Prelude To The Stormy Night.

Christoph nodded, and the two turned to face the guests. Evelyn smiled, "Mellisa, about what we discussed, can I have another minute?"

She hoped back into her role of being an all-kind and humble lady. Thoughts started clouding in Mellisa's head as the lady was calling her over again. She felt fishy and began weighing the situation when Christmas patted her back, encouraging her, "Mom, Evelyn is calling for you."

Mellisa woke up from the daze and faintly nodded before she proceeded to talk to Evelyn. The ladies went to the isolated room again when Christoph attracted everyone, "People, let's eat!"

He was well-versed in his act of an energetic young man and cheered the people up. The students raised their arms in support, and the environment turned lively. The enthusiastic youngsters helped serve the food, and all the guests sat down to partake.

Christmas recalled, "My mother, she still..."

Christoph smiled, "Evelyn is discussing something important with your mother. We shall eat first, as we have some big things to do later."

Christmas was taken aback by Christoph's meaningful words and wanted to inquire more, but Christoph pointed at the dish full of food before her and signaled her to eat. The atmosphere was very cheerful.

Mellisa asked, "What is it, Miss Evelyn?"

Evelyn sighed as she tapped her foot on the floor, "The hunters have detected your daughter's presence. They are onto her."

She did not know how to dish this out in a pleasant way. This news was not good for anyone.

This news shocked Mellisa, who exclaimed, "What do you mean?! How did they find out about her after all these years? What do we do now? The entire fault is yours."

Evelyn shook her head and said, "You are blaming us unnecessarily. If it was because of us, we could have let you leave the compound without informing you, and they would have killed you and captured Christmas.

We are here. I want to make you understand that vampires are not as bad as you think. The Hunters are different. You have no idea what they can do or acquire what they have taken a liking to."

Mellisa had tears in her eyes. It was evident that she loved her daughter more than anything. She asked while sobbing, "What can we do now?"

Evelyn replied, "You can trust us and allow us to tell Christmas her real identity. Then we can take her under our wing."

Mellisa raised her head reflexively and asked, "What do you take her under your wing?"

Evelyn replied, " Do you know her life will not be normal? Her appearance will stop changing after she reaches twenty-five, and she will have to wear makeup to look older to maintain a cordial relationship with humans. She will need a supply of blood.

She also has a smart brain, and Vampires need wise people to sustain them. However, if she fell into the clutches of those bastards, they would experiment on her and make her work for them. If we take her under our wing, our family's name will be enough to keep the Hunters away from her and you."

Mellisa confirmed, "What is your family's name?"

Evelyn arrogantly raised her chin, "One of the twelve original families, the Silvermoon."

A few minutes later, when the guests had almost finished eating, Mellisa and Evelyn walked over. The two ladies seemed to have much more goodwill between them; that was what Christoph felt.

Evelyn looked at the young man and said, "Go, we have reached an agreement."

These ambiguous words left the guests with mixed thoughts. The students were confused, and the parents felt troubled. Evelyn caught this shift in expressions, "Earlier, the company assumed Christmas as the team's leader. So we considered setting her up as a spearhead to oversee the development.

After the meeting, we found that Christmas was the chief mechanic and the group's youngest. So, I just discussed this with Mellisa, and to make her more familiar with the dynamics of the company and project work a bit, we were willing to appoint her as a second mechanic to our vehicle development team in Chivalry Motors r&d department.

Since she had not turned eighteen till midnight, we had to ask for Mellisa's consent. Now, my assistant will take her to the race track on the city outskirts to meet the Chief Engineer and take a few tips."

One of the parents asked out of curiosity, "Madam, it is already seven in the evening. Isn't it too late?"

Evelyn smiled bitterly and said, "Chief Engineer Stacy will be leaving the nation for two years, he rarely visits the department here, and I had wanted to gift this opportunity to Christmas as her birthday gift. Do not worry. The rest of you will also get similar arrangements to receive specialized training in relative departments, but one person at a time, so the project does not lag."

The youngsters calmed down. However, the elders still had doubts poking their heads. Evelyn smiled and continued, "There's no need to worry for you all. I will clear all the doubts that you may have. But before that, let Christmas leave quickly."

Christoph stood up from his chair and wiped his mouth, arguing, "It is your turn to clean dishes today."

Evelyn glared at him and said begrudgingly, "Fine, you slave driver."

The two must admit they played the lead and followed the act well. Christmas looked at Melissa, who smiled elegantly, "What are you looking at, girl? Shoo, or that Chief engineer would leave."

Christmas rushed to hug her mother, thanked Evelyn, and started following Christoph to the side door. Evelyn sat on a chair, served herself and Mellisa some dishes, and asked, "How about we eat and talk?

The people agreed, and they began talking.

Christoph locked the garage door calmly, "Christmas, I want to ask you something important, right?"

The girl nodded with a faint smile. Christoph cursed himself as he was about to ruin this young lady's innocence. He collected his thoughts, "What would you do if I told you that Vampires are real?"