58. Number 6

After some time passed when a knock was heard, Jiwoo checked and it was the red-haired student who came to visit him.

"Are you feeling alright?", she asked.

"...Yes, I am"

"That's a relief." she continued while bowing, "Also, it was a really impressive fight. Even just by watching, I learned a lot. Thank you."

"Umm... Why are you doing this for me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like you're favouring me. You guys even risked your life to fight against the World Awakened Academy."

"Ah... Because of that. And if I remember correctly, you were active in the World Awakened Academy in the past. And Mr. Jiwoo has a conflict with our Frame."


"I have heard that we were never intending to attack Mr. Jiwoo. I do not know what everyone wanted but I think it happened because the position of a considerable number of people was different. And there was a conflict with the students at the academy. The way each of us will go is different. We don't hate the World Academy students because both of us have different intentions."

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke again, "Then I should get going."

This kid seems too good to be a part of Frame... Or is this some kind of scheme?

Once she was out of the room, I decided to follow her.

"I'll be back soon, Mr. Kartein", I say and rush after her not listening to the white cat's rants.

I followed her for some time but halted when I heard Duke's voice.

"Great timing", he stated.

Something is wrong here... This brat's aura is worse than usual...

"Sir Duke?"

Duke aimed to attack the red-haired kid's heart. I quickly form a small shield around her chest Duke feeling confused.

This bastard has lost it! Red you need to get away from here! 

"Sir Duke, w-why-"

Duke used his power and attacked her heart again. This time the other girl dodged it but Duke had expected it so he went for her arm next.


My eyes widened seeing the kid's right arm fall a few feet away from her.

"AGHHHH!!", her painful scream echoed in the corridor. She fell to the ground moaning in pain. Blood flowed uncontrollably from her shoulder and soaked in the wooden flooring.

Hearing his scream Duke was sure that someone would be here soon. Seeing this as his last chance, he tried to finish it with a final blow but the student was covered in a transparent golden shield.

"Who the hell-", Duke was cut off by the emerging footsteps, "Fuck!", he cursed under his breath and vanished from the scene.

I quickly examined the student. She was whimpering in pain and the bleeding wasn't stopping. She'll live. Thank goodness... I partially slowed her bleeding just so that he wouldn't bleed to his death.

The footsteps came closer. I hid behind the wall and saw that it was Muse. 

Good! Now I need to get away from here.

I entered the room, panting from running.

"Is it okay to leave so early?", I hear Jiwoo ask.

"I don't know if we can", I say sitting with them near the fire.

Kayden questioned, "Where did you run off to, kid?"

"The thing is...", I explained to them all about how Duke attacked the student.

"Hmm... I bet he did that to blame it upon Jiwoo. Though you did well to protect her it was still too reckless on your part. But as long as you're unhurt and didn't get caught, good job, kitty", Kayden said.


"Tell Supri's apprentice you're leaving in a day or two", Kayden started, "She may look tough but she is the most rational of them all. You can tell just by looking at her apprentice."

"I'll do that."

*knock* *knock* *knock*

Jiwoo went to get the door. "Ah, I was about to look for you, Mr. Muse."

"Me? What can I do for you?", Muse asked.

"I wanted to discuss my departure here."

There was a moment of silence before Earthquake butted in saying, "The timing is impeccable. Right after number 6 is found injured, you say you're leaving?"

"Excuse me?"

"Mr. Earthquake it has not been confirmed that who attacked number 6."

"Mr. Jiwoo number 6 visited you a few hours ago, right?"

"Yes, number 6 came to see me last night."

"We found her in the corridor and it looked like she was attacked by someone with malicious intent. She's severely injured and unconscious at the moment."

"You're right but look at things now."

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

"From what I have heard, number 6 was injured after telling her classmates that she was going to see you. I kindly ask you to cooperate, Mr. Jiwoo."

What that meant was to lock Jiwoo in his assigned room till they could sort out the situation. Kayden said that since it was Supri's apprentice it shouldn't be very tough. However, I couldn't get rid of the unsettling feeling in my stomach.

"Did you see the future again? Is that why you're so fidgety, kiddo?", Kayden asked.

I looked up at him and nervously stated, "I haven't yet but... I think something big might happen and we should be ready for it."

Not long after I said that that door was unlocked and it wasn't Muse who came in.

"Sir Andrei has called for you. Follow me", Earthquake commanded and so Jiwoo had to follow him while the three of us followed him closely behind.

We reached a room with huge doors and there Andrei and Duke.

"Kneel!", Earthquake commanded again this time kicking Jiwoo behind his knee.

This bastard...

"Hey kid, it seems like we meet again", said Andrei standing tall in front of Jiwoo. Though he just received a glare in response. He continued, "Now speak. What did you do with our rookie?"

"I only had a small conversation with her, but after that, I never saw them again. I only found out she was missing the next day", answered Jiwoo.

"Then where do you think the kid disappeared to?"

"That I'm not sure of."

"You can't end this with an unsure response, our rookie number 6 was injured after she met you. And all of the cameras around the vicinity were broken. All of the evidence points towards you. Number 6 was severely injured and even lost her right arm. Do you realize how difficult that rookie's awakened life has become?"

"Even so... you don't have any evidence that I was the one who injured number 6. You can catch the culprit after she regains consciousness."

Earthquake who has always disliked Jiwoo's guts, kicked him in the face. "You dare speak like that to sir Andrei...?"

I'll kill this asshole... 

"Am I wrong? You don't have any evidence", Jiwoo said wiping the blood off his mouth.

Earthquake slammed his face on the ground saying, "How dare you act so disrespectful!" He continued beating him up and stomping on his stomach. "You're just a puny brat! How dare you bare your fangs?! Know your place!"

"Hold it in!!" Kartein started, "If you do anything here, Jiwoo will only fall into more danger." Even though Kartein meant to say that to Kayden, I was too having a tough time holding in my anger.

"Stop", commanded Andrei, "Why do you think that we need evidence for anything?"

"What... do you...?"

"No matter what... I decide what happened. I don't need any evidence."

"There's still a procedure to this", Supri said entering with Muse. "That kid is Kayden's disciple after all."

"Supri why are you stepping in?"

"Andrei, now what do you think you're doing to that child?"

"What do you think? A precious rookie of our Frame's future is ruined. Do you expect me to just stay calm and let him go?"

"I'm not asking you to just let him go. All I'm saying is that we need a more thorough investigation after number 6 wakes up."

"And why should there be?"

"Andrei, that kid is Kayden's disciple. If you handle Kayden's disciple like that, you think he'll stay still?"

"And what does it matter if he doesn't stay still? You might not know, but our Frame has decided to treat Kayden like an enemy. He's even ignored my warnings but why... Why do we have to mind the disciple of such a bastard? Then should our Frame keep bowing our head to someone like Kayden?!"

Andrei lifted Jiwoo using his powers saying, "I personally believe that we need to make sure to give Kayden a firm warning."

"AGHHH!", Jiwoo screamed as his limbs slowly broke.

That's it! I'm done waiting!

I activated my power in Earthquake and he fell limp on the ground.

"Who's that? Show yourself!", Andrei said pausing a moment. I got in my human form and stepped forward.

"Sorry for interrupting your moment but I can't just sit by seeing you hurt my brother", I say looking at Andrei in the eyes.

"Kartein's disciple?", Supri said

Muse who was just as shocked asked, "How did you...?"

"You have trespassed the Frame! You will receive an appropriate punishment!"

Just before he could attack me, I heard Kayden say, "That punishment, why don't you receive it?"

Kayden attacked Andrei without hesitation. The bright light blinded me for a second. When I opened my eyes, Kayden and Kartein were standing in front of me with an injured Jiwoo.

Jiwoo was shocked and guilty upon seeing Kayden

"Don't think stupid thoughts. You did what you needed to as my disciple. And this is something I must do as your teacher."

"Not gonna lie but that was really cool, Mr. Kayden", I say genuinely impressed by his dialogue. 

Kartein nearly facepalmed himself because I couldn't stop saying my thoughts out loud.

Kayden sweat dropped before returning to his serious self and continued, "You should be ashamed. My disciple defied everyone's opposition and accepted your invitation. Is this how you repay him?"

"Kayden... You were like that back then too. How stubborn. I see Kartein is with you as well. Release Earthquake from whatever trick you did on him."

"That's not my doing. Stop assuming things without evidence", Kayden replied sarcastically.

"Was it you then, Kartein", Supri asked.

"I would have killed him had he touched my apprentice."

"It was I", I say surprising them. They wondered how could a mere kid make a world ranker fall because all Earthquake could do right now was watch what was happening around him.

"Release him at once", Andrei commanded.

But since I knew Kayden and Kartein had my back, I dared say, "Nah, I don't wanna. And this isn't the main issue here, is it?"

"Your disciple has injured our student. And now Kartein's disciple acts this disrespectfully. You think you'll get with this?"

"It wasn't my disciple who did that because I don't think he did it. Whether or not there is evidence, if I say he didn't do it, then he didn't."

"AHAHAHAHA! Kayden Break. You're crazier than what I've heard", started Schnauzer as he entered with his disciple Roist, "Sure. It's because you're crazy that you appeared here."

"Ahem", Supri interrupted, "the main issue still remains unsolved. We can't be sure of who the culprit is until number 6 wakes up."

"That's what I came for. I'll heal number 6 and then she can tell us who injured her. Whether it was Jiwoo", I continue, now glaring at Duke, "Or... someone else."

"Tch... Just because you're Kartein's disciple doesn't mean you have become a great healer in a mere six months. And how will you even do it without an artificial arm?", questioned Schnauder.

"Are you looking down on me now? Just because your disciple couldn't, that doesn't mean mine can't either", Kartein stated arrogantly folding his arms.

"Fine... I'll ask to get number 6 here", Supri said and assigned the job to Muse. 

Just then Earthquake got up from the ground. I guess five minutes are up.

"You little rat... Just let me catch you once. I'll break your limbs so slowly that you'd feel every little pain-"

"Earthquake! Stop it!"

"Nah, bring something new to the table. That happened a long time ago", I say standing close to Kartein and all Earthquake could do was grind his teeth angrily. I feel like a child who is not afraid to stir trouble cause I know Dad will handle whatever comes. But this feeling wasn't bad. It felt no matter what happens, there's always someone by my side.

"There will be severe consequences if your disciple fails, Kartein", warned Andrei.

Kayden spoke up, "Consequences? Are you sure about that? I will tell you what it is for wrongfully hurting my disciple."

Kartein joined in, "And YOU sure that you want to get on MY bad side? I don't think that would sit well with you."

Just then Muse entered with a healer who dragged an unconscious number 6 in a wheelchair.

I stood near the patient and Kartein stood behind me. Kayden was a couple of feet away keeping watch just in case with Jiwoo safely protected in his shield. "I'll start now."