Julianna's POV
The Next Day
I'm not keeping the secret to myself. I'm gonna hate myself if he didn't pay for his crimes. I'd hate myself for knowing that I'm staying with such an awful person. He knew what he was doing, he knew that it had consequences...he knew. Yet he still did it. I sighed.
I'd made it out of his house when he'd woke up. He'd offered to take me home but I couldn't bare seeing him knowing what I'd planned to do. I was in my car, listening to the radio, 'snap out of it by artic monkeys' was on. I wish that I could make him snap of out of it, I wish he could look at me in my eyes and laugh, just laugh and say 'it was just a joke' or 'I never killed anyone'. I want back everything, I want back the fantasy I'd created in my mind. I want back the love we once had, why'd he tell me? Knowing that I had the power to just destroy our relationship. Fuck, I want the old us back...
It didn't take me long to make it to the police station. Too late to turn back now right? I opened the car door and stepped out. I walked into the police station and pulled open the door looking back out, I'm really gonna do this? Yes, I am. I walked in and went over to the front office, there was a man standing there typing something on a laptop. I cleared my throat to grab his attention and he looked over to me.
"I'd...I'd like to report a crime." I blurted out. "The recent, retirement home deaths, I know who's behind it."
"Ok, well give me a minute." He started to look around the desk and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Write down everything, also I'm gonna call the head detective really quick." He said. I waited as he started dailing the number. I looked over at the clock, I'm so sorry...he's gonna hate me forever I know it. Fuck.
"Where is she?" A voice said. Looks like the detective is here.
"I'm here." I replied, walking towards him.
"Follow me." I followed him and we passed by the various rooms until we made a stop at a random one. He entered and I followed, he shut the door and I went to sit down in the chair. "So you know who did all of these murders?" I nodded.
"It's my boyfriend. He confessed to it, yesterday. His name is M-Mason Gray."
"We interviewed him. He seemed pretty eager to leave."
"Yes, because it's him who's been putting those people in danger. What do I do with this sheet then?"
"Write down the details of it all. What happened, when everything like that."
"Will...will he get life sentence?"
"Can't really disclose all of that information. Cases differ." I nodded and started to write down everything from that night onto the paper. I felt a stabbing pain arise in my chest, I'm doing it. Saying goodbye. Forever.
. . . . .
After my report at the police station, I left and went home. I'd left a text to Mason, I said sorry and said what I needed to say.
Me -
Mason, I'm so sorry. I really am, I hope you don't hate me and I hope that in the future you understand me. I love you but this secret...it'd just destroy lives. It already has. I don't think we should be together until you've truly learnt your lesson. I did it to make sure that you knew what you did was wrong. You'll always be my first love...I'm never gonna forget you. Never.
I'd put on my headphones and started playing 'reflections by the neighbourhood'. I want him back. I need him back but I can't let myself fall knowing that one day, he'll be caught. This bitter sweet moment won't last forever. It won't.
When I reached home, I noticed my foster parents and Blair gathering around the kitchen table smiling and holding up documents. I took off my headphones looking confused.
"What's going on?" I asked walking over.
"Can I tell her?" Blair questioned with excitement. My foster parents both nodded. "They're officially our parents! They adopted us also, I got called back for my audition!" Excitement flew over my face and I went and hugged Blair then my now parents.
"That's amazing news!" I just went and reported my ex for killing people but this is amazing!
"Tell her the other news." Sophie prompted.
"Well, the project is starting after I've graduated and it'll be in New York. I know how you've always wanted to go there and the company is gonna get us an apartment so will you go with me? Please say yes!!"
"Of course I will!" I exclaimed back.
"We're gonna have so much fun there. I can't wait!" We pulled away from the hug and I noticed all the smile's everywhere. I lost him but then I gained a blessing. I think everything will be fine in the end. Maybe not for me and him but I think I'll be just fine, right?