27. Veramonte and Jurion

Jiwoo and I decided to meet the principal before leaving. Even though we were twins, we had nothing in common except for our hair color because we weren't identical twins. Jiwoo's eyes were golden-brown doe while I had emerald green serine-like eyes. While Jiwoo's features were more on the cuter side, I had rather sharp ones.

My brother demonstrated to the old man how he had made use of the still he was taught to which the principal was greatly impressed considering how much he had improved in such a brief period.

"Won't you show me how much you've learned from the book?", he said now glimpsing at me with a small smile on his face.

I grinned before showing him my force control. It was complete now but I needed to make it stronger.

"Incredible... You already completed it." He said with his eyes barely dilated.

"Yeah but I have to work a lot to make it stronger", I smiled politely at his praise.

"I admit that your force control is truly captivating to look at."

"Thank you, sir."

"Right, sir? I told him the same thing. Though I think his force control somewhat embodies him. I mean you can't deny the good looks in both but the way it calmly glides like a stream of water is very similar to how Eunwoo fought in his spar", Jiwoo said.

I didn't even notice this but this approach might be correct.

"You got that right, Jiwoo. Eunwoo's force control was complete when it started to portray him."

After discussing it for some time, we bid the principal goodbye before leaving with the other kids.


Right now I was at the Shinhwa building because of the urgent call Inhyuk received on our way back. And just as I expected, there was Jiyoung along with Jurion and his grandfather who was one of the 10 top rankers. I knowingly stepped back to avoid becoming Jisuk's target. And I succeeded as Jiwoo was now like Jisuk said; 'seeing Jiyoung'.

"What I mean is that kid over there is by no means fit for someone like Ms. Jiyoung. His ability, background, and everything else you can think of makes him underqualified.", Jurion said his accusation aiming at Jiwoo.

"What makes you think that my brother isn't qualified and you are?", I spoke up without realizing. Since when did I become so fearless? I didn't think I would get so infuriated to witness this.

"And who might be you to interrupt?", asked the young man now scowling at me.

"I'll answer if you answer my question first", I folded my arms and glared back at him. Inhyuk looked like he would pass out any instant from all the tension but I wasn't backing off just yet.

Jiwoo panicked a little saying, "Calm down, Eunwoo..."

"He's not wrong." It was Kayden who declared that entering the room startled even Veramonte. He stood near Jiwoo and me and continued, "What made you think you are worthy and MY apprentice isn't?"

"Did you just say that kid was your apprentice?", asked Veramonte.

"You heard me."

"So the rumor about you and Kartein having an apprentice is somewhat true, huh?"

"No, it's the fully true", this time it was Kartein who entered the room. "I do have an apprentice. It's this kid", he said gesturing toward me.

"Kartein? What are you doing here?", asked Veramonte sweating slightly.

"What do you mean by that? Of course, I'm here for my apprentice. I can't let just some people just look down on him, can I?", Kartein never stopped glaring at the elder while his grandson was confused about what to do in such a situation.

"Ahem... Anyways, Jurion you owe him an apology." The young man was confused and the elder continued, "Nobody can argue against the qualifications of Kayden's apprentice. No matter what it is."

Jurion slightly bowed to Jiwoo. "Please accept my apologies. That was thoughtless of me to say."

"Uh, please don't. There's no need. It's true that I'm not all that qualified....", Jiwoo said hesitantly.

"You're not all that qualified?" Veramonte spoke. "Kid, do you not know the significance of Kayden's apprentice in the world of awakened ones?"

"Pardon me?"

The elder observed him before speaking, "Ha... He really has no idea."

"That's enough", Kayden interrupted. "Although he's my apprentice, it hasn't been long since he became one. Not to mention that he's recently realized his true identity as an awakened one."

"I have something to say, if I may", Jurion joined in. "I'd like a chance to spar with Mr. Kayden's apprentice."

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?", Kartein asked in an intimidating voice.

"It's just as I said. I'd like to have a sparring match with Mr. Kayden's apprentice."

"Jurion Patrick, You should know better than that!", Veramonte yelled. "Your debut match to become a world ranker is around the corner! And yet you're asking to have a sparring match with someone much younger than you and nearly not enough experience?!"

"I'll accept it", Jiwoo spoke up. "I was told that Mr. Kayden has never once turned down an incoming challenge."

To this, Veramonte burst out laughing before angrily stating, "Are you implying that my grandson is the one challenging you here?"

I knew this would happen. I sighed in annoyance. I kept a polite tone just because I truly respected the Patrick family saying, "Is he not? It's not like he's lying, sir"

Veramonte glared in my direction which nearly made me flinch. He grinned saying, "Well, my grandson did say he wanted to fight you. I guess that makes him the challenger." He then continued now looking at Jiwoo, "It didn't seem like it at all at the beginning, but you do resemble Kayden in many ways. Plus, you seem to have an idea of what it means to be Kayden's apprentice after all. What's your name, kid?"

"It's Jiwoo Seo, sir."

"I'll remember that name. Let's meet again in a month for the match. Would that be enough?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very well. A month it is." Veramonte looked at me before asking, "Is this your apprentice, Kartein? What's your name, kid?", he asked and I tried my best to hide my surprise.

"I'm Eunwoo Seo, sir."

"Say Eunwoo, do you want to have a spar with my grandson as well?", he grinned.

"No sir, I have no reason to", I said looking straight into his eyes and maintaining a monotone. This old man is a giant...

"Are you implying that my grandson is not fit to be your challenger?" Veramonte asked angrily.

Is he bipolar? Please leave me out of your drama...

"You and I both know that that's not what I meant, sir." Somehow I was able to maintain my confident look and monotone.

"Very well then", his 'gentle' smile returned. "Kartein, I don't know how you and Kayden found kids that are so much like you."

"I know that, but why isn't your grandson like you?", Kartein sassed and I nearly burst out laughing.

"Ahem... We'll be back in a month", Veramonte said before leaving with Jurion.