close calls

I took a deep breath of the crisp forest air, feeling the dampness of the earth beneath my feet. I was walking around with my bear, who was trotting alongside me with a content look on his face. It was just the two of us, wandering through the wilderness and enjoying the peace and quiet. Iceland has been treating me well over the weeks I paused for a moment, contemplating a name that would suit my loyal bear companion. After much thought, a name emerged from the depths of my mind, resonating with a sense of strength and resilience.

"Atlas," I said aloud, testing the name on my lips. It seemed to fit perfectly. "From this day forward, your name shall be Atlas."

Atlas turned his head towards me, his eyes shining with a newfound recognition. It was as if he understood the significance of the name and embraced it wholeheartedly. I could sense the deep bond between us growing even stronger. It felt like a well being filled up a little bit.As we continued our tranquil walk through the forest, I found myself engaging in a one-sided conversation with Atlas. Though I knew he couldn't respond in words, there was something comforting about sharing my thoughts and feelings with him. It felt like he understood, even without the ability to speak.

"Atlas, my faithful companion," I began, my voice soft and filled with a mix of gratitude and admiration. "You've been with me through thick and thin, facing the dangers of this world with unwavering loyalty. I couldn't have asked for a better partner."

Atlas walked alongside me, his massive form exuding strength and protection. His presence alone brought me a sense of security, a reminder that I was not alone in this harsh and unforgiving landscape.

"You know," I continued, my words flowing freely as if speaking to a trusted friend. "When I first met you, I never could have imagined the bond we would develop. You've become more than just a bear to me. You're my companion, my confidant, and my source of courage in times of darkness."

Atlas looked at me with his gentle, understanding eyes, and I couldn't help but smile. It was a silent exchange, a connection that surpassed the limitations of spoken language. In his own way, Atlas conveyed his loyalty and devotion, assuring me that we were in this together.

As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the unspoken bond we shared. Atlas had become a pillar of strength in my life, a constant reminder that even in the face of unimaginable challenges, I was not alone.

"With you by my side, Atlas," I whispered, my voice filled with determination, "we can face anything that comes our way. Together, we'll navigate these treacherous lands and find a way to survive. I believe in us."

Moving over a branch I looked over the distance we had been moving through the forest and we lost the tracks we found on the beach. I quickly moved down the hill calling Atlas to follow along the thumps on the ground signified he was following. Below us was a small town slowing down to a jog through the dense forest, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the occasional caw of a distant bird. It felt like we were being watched, but I couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary.

As we descended the hill and approached the small town, a sense of foreboding settled upon us. The sight before us was unsettling. The walls of the buildings that lined the streets were marred with disturbing graffiti, scrawled in crimson red. The symbols and images seemed to tell a macabre tale, sending a chill down our spines.

I cautiously stepped forward, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement or life. The silence in the town was deafening, broken only by the occasional gust of wind that carried the whispers of the forest. The air felt heavy with an unspoken tension, as if the very atmosphere held its breath in anticipation.

The graffiti on the walls seemed to form a twisted narrative, depicting scenes of violence and despair. Symbols and cryptic messages were interspersed with splatters of what appeared to be fresh blood. It was a haunting sight, one that sent a shiver down my spine.

My loyal companion, Atlas, stuck close by my side, his keen senses alert for any sign of danger. His ears twitched, and he let out a low growl, confirming my suspicion that we were not alone in this desolate place.

The town, once vibrant and bustling, now lay abandoned and in ruins. Broken windows, boarded-up doors, and an overall sense of decay spoke of a place long forgotten by civilization. It felt as though the town itself was trapped in a state of perpetual darkness, its spirit tainted by a malevolent presence.

As we ventured further into the town, the feeling of being watched intensified. Shadows seemed to dance in the corners of my vision, and whispers brushed against my ears, too faint to decipher. It was as if the very walls held the secrets of this forsaken place, yearning to reveal their tales of darkness and despair.

Every step we took echoed through the desolate streets, our footfalls disturbing the eerie stillness. The weight of the unknown pressed upon us, urging us to uncover the truth behind the blood-stained graffiti and the silence that enveloped the town.

With each passing moment, the feeling of being watched transformed into a suffocating presence. I could no longer deny that something sinister lurked in the shadows, observing our every move. Fear mingled with curiosity, compelling us to uncover the mysteries that lay hidden within this forsaken town.

As we cautiously made our way through the streets, a strange symbol caught my attention. It was different from the others, larger and more intricate, painted in what seemed to be fresh blood. Its twisted design sent a chill down my spine, a primal instinct warning me of the imminent danger that lurked nearby.

Suddenly, a distant sound pierced the silence—a soft, mocking laughter that seemed to echo through the abandoned buildings. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, and my heart pounded in my chest. We were no longer alone, and whatever malevolent force dwelled within this town was aware of our presence.

Gripping my weapon tightly, I exchanged a determined glance at Atlas and he decided to lead. We knew that to unravel the mysteries of this place and find the truth we sought, we had to confront the darkness head-on. With our resolve steeled, As we ventured further into the depths of the decrepit building, the air thickened with an eerie anticipation. Suddenly, the ground beneath us shook, causing us to stumble and lose our footing. The walls quivered as a tremendous force surged through them, and with an explosive crash, a massive deer burst into the room.

This deer was unlike any we had ever encountered before. Its size was monstrous, towering above us with antlers that stretched wide and menacingly. Its fur was a deep shade of black, and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity. The laughter we had heard transformed into a chilling voice that emanated from the deer, sending shivers down our spines.

With a malicious grin, the deer spoke, its voice a twisted combination of mockery and menace. "Welcome, foolish intruders. You've stumbled upon my domain, unfortunately you can't tell others what you've seen." With that being said the ground shook as it charged at us. Atlas moved forward to stop it

As the massive deer charged toward us with thunderous hooves pounding against the ground, Atlas, my loyal polar bear companion, stepped forward to intercept its menacing advance. The bear's muscles rippled with strength as it braced itself for the impact, its icy gaze fixed upon the creature's malevolent eyes.

With a powerful swipe of its paw, Atlas met the deer's charge head-on, their clash reverberating through the decrepit building. The sheer force of their collision sent splintered debris flying, filling the air with a cloud of dust and fragments of shattered memories.

The deer's antlers glinted ominously in the dim light as it attempted to overpower Atlas, its supernatural strength evident in every calculated strike. But the polar bear was no ordinary opponent. With instincts honed by survival in the harshest of environments, Atlas skillfully evaded the deer's attacks, his agility and swiftness allowing him to maneuver with an uncanny grace.

The room became a chaotic battleground, with the clash of their formidable forces shaking the very foundation of the building.

The deer's antlers slashed through the air, seeking to impale the polar bear, while Atlas retaliated with savage swipes of his razor-sharp claws. Each strike left deep gashes in the creature's dark fur, staining the surroundings with trails of crimson.

Blood sprayed in the air as the combatants exchanged blow after bone-crushing blow. The deer's haunting laughter transformed into feral snarls of rage, reverberating through the room and echoing the savagery of their clash.

Amidst the chaos, I fought alongside Atlas, thrusting my weapon with precision and desperation. The sound of metal meeting flesh and bone filled the air, accompanied by the sickening crunch of impact. Each strike aimed to weaken the beast, to drain its dark essence and release the town from its curse.

The deer's eyes glowed with a deranged ferocity, its malevolent voice resounding with twisted delight. It taunted us, reveling in the pain and suffering it inflicted upon us. Yet, its own form bore the marks of our relentless assault, wounds deep and seeping with black ichor.

In a desperate maneuver, the deer lunged forward, its antlers aimed directly at Atlas' chest. The polar bear's instincts kicked in, evading the deadly attack with a hair's breadth. Instead, the antlers grazed his flank, tearing through flesh and causing a visceral spray of blood.

Atlas roared in both agony and fury, unleashing a retaliatory onslaught of unmatched power. He sank his formidable teeth into the deer's neck, tearing sinew and muscle with a primal determination. The creature writhed and thrashed, but the polar bear's grip remained unyielding, his jaws locked in a vice-like grip.

In a final act of defiance, the deer unleashed a blast of dark energy, engulfing the room in a malevolent aura. Shadows twisted and writhed, threatening to consume all light and hope. But Atlas, fueled by his indomitable spirit, resisted the encroaching darkness, refusing to succumb.

With one final exertion of strength, Atlas delivered a crushing blow to the deer's skull, shattering bone and silencing its mocking laughter once and for all. The creature collapsed to the ground, lifeless and defeated, its grotesque form blending with the detritus of the ruined room.

Breathing heavily, covered in blood and wounds, we stood amidst the aftermath of the brutal battle. The room bore the scars of their clash, a testament to the viciousness of the encounter. Out of the carcass came out a wraith that screamed and left through the broken roof.

Atlas flashed white and my shoulder burned in pain as I collapsed on the floor. Tiering of my clothes, a tattoo of a bear glaring out at the world. On my shoulder the surrounding skin was like a glimmering ruby in the light.

Looking up, no bear was bleeding on the floor, just his blood, then putting two and two together the only reasonable thing is that he went and formed that tattoo, probably some way to just heal for the meantime. Getting up my legs nearly buckled under the weight of my upper body. Some of the steroid deers blood was still on me. I didn't have the strength to rub it off me leaving the building. I forgot to look around the corner before crossing to the next wall. And stomping noises enough that the floor shakes.


Suddenly, a horde of zombies emerged from around the corner, drawn by the scent of the deer's blood that still clung to me. They shambled towards me, their vacant eyes fixed on their potential prey. Fear gripped me, knowing that I couldn't withstand their relentless assault in my weakened state.

But just as the zombies closed in on me, their rotting hands outstretched, a peculiar shift occurred in their behavior. They paused, their decaying faces turning towards me, sniffing the air with curiosity. The putrid stench of death hung heavy in the air as they examined me, their vacant expressions betraying a flicker of recognition.

It was as if they sensed something different about me, something that set me apart from their usual prey. The zombies tilted their heads, their senses heightened in their undead state. They sniffed me again, their movements slow and deliberate.

In that moment, I held my breath, unsure of what would transpire. The tension in the air was palpable as the zombies seemingly deliberated their next course of action.

Then, as if by some unknown agreement, the zombies collectively turned away from me. Their hollow groans filled the silence as they resumed their aimless wandering, leaving me untouched and unharmed.

I stood there, astounded by the inexplicable turn of events. It seemed that my encounter with the deer and the subsequent battle had altered something within me, changing the way the zombies perceived me. They recognized that I was not their usual prey, that I carried a different scent, and they left me alone.

As the last of the zombies disappeared into the shadows, I took a moment to collect myself, allowing a mixture of relief and bewilderment to wash over me. It was as if fate had intervened, sparing me from a gruesome fate at the hands of the undead.

Gathering my waning strength, I decided to seize the opportunity and make my escape. The encounter with the zombies had been a strange twist in an already surreal journey. I couldn't explain the phenomenon, but I knew one thing for certain - I had been granted a second chance.