Departure.... Conflicted web of emotions.

Pablo and Bella walked side by side beneath the luminous moon, just a couple of blocks away from the empty subway station.

The moon, a radiant orb in the night sky, cast a soft glow over their surroundings, illuminating the path they tread together.

Its gentle light painted their figures with ethereal strokes, accentuating the distance and closeness that existed between them.

As they strolled, their footsteps fell in synchrony, creating a rhythmic melody that echoed through the silent city streets.

The night air held a hint of anticipation, charged with unspoken words and unexplored emotions.

With each step, they moved closer to the subway station, their destination veiled in the mystery of the unknown.

Under the moonlit canopy, Pablo and Bella shared a quiet companionship, their souls entwined yet marked by an intangible distance.

Their gazes occasionally met, and in those fleeting moments, worlds of unspoken longing and shared understanding seemed to pass between them.

When they were young, they both had an inexplicable crush on each other. But the unexpected departure of the da-Fonte family left the bubbling love to wither quickly.

But now, the bubbling feeling had awoken, ready to grow further.

The moonlight reflected in their eyes, shimmering like distant stars mirroring their unspoken desires.

Bella's laughter, like the chiming of delicate bells, broke the silence. Pablo's heart skipped a beat at the sound, his eyes lighting up with a mixture of joy and yearning.

He savored the delicate music of her laughter, the way it lifted the weight of the world off their shoulders, if only for a fleeting moment.

As they walked, their hands hovered near each other, tempted to reach out and bridge the invisible gap that separated them.

But something held them back, a mixture of uncertainty and respect for the unspoken boundaries that lingered between them.

It was as if the moonlight itself whispered a gentle reminder to let their connection unfold at its own pace.

Even though the couple enjoyed each other's company. Nevertheless, each had various conflicting emotions running through their minds.

As for Pablo, his previous betrayal from both his colleague and girlfriend left a deep scar in his fragile heart.

Thus, he was not ready to jump into a roller coaster of emotion once again when he was just healing up.

Even though he knew Bella as a childhood sweetheart. That was then, what can he say about her now?

'I need to take it slow. It can't be rushed, besides I don't know anything about her now and her previous experience in the city and why she came back.'

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and flashed a bright smile toward Bella.

As for Bella, she maintained her enchanting smile, looking at the bright moonlight with various conflicting thoughts.

'Why did I rush it…. I should have taken it slow. If I had known, I'd still have a chance to be with him. I won't have made such a stupid decision.'

She cried deeply in her heart. Nevertheless, she didn't let the conflicted emotion appear on her face.

The empty subway station loomed ahead, a symbol of possibilities yet to be explored. They paused at the threshold, their eyes drawn to the dimly lit platform stretching out before them.

The silence between them was pregnant with unspoken confessions, their hearts yearning to break free from the shackles of hesitation.

Pablo turned toward Bella, his voice laced with vulnerability and longing.

"Do you ever wonder what lies ahead for us?" he asked, his words hanging in the air like a delicate veil.

Bella met his gaze, her eyes shimmering with a blend of hope and uncertainty.

"Every day," she replied softly, her voice carrying the weight of unfulfilled dreams and cautious optimism.

At that moment, they shared a silent understanding, a bond that transcended words.

The moonlight bathed them in its gentle embrace, casting their shadows side by side, blending their silhouettes into a single entity.

As they continued their journey, the moon beamed down upon them, a guiding presence in their shared exploration of love's intricacies.

The empty subway station faded into the backdrop, replaced by a sense of infinite possibilities that lay ahead.

Isadora stood alone in a secluded corner of the empty subway station, hidden in shadows cast by the flickering lights.

Her eyes were fixed on Pablo and Bella, who walked beneath the moonlight, their figures illuminated by its gentle glow.

As she observed them, a mix of envy and curiosity filled her thoughts, and she couldn't help but voice her suspicions silently.

"I knew it!" Isadora's mind exclaimed, a tinge of bitterness underscoring her inner dialogue. "Something is definitely going on between the two of them."

Isadora watched as Pablo and Bella moved together with an unspoken connection, their steps in sync, their presence a testament to the intimacy they shared.

She noted the subtle glances they exchanged, the way their bodies gravitated toward each other, and the unspoken language that seemed to pass between them.

Their closeness stirred a longing within her, a yearning for a connection as profound as the one she perceived they possessed.

As Isadora studied Bella, her eyes took in the other woman's radiant beauty.

She admired the way the moonlight kissed Bella's features, accentuating her graceful curves and the warmth that seemed to emanate from within her.

Isadora couldn't help but compare herself to Bella, her own insecurities magnified in the presence of such enchanting allure.

A flicker of self-doubt clouded Isadora's thoughts. She wondered what it was about Bella that captivated Pablo's attention, that drew him closer with each passing moment.

The tinge of envy swirled within her, mingling with her desire to experience love as profound and passionate as the one she believed they shared.

Lost in her thoughts, Isadora lingered in the shadows, her gaze fixated on the couple under the moonlight.

She yearned to be the one walking hand in hand with Pablo, sharing whispered secrets and tender moments.

Unknown to her, Fabian was also looking at her in another secluded corner.

His expression was difficult to discern and he sighed. He looked at her for the last time before looking at the couple in the distance and shook his head.


Just then, the silent subway roared into life as the sound of the hypersonic train echoed from the distance, marking the arrival of their ticket out of District Nine.



We've completed this week's goal by a large margin. Thank you very much to those that support this book with their golden ticket.

SHOUT OUT TO: (Devor, PlayerSlayer, Leonofzion, and Mepbro)

For completing this week's goal by a large margin. I'll post two extra chapters instead of one.

I say thank you very much to every fan and reader for your support. :D

Love ya.