"So where were you the night of the murder?" The female police officer asked.

"I was at home. My foster parents were at work and I was also with my boyfriend Mason."

"What were you guys doing?" She added. Well, he'd came into my room and was bleeding because he got stabbed but do you guys really need to know that?

"Nothing much, he came over, we talked and then slept."

"Do you recall the time of his visit?"

"Yeah, I'd say it was around 10:30?"

"Now, have you noticed anything weird about the workers lately? Who do you think would have an agenda to get back at these people?"

"I don't really think any of our co workers had an agenda against the residents. I mean we all got along, there was never any drama or conflicts around here. Also I don't think anyone in here is a...killer. That's a bit extreme."

"Have you perhaps heard anything weird from the workers?"

"Sorry but, how do you know any of the workers did this?" I questioned. The two police officers looked at each other starting to realise my point.

"Well, I mean, people here...we don't exactly think have the best form to be a killer?" The 2nd female officer imputed.

"Still, I mean they live here, they've probably learnt the little ins and outs at this point. At least interview some of them. Most of these workers are young and most care far too much about things like school,popularity and social media to be killing around. Some of the people here are bored and also may have agenda's against each other. Just saying though. You don't need to listen to me."

"It wouldn't hurt to investigate them. Thanks for the idea. Now back to the questions, have you perhaps heard anything weird from the workers?"

. . . . .

"How was your interview?" Mason asked.

"It was pretty good. I did shift the focus onto the residents though, I feel kinda bad but I think it's a bit crazy how they think teenagers care enough to continuously do all of those murders."

"R-really? That was a good move, it's smart."

"I know right, I mean who here would actually do that, that's crazy. By the way, you're up next. I didn't tell them about um." I pointed and referred to his wound.

"Good, let's keep the details little. I'll be back." He stood up and planted a kiss onto my forehead. When he left I pulled out my phone and went onto Instagram with different questions flowing into my mind.


Me -

If you know...who did it, why don't you go to the police already?

Anonymous505 -

It's not my secret to expose. You know them, you decide how their faith goes. They're not old. They're a young person. You know them.


I don't know who the heck they're on about since they won't tell me so how am I supposed to know who it is!? The only hint I have now is that they are definitely not an old person, maybe I shouldn't have tried 'helping' out the police earlier. No old person could actually be capable of killing someone, because of how just...gruesome the latest killing was. If I were to find out who it was, of course I'd report it. I mean for goodness sakes they're a killer. A killer who's killed innocent people. I however don't know who could be capable of doing that. Everyone I do know is not smart enough to do that, then again you never truly know people and that is honestly a scary thing to think about.

Mason's POV

"Where you the night of the murder?" A female police officer inquired. Well let's think, I was trying to kill miss Cleo and got stabbed, then after that I got taken care of and went back to do the murder but I don't think they need to know all of that.

"I was with my girlfriend at her house. You've already interviewed her and she's basically covered what I have to say. So I should prob-"

"No, you're not going anywhere sir. I hope you know that this really isn't helping your case. Why are you so eager to leave?" The 2nd police officer questioned. Pretty simple.

"I just...I don't see a point. Why do you guys interview us? For all you know some older person could be sneaking in to attack these people. But whatever, what's your next question?" I leaned back in the chair with my arms crossed and legs open awaiting whatever else they had to say.

"What were you guys doing?" The first police officer asked. She was helping me after I got stabbed but you can't know that either.

"Just spending time together. Regular couple things really."

"What time was this around?"

"I don't know. It was pretty late."

"Have you noticed any weird things about your co workers lately?"

"Well last week Chloe showed up with some pretty questionable things on her top but apart from that nope. Glad I could help officers."

"We actually dismiss you." The 2nd officer once again inputted.

"May I go now?" They looked at each other and then the 2nd officer rolled her eyes and nodded. I nodded but could feel my heart beat begin to slow and I felt a rush of relief flow over me. They didn't catch me out but now they know my name and who's to say they won't come back with more questions?
