Messy Life Of A Vampire.

Christmas did not expect the situation to change so suddenly. She looked at the black figure standing before Evelyn. The young lady was shocked, and her mind was dazed. However, the next moment, Ambrosia tells Evelyn to handle Christoph alone.

Meanwhile, Ambrosia held Christmas's arm and left the place. The latter could not help but keep looking back at Christoph.

Ambrosia said, "Christmas, do not worry. He will be safe."

Christmas was not consoled and said, "But, miss…"

Ambrosia stopped and said, "Young lady, you must understand your situation. Understand?"

Her tone was firm, but it did not scare away Christmas. She sighed and knew this girl was overwhelmed by her love for Christoph. She patted his shoulder and said, "Calm down, come. I must take you somewhere safe before I can handle him."

Christmas realized she was the weakling, so Ambrosia took her to a safe place. Hearing this, the young lady did not say anything else and picked up the pace to follow Ambrosia.