreams and broken promises.

Once filled with hope and ambition, his path had veered off course, leading him to this desolate place of loneliness and sorrow.

The camaraderie he had once cherished with his teammates had disintegrated, leaving him adrift in a sea of isolation.

He couldn't help but search for answers within himself, dissecting his choices and actions that had brought him to this point.

Regret gnawed at his soul, each mistake and misstep magnified in his mind's eye. Self-doubt crept in, poisoning his thoughts with whispers of inadequacy and worthlessness.

The bitterness of betrayal lingered on his tongue, a taste he couldn't wash away.

How could those he trusted and fought alongside turn their backs on him? The sense of abandonment cut deep, leaving wounds that seemed impossible to heal.

Additionally, the foundation of his world had crumbled, leaving him stranded in the ruins of his own shattered dreams.

The voices of doubt and despair grew louder, weaving a narrative of hopelessness that seemed to drown out any glimmer of light.

He felt suffocated by the weight of his own failures, a prisoner trapped within the confines of his own mind.

But amidst the darkness, a tiny ember of resilience flickered within him.

It whispered of a choice, a chance to rise above the despair that threatened to consume him.

The struggle seemed insurmountable, yet he couldn't ignore the spark that dared him to fight, to claw his way back from the depths of his misery.

As he sat in that park, his heart heavy and burdened, Pablo knew he had a decision to make.

He could surrender to the darkness, allowing it to swallow him whole, or he could summon the strength to rebuild, to forge a new path out of the ashes of his brokenness.

Suddenly, his eyes brightened.

'How could I forget about something of such importance.' He slapped his tight and stood with renewed vigor.

'I still have the system. And with the system, nothing can stand in my way.'

He cracked his knuckle and exhaled slowly. The sorrowful gleam in his eyes disappeared as found a new source of hope.

Just then, he heard a voice.



He flinched as he tried to recollect where he heard that voice before.

Nevertheless, he turned slowly to the voice direction. And behold, an enchanting green eyes was staring at him with the brightest smile ever.

Seeing those green eyes, his thought froze for a moment and his jaw dropped slowly.

"D-Do you remember me…." The girl asked with a trace of nervousness.
