Blood Lust.

Christoph charged at Evelyn with all his strength. When the pang of hunger attacked him, he had taken a few sips of blood. However, it took more than that to sustain a newbie. He was a predator who had just gotten the taste of an elixir called blood.

Evelyn was an experienced vampire who could sense the movement behind her. The lady turned around, but before she could neutralize Christoph, the man grabbed her arms and pinned her against a bookshelf. The lady furrowed her brows, thinking this guy was the same as the rest, going mad in the blood lust to satiate the hunger.

She was wondering why Ambrosia even agreed to give this guy a second chance when the expected numbness did not come. She looked at Christoph and found him struggling against his instincts. This was surprising. After all, only a few newbies had such strong willpower to go against their innate instincts.

Christoph was gazing at a thumping jugular hidden under the skin. His face was contorted by the pain in his body, and the desire in his eyes was evident too. Yet he was able to resist the temptation was a remarkable job. Evelyn put away some prejudice in her heart.

She was a half-breed and could survive on supplementary diets, and her blood thirst was not so prominent, but the bred vampires were not the most fortunate.

They suffered from the lack of abilities and the curse of hunger. The rest of the community looked down upon them because of this, and some people even labeled them slaves. Evelyn sensed a sudden warmth on her nape as she thought about how to dissolve this situation.

She trembled from this sensation and heard a restrained voice, "Knock me…."

She could not understand what Christoph was trying to say when the man repeated himself, "Again, knock me out.."

As he spoke, he gently reached out his tongue and licked Evelyn's nape. The lady opened her eyes wide. She understood what the guy wanted, but how was she to knock him out? She closed her eyes and firmly said, "It's fine. You can drink my blood."

Christoph was surprised, and Evelyn wanted to use this surprise to free her hands and knock him down, but Christoph was not a typical vampire at this moment. His pupils dilated, and his canines extended slightly as he bit the lady.

His fangs dug into the soft flesh of the lady, and blood trickled out of her vein. Christoph sucked the blood as he satiated the fire of his hunger; another fire raged below his belly.

He did not understand what was going on. However, the surprise came when Evelyn began to moan every time he sucked the blood off her nape. The lady had freed her hands and was now holding Christoph's head and pressing it to her nape.

She had a complicated expression of surprise and delight on her face. Her body began to squirm as she rubbed her crotch against Christoph's thighs. The young man was busy sucking the blood leaking out of the jugular. He did not know that Evelyn had caught on to his fire.

The lady parted her legs and moved a bit. Her nether regions now rubbed against Christoph's thighs rigorously. Her breathing turned ragged, and her grip around Christoph's shoulders tightened. She opened her mouth, and her fangs came out.

She was in a state of ecstasy, and she craved blood. However, when she was about to pierce Christoph's vein, the young man lifted his head and stepped back. Their eyes met, and only their breathing echoed in their ears.

The young man had regained some sanity, but Evelyn was far too stimulated. Her gaze landed on Christoph's blood stains on his lips, and the final layer of window paper broke.

Evelyn leaned in, and her soft, moist lips landed on Christoph's lips. The connection shocked the young man's brain while the woman indulged in her desires as her tongue crawled over the bloody lips.

Christoph reacted by his instincts, and his tongue licked the tip of Evelyn's feeler. His arms unknowingly had coiled around Evelyn's waist, and his crotch was now syncing movement with the lady.

The kiss deepened, but while discovering the softness of the lips. Evelyn's fang pricked Christoph's lip, making a few drops of blood color their tongues. The ecstasy they were experiencing doubled, as if kerosene was sprayed on a fire.

Evelyn grabbed Christoph's hand and placed it over her breasts as she said, "Feel me."

The young man obliged, he was not experienced in this aspect, but the lady was guiding him with great enthusiasm, and it was only fitting for him to reciprocate the emotion.

Christoph broke the kiss, and his tongue descended to discover what was hidden behind the collar of the white shirt. He could not help but leave a teeth mark on the soft pristine neck.

Evelyn shivered and returned the gesture by pulling Christoph away from his hair and kissing his neck. She bit his neck so hard that it left a mark. Christoph did not wish to be beaten by a woman, and as soon as the lady finished biting, the young man growled and kissed her passionately.

His hands were not ideal as he undid the buttons of the waistcoat and then the shirt. The lady did the same, exploring each other's skin with their bare hands. Evelyn pulled Christoph away from the kiss and shoved his head in her bosom.

Christoph complied as he touched the lady everywhere he could. While exploring the soft flesh of her belly, his hand brushed across something rough, and his curiosity made him reach for it.

He had no idea that his hand was close to the fireplace. Evelyn sensed his fingers moving over her skirt line, pulled his hand, and placed it directly over her nether region as she said, "Rub me."

In the meantime, Christoph had reached the hook of her bra, and just when he was about to rip off the back strap with his grip, a click sounded in the library.

Evelyn forgot about the pleasure, and her face paled. She pulled Christoph away from her, and her left hand was chopped directly on his neck. She did not care about catching him from falling on the floor and quickly adjusted her clothes and hair.

She was about to ask who was it when an old voice sounded, "What happened here?"

The old voice belonged to none other than Vincent. Evelyn replied, "He was hungry and assaulted me. I gave him some blood, but he wanted to have more. Thus, I knocked him out."

The butler ran his gaze across Christoph and sniffed the air. He said, "He is a newbie. Outbursts such as this will take some time to be controlled. I will send someone with some nourishment."

Evelyn nodded, and Vincent turned around to leave. It was not until the old man left the place did Evelyn let go of her breath. She was relieved because her brain was sharp enough to cover up all the bases. She could not fix the blood stains on her nape and collar despite rearranging her clothes.

She shook her head to put things aside, then picked up Christoph from the ground and placed him on the table. The young man groaned and woke up. He opened his eyes and found Evelyn staring at him closely.

The lady asked, "Do you remember what happened just now?"

After some thought, Christoph was surprised and said, "I was reading, and then I was overwhelmed by blood thirst. I recall attacking you…."

He jerked back and said, "I apologize for such behavior, Miss Evelyn. Please forgive me. I had no idea that such a thing would occur so suddenly."

Evelyn did not back off. She kept gazing into his eyes and found no deceit. She said, "No, next time."

Christoph nodded and said, "Yes, Miss Evelyn."

The lady nodded and said, "Continue reading. I will be back in a bit."

That said, the lady left the library with elegant strides. Christoph sighed and sat down on the chair again to read the book, but his brain was flooded with the scene from earlier.

He remembered everything but was afraid that Evelyn would kill him upon admittance. Thankfully, the page of the book helped him. It was not the topic he was reading before the incident. Still, the page said that there was a possibility that a vampire under the influence of blood lust could experience permanent or temporary amnesia.

He held his head while thinking about the things he did. This was not him, he had no idea what was making him so aggressive. This change was bothering him. However, when he recalled the reason he did all this, the young man calmed down and began to read.

Just when he was in focus, he heard a whisper, "Was her lips soft? Would you like to taste them again?"

In his daze, he replied mindlessly, "Yes."

A knife was placed against his nape the next moment, freezing him in his spot.