2. Rebirth?

Am I dead? I feel like I'm laying on a bed though. Is this heaven? Wait... Was I even good enough to go to heaven? Hmm... maybe not.

Opening his eyes Wangguk saw an unfamiliar ceiling. He got off the bed in a panic.

Sunghoon that fucking bitch, let me get out of here and I'll give you a taste of death-

He halted when he noticed that despite the accident and his severe injuries, he didn't feel any pain.

"Huh?! My injuries are gone? Wait why do I feel so short?! Did I shrink like a piece of fabric??"

He opened the door which was connected to a bathroom. The first thing he saw was the mirror. Wangguk's world stopped for a whole minute as he stared at the mirror with wide eyes. His eyes that used to be of chocolate-brown shade doe-like eyes were now bright pale green serine eyes. His body looked rather flail compared to his previous form which used to weight near a hundred kilos. His height previously was 194 cm was now 170 cm. And his hair was cream colored instead of dark brown.

"Wait a fucking minute!", He said finally recovering from the surprise. "That's me? How did I become some anime character? Oh no, wait up!"

Wangguk flexed his arms disappointedly glimpsing in the mirror. "My perfect build-up biceps are gone... This body doesn't seem exceptionally strong either."

"Does that mean I'm dead in the real world...?" He sighed in defeat. "At least I got another chance-"

Just then a golden ball came floating toward him, making him trip and collapse. Suddenly, various memories flickered in front of his eyes. When the flashback was over, Wangguk rushed toward the toilet to throw up because of the overwhelming feelings.

After about an hour when he had calmed down, he spoke to himself, "Okay so apparently this guy's name is Eunwoo Seo who is 17 years old.", He pointed to himself. "And he is believed to be Jiwoo's twin? From Eleceed? But lives with their uncle in Australia."

"Wow, this feels like those reincarnated into webtoon fanfics from Wattpad. In his memories, I saw that he's living here since he was seven and doesn't have any awakened powers. Well, that sucks. I wish I could have at least gotten my revenge on Sung-"

That's when it hit him. His coach's message. 'Don't worry all your troubles will be gone soon.'

No way... The coach was behind my murder as well? I thought of him as my father.

Tears rolled down his cheeks and he no longer tried to stop them. He slammed his hands against the wall in frustration.

"I am no long Han Wangguk. I need to acknowledge my new identity as Seo Eunwoo. I can still get stronger even without awakened abilities! Even though I wonder how far has the story reached. Did Jiwoo meet Kayden yet?"

'Eleceed' was Wangguk- no Eunwoo's one of the favorite webtoons which he had reread multiple times. On the brighter side, he could meet all his favorite characters!

Maybe I can ask my uncle to send me to live with Jiwoo? Oh, that would be nice... But I still miss my old physic-

He bumped into the sink and a shampoo bottle fell on his head. Eunwoo brought his hands to his head to minimize the damage but the impact never came. He looked up and saw a golden shield above his head.

His eyes enlarged as he screamed. "WHAT THE MOTHERF-"