Mason's POV
I'd not really felt the 'consequences' of my actions until Liana said that. 'There's gonna be an investigation now.' With police and detectives screwing around the place, the truth is bound to come out. Fuck. I have to find out a pretty damn good lie to get out of this mess, or...that's crazy. No. I could run away? It'd make them suspicious of me and they'd probably start connecting the dots.
I killed all of those people. I moved into this new place and I wanted a release of my anger. So I started to play around with lives. I began with just messing around with their drugs, changing them and also giving them more than they started to work. The adrenaline. That was what kept me going. I got a taste of release and my hunger for it grew so much. I just...I'm worried that when my secret comes out, she'll leave me. I'll never be able to hold her the same,touch her the same,nothing will go back to normal after this. I looked over at Liana trying to shove the worried expression away.
"I hope they find the person who did it." I lied. Miss Cleo was...the trickiest one. That night, I decided to feel the need to let out my anger and so I snuck back into the home. I always carried around black clothes and shielded my face. I had found my own little secret place into the home and went in through there. When I came in, I went to where the rooms are. Miss Cleo was a random choice, she was new and so I don't know why I was that stupid. It's good to read them first, before the attack. I didn't however and this time, after my drugging failed, I decided to take things into my own hands. I went into her room after making sure she was sleeping, when I came in I decided what method I'd use. Quiet, sneaky and can't be traced back by autopsy, strangling. I put on some black gloves and began my work. My hands went around her fragile neck and breathed in the dopamine hit I always got however tonight, it didn't last. It was only seconds before I felt a sharp and intense pain drag across my stomach. Fuck. I looked down at her seeing her eyes open with a smirk spread across her face. My hands let go of her neck as she caught her breath.
"Nice try." She complimented. I ran out of the room not caring about my blood stains in her room. Did I think she'd go straight and report it? No. Everything at the retirement home closes at night, any complaints and things like that have to wait until the morning. I was too focused on trying not to lose too much blood. It was a deep cut and I knew that if I did go to the hospital, once she reports it, they'll go searching and it won't end so well for me. That's how my angel got brought into this situation, I'm a shitty, terrible person. I know that. Of course I feel bad taking away those lives, the only way to not feel remorse is to know that, we're all gonna die in the end. We'll no longer exist and eventually everyone will forget about our great 'legacy'. At least that's what I tell myself, anything to make my issues better. After, I got stitched up, Liana fell asleep but I didn't. I snuck out and went back. This time with an intention to end her. I made sure to bring my own weapon with me, the fight to the end was gruesome. I snuck into her room, she was wide awake and talking to someone at her table, her back to the door and that's when I attacked. My hands went around her neck as I ordered her to end the call, I tightened my hold until she did. Then I got her up, dragging her to the window. I felt her start to scratch me and that's when she passed. Her scratches, breathing and quiet pleads for me to stop ended. She laid motionless on the floor and then that's when the idea came up in my mind. I went down on my knees pulling out the weapon. I began attempting to cut off her leg so that I could put it somewhere and leave the police confused. There's be more suspects if there were random body parts around right? Sadly, my plan didn't work, I heard a sound coming down the halls and so I pushed her onto the garden. No one goes out there tomorrow so it would leave me a few hours to think. But now I could be caught.
Lying to her about this...the guilt I feel. I just know that with this secret, I could never truly get her real and full love which I craved. So why should I even come clean? The truth will eventually tear us apart but I don't want that now. I want to savour each minute of this lie until the end. My love and want for her grows each day. Since the first moment I laid my eyes upon her. I knew, I wanted her.