4. what's awakened power?

The six young teens were enjoying their jjajangmyeon except for one who was upset because he had to share his food.

"Wow... you really are twins!", exclaimed Subin.

Jisuk scoffed. "Of course they are. Look at their faces, they're quite similar!"

"Don't talk as if you recognized him to be Jiwoo's brother, idiot."

"They're always like this so don't mind them. Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?", asked Jiwoo.

Eunwoo gave him a toothy smile before saying, "I wanted to surprise you!"

Kayden was silently witnessing the drama unfold before him.

"Wow... we have another softie among us." It was Jisuk who said that.

"By the way what is your awakened ability?", Gangseok asked.

Four people along with a cat looked at him curiously.

Alright! Time to show off my acting abilities!

"What's that?", Eunwoo asked blinking in confusion as he tilted his head to the side.

"Uhh Guys", Jiwoo interrupted. "He doesn't have awakened powers."

Jiwoo then proceeded to explain about the awakened world and his ability. While the great actor Eunwoo continued acting surprised by the information.

He finally decided to let Jiwoo know about this ability as there wouldn't be any better time to bring this up.

"So your super speed is actually this 'awakened power'? Woah...", Eunwoo said petting a grey cat. "To be honest this is the reason I wanted to come back to Korea... I wanted you to be the first person to know about this."

"About what?", asked Jiwoo curiously.

Eunwoo placed his palm in front and concentrated his energy on it. Within seconds there was a dagger in his hand. "About this."

Placing his palm in front, Eunwoo focused his energy to form a silver dagger whose blade was around 25 cm. The weapon shone in the hands of the young awakener.

"Woahhh!", exclaimed Jisuk and Subin together.

Kayden was silently watching very thing from the couch and Eunwoo knew very well that he was observing him.

"Wow, Eunwoo! Since when did you find out that you're an awakened?", asked Jiwoo still glazing at the weapon.

"Last week..."

"No way!"

Subin, Jisuk, and Gangseok were still shaken by what they saw.

"I want to spar with you. Who knows how strong you are." Said Jisuk but Jiwoo refused.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Eunwoo is probably tired from the long flight and not to mention he only just recently discovered about these powers."

"He's right, Jisuk. Don't behave like an idiot now ~" Commented Subin sarcastically.

Gangseok joined the conversion, "What happened to 'first beat Sucheon, then Jiwoo, and then come to me'?"

"Eunwoo is an exception", Jisuk said smirking. And so the fight broke out again.

Eunwoo and Jiwoo chatted with Wooin ignoring the three bickering in the background.

It looked like the jet lag finally got to Eunwoo as he fell asleep on Jiwoo's shoulder while the older twin tried not to move much in case he disturbed his sleep.

"Will you guys shut up and let him rest?", asked Gangseok pointing at the sleeping Eunwoo.

"Oh, right. Let me help you there." Said Jisuk picking up the sleeping boy and laying him comfortably on the couch.

Soon the four teens said their goodbyes before leaving and also asked to help Eunwoo train.

Jiwoo covered Eunwoo with a blanket as the younger smuggled more in it making him chuckle.

"He really is your twin, huh?", asked Kayden finally being able to speak.

"Yep! I'm glad he's back." Jiwoo replied happily stroking Eunwoo's hair.

"He called you 'hyung', so I'm guessing you're the older twin." Asked the curious cat.

"Hehe... Yeah even though it's just by 10 minutes. I like it when he calls me hyung."

Jiwoo smiled cheekily which made Kayden smirk looking at his apprentice being so happy.

"Umm... If it's not too much to ask, Mr. Kayden, can you please train him as well? Just so he can protect himself..."

"Of course, kiddo. That goes without saying. Since he's here, he'll have to be strong enough to defend himself." Said Kayden.

Jiwoo asked curiously, "What do you think of his awakened power?"

"I think he's more of a close-distance fighter so you both can train together. His awakened power involves summoning weapons as far as I've seen. He needs to practice how to use them."