32. Mom <3

I felt myself gaining consciousness but my eyelids felt heavy. After some time I opened my eyes and found that I was at home. Looking beside me I saw Mago sleeping and on the other side Mr. Kartein.

"How are you feeling?", I heard Kayden's voice. I glanced at the entrance and saw Mr. Kayden in his human form.

"I'm fine now but my body feels too heavy", I voiced out. Strange enough my voice sounded very soft and small. Kayden looked at me, suddenly feeling pity seeing my vulnerable state. I didn't put any effort into trying to sit up.

"That's a given", Kartein said who had just woken up. "You overused your powers severely in that spar."

"Just rest for today", Kayden said sitting on the bed. "You did well in your match."

I smiled at him before Kartein started, "Alright. That's enough talk for today. Sleep now. We'll resume our training tomorrow."

He placed his small paw on my forehead and a golden light emitted from it which made me drowsy. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


I woke up in the evening because of the noise coming from downstairs. Looks like everyone is in the living room including Mago. It was just now that I noticed that I was wearing my bear-printed pajamas.

Hmm... Maybe I should go downstairs. I'm curious about what's happening there. I slowly got out of bed and wore a light brown knitted cardigan.

Agh... My body feels sore...

Trying to ignore the ache in my body I went downstairs and saw Subin, Jisuk, and Wooin along with Jiyoung, Kayden, and Kartein who were in their human form.

"Oh, look! The sleeping beauty is awake.", teased Subin wiggling her brows.

"What's up, guys? Why is everyone here...?", I asked slowly ignoring the teasing.

"Before that, I heard that you won the spar by some sneaky new move!?", Jisuk exclaimed. Kayden sighed at their usual behavior while Kartein shook his head.

"Yeah! We heard that you kicked his ass! Hahaha."

"Well it's not that-", I started but was interrupted by a feminine voice.


I glanced at the source of the voice and saw that it was Jiwoo's mom.

Wait, it's that chapter already?

The older woman didn't say anything and rushed toward me to hug me tightly. My eyes widened and I blinked a couple of times in astonishment. My mother in my previous life was never so affectionate with me. The best compliment I ever got was ' Good. But you could do better.'

I embraced her slowly and she patted my head lovingly. I let out a small smile enjoying the warmth of my mother. This is such a foreign feeling... And I'm loving it.

"I missed you, Mum", I said before I realized.

Mom broke the hug and placed her palm on my face. "I missed you too, dear. Look how much you've grown! Jiwoo told me all about your awakened powers. I'm so glad to see you both are doing fine." The motherly smile never left her face.

"You don't have to worry about us, mum. Jiwoo and I have lots of friends. And Jiyoung is always helping us out as well. You already met Kayden right? He is Jiwoo's mentor." I then gestured toward Kartein and continued, "Mum, meet Mr. Kartein. He is my mentor. He is one of the well-known awakened ones in the world. And world's best healer." I bragged.

"Nice to meet you, sir. Thank you for taking care of my sons", mum greeted him formally.

Mr. Kartein stood up also politely greeting her. "Hello, ma'am. My name is Kartein. I'm currently teaching Eunwoo."

After the formal yet awkward introduction I sat beside Kartein and Mum sat in front of me. She held my hand as we chatted. Soon enough Jiwoo brought some sliced apples for everyone.

"Should I heat your dinner, Eunwoo?", he asked.

"No need, hyung. I'll have it later."

We continued telling mom about our little adventures and soon it was time for her to leave.

"Do you have to leave so soon?", Jiwoo asked feeling saddened by our mother's departure.

"Please stay a little longer, mum", I said in a small voice.

Mum patted my head before explaining, "I have to leave soon... I just wanted to stop by and meet you both."

Then she proceeded to thank everyone for taking care of Jiwoo and me. The both of us decided to at least take her to her car.

While giving our goodbyes I hugged her and whispered, "Mum, please be careful where you're working. If things get tough don't forget to contact us."

She smiled and agreed. Maybe she thought that I meant 'If you miss us, just give us a call.' I can't explain to her in detail right now so on her insisting Jiwoo and I went back home.

"I'll go heat some dinner for you", Jiwoo said as soon as we entered our home. I thanked him and sat on the couch beside Jisuk. Mago rubbed his face on my pajama pants to get my attention. I picked him up and placed him on my lap.

" What a cutie! When did you get him? ", Subin asked referring to Mago.

"It's been a month now. His name is 'Mago'", I answered and the small pup looked up at me because I called his name.

Subin tried to pet him but Mago barked at her in his small voice and jumped beside me to get away from her. Subin got sullen at this.

"Hahaha. See even the pup doesn't like you", Jisuk teased her. And they've started it again.

"Oh yeah? Try petting him yourself, you jerk!"

It's never quite when they're both here but I love the liveliness.

"Thanks, hyung", I smiled in appreciation at Jiwoo who handed me a plate of japchae.

How far along are we in the story? I don't remember what happened after Jiwoo's mom visited... I guess I'll just remember when the time comes.

(Note: I'm adding this note just to let you guys know that I've not given Eunwoo a romantic interest till now. But I'll never ship him with Kayden, Kartein or any of the elders.

Is there anyone you ship Eunwoo with?)