60. Kidnapped

I regained consciousness and saw that I was back in my room at home. I sighed in relief and then groaned. My muscles... they're so sore... How did Kayden's fight go? Is he injured again? What about Number 6?

I had many questions but no answers. 

I tried to turn my body to get off the bed but it ached everywhere. "Ugh..."

"Stop moving and just rest. Your body has taken enough damage", came Kayden's voice from the entrance. 

"Mr. Kayden...", my voice came out hoarse as if sand was stuck in my throat.

"Would you like some water?", he asked and I nodded multiple times since it wasn't an offer I could deny at the moment.

After he gently helped me to drink the water and my throat instantly felt better I asked, "Is your condition alright after fighting with Andrei?"

He scoffed and ruffled my already messy hair, "It wasn't that bad. You should worry more about your health, kid. Should I call Kartein to check up on you?"

"I'm fine-"

"FINE?!" Kartein started as soon as he entered the room, "YOU SAY THAT AFTER EVERY MUSCLE OF YOURS GAVE UP AT SUCH A DANGEROUS PLACE?! What if Andrei tried to kill you and neither Kayden nor I was there? He is the kind to say 'If I can't have it, no one else can'! Did you think $#%+@&?!!"

Kayden and I exchanged worried glances knowing well that the blond wouldn't stop anytime soon.

After an eternity his scolding finally stopped and sighed, "How's your body?"

I replied honestly, "I just feel slightly sore all over... But it's not hurting as much as before"

"I can heal you till that extent since all your muscles went numb for 2 days." He continued, "So, Paralysis and Regeneration, huh?"


"The Paralysis skill worked on Earthquake who's a world ranked, does it take a toll on you?"

"Not at all. Instead, it takes nearly nothing to activate it."

"How long can you make it last?", Kayden asked.

"I can activate it within two days of sending the wave but the paralysis lasts for only 5 minutes now..."

"It can at least buy you enough time to escape. But to think it worked on a world ranker? I'm curious if it would work for anyone", expressed Kayden sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Let him rest for now. Don't get started with training as soon as he's up", Kartein scolded the older man. "And you! Even though you might feel better, your body needs time to recover. Once you've recovered, we'll have to work on your physical strength, stamina, and attacks. You do realize &$@#×÷¢^°~"

I shared glances with Kayden again and he shook his head in defeat.

After some time he stopped again and told me to move around a little. Even though I felt a bit stiff, I felt his enough. I decided to check on Jiwoo's condition. I came downstairs and saw him practicing force control while his body was half-covered in bandages. 

Maybe I shouldn't disturb him.

I turned to leave and grab something to eat but Jiwoo's voice stopped me, "Eunwoo! Are you feeling alright? Is it okay for you to be around?"

"Mr. Kartein advised me to let my body move. And I feel pretty much better now. But are you okay, hyung? You're nearly half covered in bandages."

"I'm doing much better now. Oh! Are you hungry? Jisuk, Subin, and Wooin visited earlier, they saved some jjajangmyeon for you and Subin also ordered sweet and spicy chicken for you. Should I heat it?"

"You should rest, hyung. I can do it."

I heated the jjajangmyeon in the microwave and took a few bites. Even though I wanted to have some more and the chicken looked tempting I couldn't bring myself to eat anymore. After that, I practiced force control on the couch for another half an hour. Kayden was healing in the basement and Jiwoo was practicing with me as well. Kartein? I think he was feeding Mago.

Suddenly, my stomach started to hurt and it got a bit difficult to breathe. I felt as if something was stuck in the back of my throat and I couldn't swallow it nor spit it out. Salty water formed in my mouth like a warning sign. I rushed to the toilet ignoring Jiwoo who was asking if I was feeling unwell.

Shit! Not this again...

I hurriedly kneeled to throw up and get rid of the uncomfortable feeling behind my throat.

"...blegh... *cough* *cough* ...ughh..."

Jiwoo soothingly rubbed my back until I was done. My eyes automatically teared up before rinsed my mouth and slumped on the couch. 

Kayden who came to grab a quick meow snack noticed my hagged expression and asked, "What's the matter? Why do you look dead?"

"Mr. Kayden, Eunwoo feels sick again. Wait here till I call for Mr. Kartein", with that said Jiwoo rushed upstairs to get Kartein.

Kayden placed his palm on my forehead and spoke up, "You don't seem to have a fever. Did you throw up again? You should refrain from using regeneration any time soon, kid, or else you'll strain your core even more."

I hummed in agreement. Kartein checked on me and said that it was because I had pushed myself too much and this was just a side-effect of regeneration. 

"This is why you shouldn't heal every injured person you come across. Some can heal on their own, others are capable of finding another healer, meanwhile, some deserve not to be healed. Do you understand? You have to stop being a softie for your good, kid."

Kayden stopped Kartein and said, "I'm sure he'll learn with time but what do we do now?"

"He should be fine after plenty of rest and appropriate medicine."

"I'll go and get some from the pharmacy", Jiwoo said standing up to leave. He wanted his younger brother to get well soon because his pale complexion and such low energy made him pity the younger.

"Hyung, you're already hurt, and don't think I didn't hear you whimpering earlier. I can go on my own, I'm not a little child, you know?"

"I know you'll do what you want but take a cab at least. And while you're at it just visit the hospital instead of the pharmacy", Said Kartein. He was firm in not leaving any room for compromise.

I reluctantly agreed and left soon after getting dressed. I took a cab just as my master had advised. After about half an hour we were stuck in traffic. Since the hospital was less than a ten-minute walk away, I told the driver to drop me there. 

After walking for a while I felt a sudden eerie presence nearby. 

Shit! There are too many people here...

I turned toward a dark ally. If I stay here a fight may break out and many innocent people might get injured.

Once I was sure that we were away from the crowd I spoke up, "Show yourself."

And came forward two guys with unnatural purple hair. One was much more bulky-looking than the other.

"What do you want?"

"Where's Kartein?", Muras asked back.

"I don't know. He left as soon as we reached Korea", I lied. I anticipated this to happen sometime but not so soon.

"I told you talking won't work", Tanji grunted angrily. He approached me with heavy footsteps making me step back. "Just answer the darn question you brat and we can end this quick."

"I already told you. Does that thick head of yours not work? I have places to be unlike you, so I'll be going first", I say trying to get away from this situation knowing well it wouldn't end the way I wanted it to.

As if reading my mind, Tanji grabbed my upper arm tightly, nearly snapping my bone. I'm pretty sure he cracked it! I place my palm on his hand in an attempt to shove him. "Yah! Let go of me you jerk!", I say and infuse a bit of my energy in him. 

"Tanji we need to take him alive", warned Muras, "We were told that he was Kartein's disciple, don't forget that."

"Ha! As if I'm going with you without putting up a fight!", With that I activated paralysis and Tanji instantly fell to the ground. 

"Fuck... This brat... To think to think he took down a world ranker", Muras grumbled.

I need to get away! I don't have enough power or stamina to put up a fight.

I twisted my body to make a run for it but heard him say, "Not so fast, kid."

I felt a burning rope-like purple thing wrap around my left ankle, instantly breaking it. 


Another rope thing wrapped around my right knee before I could put up the shield. The skin near my knee burned painfully before breaking. Just as I was about to fall to the ground, Muras came in front of me and punched me in the guts, knocking the air out of me. 

"You should have listened when you were asked nicely", he said and swung me over his shoulder.

My last thoughts before losing consciousness were that at least Jiwoo wasn't caught up in this. Who sent them? And why are they looking for Mr. Kartein...?