Shadow Moon Dance.

Julio came charging at Christoph with a silver knife in his hand. The latter just dodged the attack with a loose stance. He skipped a few steps back and gestured for Julio to approach him with his left hand.

The hunter had already lost his sanity. All he wanted to do now was to kill Christoph. His speed was not slow, and his attacks were sharp. The only thing that held him back was the knife stabbed in his shoulder blade. He could not take it out easily.

Christoph saw this, and while dodging the attacks, he said, "Awww, Juli, are you being held back by that knife? Let me help take it out for you."

Julio stabbed at him, but Christoph did not back off. Instead, he took a wide stride forward, appeared before the Hunter jumped up, and buried his knee in the enemy's chest.

The impact pushed the knife from the shoulder bones, breaking Julio's sternum. So what if he was a Hunter? The Vampire fighting against him was not a rookie but a progenitor.