Chapter 26: school magical academy of rugulas

After many years of peace, Ryo and Rimia's children grew up to be powerful and talented magic users, just like their parents. They were enrolled in the prestigious magical academy of Rugulas, where they were taught by some of the most skilled and knowledgeable wizards in the land.

The academy was located in the heart of a lush forest, surrounded by towering trees and mystical creatures. It was a place of great learning and knowledge, where students were taught the secrets of magic and the ways of the world.

Ryo and Rimia's children excelled in their studies, mastering spells and incantations that most students could only dream of. They made friends with other students from all over the world, learning about different cultures and traditions.

But there was one student who stood out among the rest, a mysterious and enigmatic figure known only as the Dark Mage. No one knew his real name or where he came from, but his power was undeniable. He was able to cast spells that were beyond the capabilities of most students, and his presence seemed to instill fear in those around him.

Despite his intimidating aura, Ryo and Rimia's children were drawn to the Dark Mage. They wanted to learn from him and understand his methods, even if it meant risking their own safety.

As they delved deeper into the Dark Mage's teachings, Ryo and Rimia's children began to uncover a dark secret. The Dark Mage was not who he appeared to be. He was a rogue wizard who had been banished from the academy for practicing forbidden magic.

The Dark Mage had returned to the academy with a plan to overthrow the headmaster and take control of the academy. Ryo and Rimia's children realized too late that they had been manipulated by the Dark Mage, and they were now caught in the middle of a dangerous conflict.

With the help of some trusted friends, Ryo and Rimia's children were able to uncover the Dark Mage's plot and put a stop to his plans. The academy was saved, and the Dark Mage was once again banished from its halls.

But the events of that fateful year left a lasting impression on Ryo and Rimia's children. They had learned the dangers of forbidden magic and the importance of trusting their instincts. They knew that there were always those who would seek to use their power for their own selfish gain, and they vowed to always be vigilant and protect those who could not protect themselves.