55. Doubts

After the long flight in this cat form, I could practice my force control much better and slowly improve it. To enhance it I made the flow go through my heart to my brain which turned out to create a whole different technique. I felt my powers getting stronger at a rapid speed. That's best for now considering that I have no idea what is to come after me in the future. The principal's book is like a hidden gem cause why else would that have so many hints to heal different wounds like heart injuries, paralyze one's body for a short while, regenerate limbs, and a tiny bit about healing core which isn't fully broken.

We soon got off the plane and a masked person from the Frame guided us. He noticed Jiwoo's stiff form and assured, "Don't feel pressured. We might not have a great welcome ceremony but it's only natural for us to welcome Kayden's apprentice."

Since Jiwoo was carrying me with Kayden and Kartein following he slightly tightened his grip on me and said, "But you didn't have to do this..."

"Those kids were honoured too", he said referring to the people who came along him. "Have you heard our battle with the world awakened academy top? Though it's a pity that they all refused."


"They are the kids they had to fight against."


After looking around the room we were to stay in Mus came to get Jiwoo to meet his master who was a part of the top 10. However, Earthquake tried to bug Jiwoo but Mus brushed him off as Jiwoo's safety was now his concern. Earthquake left and we rushed to Muse's master's office.

"You are... Kayden's apprentice?", she asked. 

Jiwoo bowed to her and greeted, "Hello. I am Seo Jiwoo."

She observed him for a moment and sighed. "That's unexpected. I thought you would be an instance as Kayden because you're his apprentice."

Kayden peeked up in anger at the way she addressed him. Kartein was trying to not burst out laughing and I was sitting quietly between them.

"What about these cats?"

The three of us flinched even so slightly. I looked up at her with my big eyes gleaming with innocence and lightly tilted my head cause it would seem suspicious if a little kitten who was barely a month old glared at someone. 

"Oh, I... have some ability to commune with animals. But it's not that powerful enough..."

She gave a cold glare at Jiwoo again and said, "Kayden's apprentice has the ability to commune with animals? Child," the air around her suddenly changed and I flinched at the sudden pressure. "Your master's combat ability is great enough to be recognized by us. It should have taken your full devotion to follow Kayden's teachings, yet... an ability to commune with animals? I find your pridefulness unpleasant."

This pressure... It's too much. I-I can't breathe...

I wanted to step away from there but Kayden stood in front of me.

"Master", Muse interrupted making her stop in her actions. Jiwoo huffed, his breathing unsteady from the earlier pressure.

"To think that you'd be this affected by me momentarily releasing my restraints... How disappointing. If I had known that you were this weak, I would've insisted on not inviting you..."

At this, both Kayden and Kartein growled at her.

She glanced at us and then continued, "For one of them to be so fat and the to be so skinny... Does the fat one eat the other cat's food as well? And the last one looks like he's not even a month old. I don't think he can even keep up with all the travel let alone combat." She sighed, "Well, I've heard that your younger brother is Kartein's apprentice... Is that true?"

"...That's right."

"Hmm... Kartein is well known throughout the world for being an exceptional healer but also that he doesn't heal just anyone, I wonder what he saw in your brother to make him his apprentice... I assume that you accepted the invitation for the reason that you are Kayden's disciple."


She continued saying that she expected too much from Kayden's disciple and that Jiwoo shouldn't have accepted the invitation.

"Why is that", he asked.

"You neither hold the strength worthy of accepting the invitation. Nor the strength to bear the burden of being the disciple of Kayden."

With that said Jiwoo left the room. Once outside, he bent down to pick me up probably because he didn't want me to get tired unnecessarily. 

Along with my brother, it seemed like even I was hit by the top 10's words. Was I even capable of being called the world's best healer's apprentice? From what I assume, Kartein is at least in the World's 20... However, I was barely keeping up with Jiwoo when it came to combat. During spar, it always ended with me losing... Does... Does Mr. Kartein regret taking a weakling like me as an apprentice? I... don't think I lived up to his reputation.

On the way, the earlier kids who met on arrival greeted Jiwoo and asked for a spar however Jiwoo refused and Muse guided him back to his room.

In the room, I decided to practice my force control and continued working on the new technique I was working on. The good thing is that it was nearly complete now. I kept practising for hours and stopped only when I felt Kartein plop beside me. 

He formed a shield around the room and said, "Turn back human, kid. Since this place is too dangerous, I'm gonna return your energy now."

I agreed and he placed his small paw on my back and soon I felt a gush of energy rush into me. I accepted it and let it flow through me and stopped after some time.

"Oof! It's darn cold here! Let me grab a jacket or something", I said dashing to the suitcase and taking out the first coat I saw. It was a brown overcoat. I slid it on ASAP since I was only wearing my navy blue sweatshirt and pants with a pair of black sneakers. I sighed in relief after wearing the coat.

"Hey, kid", Kartein said jumping on the bed in front of me, "Don't take that hag's words too seriously. You're doing well enough for my apprentice who hasn't even been an awakened one for a year. Your healing abilities are better than most healers and you're more than capable of being called my apprentice."

"That has to be the nicest thing I've ever heard him say", said Kayden coming into the room.

"Who told you to interrupt?!"

Kartein's words did make me feel a lot better but I bust out laughing from their usual attics, "Hahaha... Well... Thank you Mr. Kartein, your words were reassuring."

"Now that is sorted out... What are you planning?"

"What do you mean?", asked Kayden and me simultaneously.

"I know you're trying something with your force control, you brat."

"You always find out before I even tell you but this time you'll have to wait since it's not complete yet", I explained proudly and turned back to the cat to get some sleep.

After I was gone Kayden spoke up, "With his powers, it's good that he's creative with them. He creates something new every month and still doubts his abilities."

"I don't think he realizes it yet but he has already caught up with the other kids his age."

"And it's safe to say that his healing ability is the best I've known for someone his age..."