Taking Control.

The two people spent an hour talking before they clocked off and left the cabin together. Outside they found Evelyn and Christmas coming out of the cabin. Christoph said, "Christmas is also asked to participate in the task?" 

Evelyn nodded and said, "I did not understand why Carmine was given a task, but the Lady said this is a joint operation from the Inner Circle. So they have paired up various teams together." 

Christoph nodded calmly and questioned Christmas, "Are you okay?" 

The young lady nodded and him with a smile. Christoph could not help but reach out to pat her head. They got into the elevator and left the building. Evelyn took the girls back to the villa in her car while Christoph followed her on his bike.

When they reached home, they all had a few gulps of blood wine to wash away the minimal fatigue and achieve the peak of their physical states. Christoph asked, "What is the task?"